Crafts Class Syllabus
Art Fee $15.00 - Art fee is to be paid in the high school office to Mrs. Juillerat. She will give you a receipt of payment that you should keep in the event that your payment record is not properly recorded. The receipt is your proof of payment.
Instructor: Mrs. Hendrix Planning Period: 3RD
Course Requirements: No Pre-requisite for the class. This class is an introductory course. This class
does not serve as a pre-requisite to any other class in the art class offerings. The next class available to you will be Art I. Art I is the pre-requisite for Art II and Art II is the pre-requisite for Art III and Clay I.
Course Description: Crafts class will focus on the history of craft making and cultures. Each project will be inspired by the history that precedes it with a modern twist. Many of the projects will use materials that we will recycle, repurpose, up-cycle or re-use. Crafts that will be explored along with the art history topic to be covered are as follows:
Weaving – Early American Navajo Indian Culture
Paper Mache Masks – Mexican Culture, Day of the Dead Celebration; this will coincide
with the Spanish class study of the day and may incorporate the two classes.
Paper Quilling – Victorian Era Europe; history of the craft
Hardware Jewelry / Sculpture – Industrial Style Art and Steampunk
Collage Trees and Insects – History of collage; Artists Pablo Picasso and George Braque
Yarn Baskets - African Zulu Weavers
Classroom Expectations:
1.) Behave in a respectable manner towards fellow students, teacher and art projects in the room.
2.) Work with a purpose every day.
3.) No Food in the classroom/ No Drink except for water in a clear bottle
4.) When in doubt, ASK QUESTIONS!
Leaving the room: restroom breaks, locker, etc.
3 passes from the classroom are allotted to each student per 9 week grading period.
These passes are recorded in a class log that Mrs. Hendrix keeps. The passes are the
student’s to use as they wish but must have an agenda to use all 3. If the student does
not have their agenda, Mrs. Hendrix will give a written pass but the student will use 2 of
the 3 passes for one incident. It is the student’s responsibility to use the passes wisely.
Once they have been used, the student may not leave the classroom for any reason
except for real emergencies or with a note from a doctor.
Daily Work Grade:
A daily work grade is given every day based on the work efforts and use of time during the period. A student can earn 0-5 points daily. Unexcused absences are counted as a 0 and excused absences are not counted. The following is the scale for which students are graded:
5 points: Worked the entire period making substantial progress due to excellent time management.
4 points: Worked the majority of the period making significant progress. May have gotten started 5 minutes late or cleaned up 5minutes early and/or possibly wasted some minutes in between.
3 points: Worked approximately half the period either getting started more than 5 minutes into period or cleaning up too early. Made some progress on project but significant time was wasted.
2 points: Worked very little and made minimal progress on work assigned.
1 point: No work was completed but student was not disruptive to others.
0 points: No work was completed and student was disruptive to others preventing others to work efficiently or unexcused absence.
The following is a contract between the student and the teacher.
I,_________________________________________________________(student name), will do my best to respect the classroom and the rules that are discussed within the syllabus. It is my duty to be responsible for myself and my actions which include being respectful of others and their work, respectful of classroom supplies and the care of maintaining them, and to the teacher. In return, I will earn respect from my teacher and fellow classmates.
If I am absent, whether excused or unexcused, I will make arrangements with Mrs. Hendrix to complete the work missed in a timely manner. I understand that I may come to the art room to work during study halls or homeroom time when allowed in order to make up work. Once a project’s due date has passed, I must use these times in order to complete the work. This is in place so that I will not get behind on other projects and miss out on important instruction.
I also understand that cell phone use during class time is not appropriate and my phone will be confiscated if I am texting or talking on the phone. I may only have my phone out when I have permission from a teacher and for educational use only. This is the rule as stated in the Student Handbook and I will follow this procedure. Refusal to turn over a cell phone to the teacher will result in disciplinary action and an office referral.
I understand all of the information herein and if I have any questions I will ask Mrs. Hendrix for clarification.
Please sign and date on the line below and return to teacher.
Parent Signature Date Student Signature