Chair:Yujiro Inouye

Past Chair: Rueywen Liu

Chair-Elect:Cichocki Andrzej

Secretary:Derong Liu

Here is the summary of BSP activities since last ISCAS in Vancouver, May 2004.

(1)Conferences or workshops where the BSP TC or members of the TC was/were actively involved in 2004-2005:

R. Liu: General Chair of the IEEE 6th CAS Symposium on Emerging Technologies: Frontiers of Mobile and Wireless Communication, May 31 – June 2, 2004, Shanghai, China.

A.Cichocki: ISCAS-2004, ICASSP-2004, EUSIPCO-2004, ISCAS -2005

J. Vandewalle:Program Chair, IJCNN 2004 in Budapest (there were several sessions on blind signal processing and independent component analysis)

Alle-Jan van der Veen: ICASSP 2005 (Philadelphia, March 2005), as chairman of SPCOM-TC, arranged 20 sessions, out of which two on BSP.

S. Choi: Program Committee Members: Int’l Joint. Conf. Neural Networks 2004

D. Liu: Exhibits Chair, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2005 (Tucson, Arizona)

D. Liu: Publicity Chair, International Symposium on Neural Networks, 2004(Dalian, China)

D. Liu: Publicity Chair, INNS-IEEE International Joint Conference on Neural Networks, 2004(Budapest, Hungary)

Wei Xing Zheng: Program Committee Member of the 43rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC 2004), Paradise Island, Bahamas, December 14-17, 2004.

Wei Xing Zheng: Program Committee Member of the 2004 IEEE Symposium on Neural Networks, Dalian, China, August 19-21, 2004.

Wei Xing Zheng: International Program Committee Member of the 2004 International Conference on Dynamics, Instrumentation and Control (CDIC’2004), Nanjing, China, August 18-20, 2004.

L. De Lathauwer: Member International Program Committee Fifth Int. Conf. on Independent Component Analysis (ICA’2004), Granada, Spain, Sept. 22-24, 2004.

L. De Lathauwer: Member Technical Program Committee XIIth European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO'04), Vienna, Sept. 7-10, 2004.

(2)Ongoing conferences or workshops where the BSP TC or members of the TC is/are actively involved:

R. Liu: ISCAS 2005.

A.Cichocki: ICANN-2005, ISNN-2005, ICASP-2006, MLSP_2005 (2005 IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing)

J. Vandewalle: General Co-Chair for NOLTA 2005 in BrugesBelgium

Wei Xing Zheng serves as an International Program Committee Member of the 2005 IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, Tucson, Arizona, USA, March 19-22, 2005.

Wei Xing Zheng: International Program Committee Member of the 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, Limassol, Cyprus, June 27-29, 2005.

Wei Xing Zheng: Program Committee Member of the 8th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, Sydney, Australia, August 29-September 1, 2005.

Wei Xing Zheng: Program Committee Member of the joint 44th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control and European Control Conference (CDC-ECC'2005), Seville, Spain, December 6-9, 2005.

Wei Xing Zheng: Organizer and Chair of Special Session “Blind System Identification” at the 8th International Symposium on Signal Processing and Its Applications, Sydney, Australia, August 29-September 1, 2005.

D. Liu: Publicity Chair, 20th IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2005

D. Liu: Publicity Chair, 13th Mediterrenean Conference on Control and Automation, 2005(Cyprus)

D. Liu: Program Chair, IEEE International Conference on Networking, Sensing and Control, 2006 (Miami, FL)

D. Liu: Program Chair, 21st IEEE International Symposium on Intelligent Control, 2006
(Munich, Germany)

D. Liu: Registration Chair, World Congress on Computational Intelligence, 2006(Vancouver, Canada)

S. Choi:Program Committee Members: IEEE Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing 2005

L. De Lathauwer: Chair Workshop on Tensor Decompositions and Applications, CIRM, Luminy, Marseille, France, Aug. 29 - Sept. 2, 2005.

(3)Short courses and lectures:

R. Liu: Delivered short course at

ShanghaiJiaoTongUniversity, Shanghai, China

FudanUniversity, Shanghai, China

TsinghuaUniversity, Beijing, China

A.Cichocki: Invited lecture and courses recently in Singapore and Poland

L. De Lathauwer: ``La Décomposition Canonique en Algèbre Multilinéaire : Concept, Algorithmes, Applications'', LIS-seminar, Grenoble, France, March 17, 2005, invited.

L. De Lathauwer: Case Studies in Biomedical Signal Processing (24h, with S. Van Huffel and B. Vanrumste), Ph.D. Course in Computational Biosignal Processing, Jan. 24 - Febr. 4, 2005, Leuven, Belgium.

L. De Lathauwer, ``Algebraic Techniques for the Blind Deconvolution of Constant Modulus Signals'', ETIS-seminar, E.N.S.E.A., Cergy-Pontoise, France, Sept. 2, 2004.

D. Liu: Short course at the Graduate School of Chinese Academy of Sciences in BeijingChina

(4)Distinguished Lecturer in 2004-2005:

(5)Editorial boards:

Alle-Jan van der Veen: Editor-in-Chief of IEEE Signal Processing Letters. As such, he introduced a separate EDICS category on blind source separation/ICA. This topic received 40 submissions in 2004.

A.Cichocki: Associate Editor of IEEE Trans on NN

D. Liu: Associate Editor of IEEE Trans on NN

Wei Xing Zheng: Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Circuits and Systems I until June 2004.

Wei Xing Zheng: Associate Editor, IEEE Trans. on Automatic Control.

(6)Books and book chapters:

1. Adaptive Blind Signal and Image Processing by A. Cichocki and S. Amari has been revised and translated to Chinese.

2. P.G. Georgiev, A.Cichocki, and H.Bakardjian, "Optimization techniques for independent component analysis with applications to EEG data," in Quantitative Neuroscience: Models, Algorithms, Diagnostics, and Therapeutic Applications, pp.53-68, Boston, USA: Kluwer Academic, 2004.

3. P. G. Georgiev, F. Theis and A. Cichocki: Optimization Algorithms for Sparse Representations and Applications, In the edited book (Ed. P. Pardalos) On Multiscale Optimization, 2005 (in print).

4. A. Cichocki Generalized Component Analysis and Blind Source Separation

Methods for Analyzing Multichannel Brain Signals in the book Notre Dame

Series on Quantitative Methodology, publisher LEA, 2005 (in print)

(7)IEEE services:

R. Liu: Membership program in China

Preparation of the Proposal for ISCAS’09 in Beijing

Organization and Chairing the IEEE 6th CAS Symposium on Emerging Technologies

(9) Next BSP TC meeting will be held during the 2005 IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, Kobe, Japan, May 23-26, 2005 (time and location will be announced soon).