Golden Jubilee Issue of 'Sai Sudha'

It was in June 1940 that our revered H. H. Narasimha Swamiji started the monthly journal 'SAI SUDHA' devoted to propagate Sri Sai Baba's teachings, His exemplary life. His wise counsel and His ever continuing protection, guidance, and uplift of devotees living near and far drawn to Him by 'rinanu-bandha' unknown to the devotees themselves - all these in particular, and also generally and specifically to stress upon the mission of Sri Sai Baba in bringing together the major communities of India - the Hindus and the Muslims - under His kind care, stressing the essence of all religions, thus ensuring communal harmony and brotherhood. Sri Sai Baba by his Divine presence made all classes of people understand the underlying unity of all religions and made Shirdi the focal point of a life of service and love.

It is the forethought of our Swamiji to use the media of a journal to carry out Sri Sai Baba's mission. The power of the pen is mightier than the sword. The pen gives the ideas, the ways and the means to broadcast and convince the people of the importance of Sai faith so that ultimately the society and the people reform themselves and realise the truth that God is one in whatever name or manner He is worshipped by various peoples of the world.

'Sai Sudha' is now fifty years old. Even from the beginning in 1940, 'Sai Sudha' carried articles in English, Tamil, and Telugu. By the untiring and almost non-stop lectures by our Gurudev H. H. Narasimhaswamiji and by his bringing out innumerable leaflets, books, etc. separately and also through the columns of 'Sai Sudha', Sri Sai Baba became a household word in Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka, and Kerala, and many boys and girls have been named after Sri Sai Baba. Even business enterprises and other vocational training centres have Sai Baba's name and all these have come about because of the Sai prachar carried out by the great apostle of Sri Sai Baba - our Guru Maharaj H. H. Narasimhaswamiji.

From 1940 to 1956 - until the merger of our Swamiji with the Master, 'Sai Sudha' reflected the thoughts and ideas and work of Narasimhaswamiji. In fact, the popularity of Sai Sudha has been increasing with the number of Sai Mandirs and Sai institutions that have come up in all places in India because of Swamiji's presence, inspiration and work. These sixteen years have witnessed the growth of Sai faith in Guntur, Nellore, Bitragunta, Kavali, Tenali, Vijayawada, Eluru, Repalle, Ventrapragada, Visakhapatnam, Tirupathi, Secunderabad and Hyderabad, where the seeds of Sai faith and Bhakti were sown, and to-day even a tiny hamlet of Andhra resounds with Sai name and Sai devotion. Likewise in Tamil Nadu, Sai Mandirs were started in Coimbatore - Naga Sai Mandir - Vellore, Madurai, Tiruchi, Kumbakonam, Tanjore, Vellore, Wandiwash, etc. Swamiji sent Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji to Bangalore in' 1952. Sri Narasimha Swamiji started the Sri Sai Samaj at Ebrahim Sahib Street, Bangalore, and later, the Sai Spiritual Centre at Thyagaraja Nagar was founded by Sri Saipadananda Radhakrishna Swamiji, in the glorious continuation of the Master's work. Sri Narasimhaswamiji started many Sai institutions in Hubli, Darwar. Tumkur, and other important centres in Karnataka.

Swamiji did not confine his activities to South India. In fact, he toured North India and visited important cities of Bombay, Pune, Ahmedabad, Indore, Allahabad, Calcutta, etc. Swamiji was instrumental in starting Sri Sai Mandirs and Sai Associations in North Indian Cities (at all important places), and Sri Rege Maharaj had described him as the Sai Vyasa and as Vivekananda in propagating the Sai faith and Sai movement. All Sai prachar work was detailed in 'Sai Sudha', and 'Sai Sudha' detailed the lecture tours and his speeches.

'Sai Sudha1 was at first printed at the India Printing Works thanks to the great help rendered in this regard by Sri V. C. Vasudevan, in South Mada Street, Mylapore, Madras-4, and later, in the 1950's when Sai Samaj was equipped with the necessary types and machine, 'Sai Sudha' printing was done at the All India Sai Samaj press itself. Sai Samaj Press began printing not only 'Sai Sudha' but also printed various works on Sri Sai Baba - Introduction to Sai Baba, Devotees' experiences, Charters and Sayings, Sai Ashtotra, Sai Sahasranamavali, Sai Bajans, Glimpses of Sai Baba, Life of Sri Sai Baba in four volumes - and is playing a great part in bringing out Sai literature, which is indeed the legacy, the great treasure left to us by Sri Narasimhaswamiji, our revered Gurudev. Sai Sudha in fact became the Sai Baba link - an Ambassador taking to the doorsteps of devotees the message of Narasimhaswamiji, eagerly looked forward by the devotees. 'Sai Sudha' was Swamiji's mouthpiece. Swamiji presented a continuous 'Heart to heart' talk through Sai Sudha, and all devotees used to think that Swamiji was visiting them through Sai Sudha. It symbolised a sacred welcome Guru prasad and Guru's Grace. 'Sai Sudha' was thus venerated by the devotees.

'Sai Sudha' dealt with all subjects that are of concern to the devotees. The experiences of the devotees ware given prominence so as to sustain Sai faith. Articles on 'Bhagavad Gita For practice', explanation of the ideas and viewpoints of various religions, the Vedas, the Upanishads, were all dealt with in simple understandable language. Importance was also given to the educational side - the research in Man's personality and psychology so as to befit men and women to face the challenges of life. Religious Truths were explained in simple language and all facets of philosophy were given due importance. Swamiji, by his extreme kindness, involved many leading men of letters and knowledge to contribute to Sai Sudha. In fact, eminent men of philosophy were contributors to Sai Sudha.

While Swamiji continued to guide Sai Sudha by his personal supervision, he made Swami Sivananda, Sri K. S. Ramaswamy Sastri, Sri Suddhananda Bharati, and many others to contribute editorials, and interesting articles to Sai Sudha.

After Swamiji's merger with Sri Sai Baba, Sri K. S. Ramaswamy Sastri took on the Editorship. He wrote a series of articles on Brahma Sutras and also on Baba's philosophy. Afterwards, when Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji came back and became involved in the All India Sai Samaj affairs, he continued as Editor till 1980 January. Now the mantle has fallen on us to carry on this torch of Truth and Knowledge. Upholding the rich traditions, we strive our utmost to propagate the aims and mission of Sai on the lines already laid down by our Gurudev H. H. Narasimha Swamiji and Sri Radhakrishna Swamiji.

'Sri Sudha' reflects the essence of all religions and focusses its attention to the exemplary life and conduct of Sri Sai Baba Himself and propagates His teachings. It also strives to fully describe the life and dedicated work of Gurudev Narasimhaswamiji and his devoted followers. Every issue of Sai Sudha contains the wisdom of Sri Narasimhaswamiji and Sri Sai Padananda Radhakrishna Swamiji. Sai Sudha has no bias or prejudices. It serves to bring together all classes of people as one of Sai family and children of Sai faith. It stands for universal brotherhood and reflects the underlying unity of all religions - the essence that Sri Sai Baba, the Divine Avatar, preached and practiced. Sai Sudha wants one and all to realise God-hood and to live a life of good conduct and high and noble thinking.

As we enter the fifty-first year, 'SAI SUDHA' reaffirms its strict adherence to Truth and its full commitment to continue the work of H. H. Narasimhaswamiji in carrying out Sai prachar with the idea that the Sai Bliss and Sai Blessings will reach every nook and corner of India and give to the world this universal message of Sri Sai Baba for a better society where tolerance, co-operation, service, and love amongst all peoples will prevail.


Sai Sudha

Sincere prayer draws the Grace of the Lord. Prayer sharpens the brain and the intellect. Prayer elevates the mind. It can reach a realm where reason dares not enter, the Kingdom of God. Prayer is a mighty spiritual force. Prayer generates good spiritual currents and produces tranquillity of the mind. If you pray regularly, >our life will be gradually changed and moulded. Prayer purifies the mind and the intellect of man and fills them with Sattwa.

—H. H. Narasimhaswamiji