Ms. Woods Classes
Language Arts Language! Live Level 1
Teacher: Ms. Linda WoodsPhone: 909-594-1657 X55184
Class Web Page
Communication is extremely important for your student to succeed. I am available Monday through Friday 7:30 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. The best way to reach me is through email, I check email at least twice a day. If you need a return call, please leave your phone number on the email. Any concern or emergency please feel free to call. Available hours for class phone are “A”” period. Our class welcomes your support.
Curriculum: Language! Live-Level 1 is a researched based State adopted intervention program aligned to CCSS which has amazing results. Students will work with this program daily and there is minimal online homework.
Homework: Students will be required to read 30 minutes a night (including weekends and holidays) from high interest reading materials in their AR level. RenPlace, aka Home Connect is set up in our class, you can view reading books on RenPlace link through the class website and the parent letter sent home for Home Connect. If students would like to check out books from our class library they will take responsibility to replace books if they are lost. I also, recommend high interest appropriate magazines for students to read at home. Please support buying student magazines for incentives and rewards at home. Reading journals are required for all Accelerated Reading books read and journals will be done on a reading log. Please monitor and sign that student has read therequired amount of time daily.
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Grades based on modified curriculum and assessments. Grades and behavior upheld to school standards prevent the loss of activities. Parents please sign up for Parent Portal as soon as possible and review grades weekly with your child. If you need set-up or password instructions to access Parent Portal please let me know and I can obtain information paperwork to send home with your student. Parents can also contact office for this information.
Conduct: Students are required to follow school rules as well as class rules. The classroom environment is to remain respectful, positive, and fun in order for all students to receive optimum learning. Safety is a huge priority and social skills will be addressed daily with the use of evidence based practices for Autism Spectrum Disorders.
Daily Reports are a required part of the ASRD program. Parents are notified daily, period by period, of their students behaviors and academics. If your student earns a 1 it means that they performed expected behavior for a middle school student. A 2 means your student was prompted several times to meet the expected middle school behavior. 3 means your student performed unexpected middle school and/or maladaptive behaviors. We ask that you support our reward system for all 1’s on a Daily by signing and possible setting up a home reward system. We also ask for support in monitoring the 2 behaviors and provide some type of incentive program at home to help student achieve success in expected behaviors for the future. If your student comes home with a 3 please support by have a consequence system at home. If 3’s are earned consistently, together parent, teacher, and ASRD support team will work together to correct behaviors through a preferred individual communication system.
Supplies: Students are welcome to bring bottled water, Kleenex, and supplies that are not required by the IEP. The only supplies required for this class is pencils, eraser, and fine tip white board markers.
Thank you very much for you time. Please sign and return that you have received and read. I looking forward to serving you and your student,
Linda Woods, Education Specialist, MA
Language Arts, Language! Live Level 1 Syllabus
Student Name: ______
Parent Signature:______
Date: ______