Judicial Educators’ Network – JEDNET
A sustainable international network for sharing
judicial education experience
JEDNET is a network of judicial educators formed under the leadership of Canada’s National Judical Institute (NJI – www.nji.ca). It operates as a project of NJI’s International Cooperation Group. JEDNET’s partners are the Philippines Judicial Academy (PHILJA - www.philja.gov.ph) and the Centro de Estudios de Justicia de las Américas (CEJA - www.cejamericas.org).
The Network’s goal is to provide a forum for sharing and collaborating with judicial educators through a web site, newsletter and capacity building workshops. JEDNET has the potential to expand to organizations involved in judicial education from countries around the world.
JEDNET will provide leadership, coordination, and practical services to foster the involvement of Canadian judges in international cooperation activities. It aims to improve the quality of judicial education both internationally and in Canada through exchanges which enable judges in Canada and other countries to learn from each other’s experience.
JEDNET is directed by an international management committee and a Canadian Advisory Committee.
· Web site: online resources for judicial and legal educators; a platform for sharing experiences and a reference point for information about judicial education initiatives.
· Newsletter: international networking activities of interest to judicial educators, information about new approaches and methodologies of interest to judicial educators; articles on topics of special interest.
· Capacity-building workshops: an intensive capacity building process in which education methodologies and approaches found to be most effective by the three partners are showcased and discussed.
· Roster: a database of Canadian judges available for international work to help the JEDNET partners and others to access Canadian judicial expertise. To complement the roster, NJI will create protocols on judicial selection and deployment in international projects, and pre-mission briefings.
· Participation at international conferences: on-going linkages among participants to share experience and build capacity. Representatives of PHILJA, CEJA and NJI will attend relevant international conferences and post information from the conferences on the JEDNET web site.
Project undertaken with the financial support of the government of Canada provided through the Canadian International Development Agency.
For more information:
T. Brettel Dawson
Director, International Cooperation Group
National Judical Institute
613 237 1118 ext 242