Curriculum Block Plan Week Beginning –October 23rdTitle –Autumn changes and celebrations

Experiences and Outcomes / Play Experiences and Learning opportunities starting points / Focus for Learning/ Assessments
(I CAN … I AM LEARNING TO …) (say, make, write, do)
Literacy and English -I listen and watch for useful or interesting information and I use this to make choices or learn new things. LIT 0-04a
As I play and learn, I enjoy exploring interesting materials for writing and different ways of recording my experiences and feelings, ideas and information. LIT 0-21b
I use signs, books or other texts to find useful or interesting information and I use this to plan, make choices or learn new things. LIT 0-14a / Provide a variety of books and visual materials linked to autumn, festivals in October and November and clocks changing. Identify key words for emotions (see HWB) and use in word boost activities and word of the week.
Provide markmaking opportunities with twigs etc outside and inside.
Provide recipes and recipe templates for baking and cooking and in role play – encourage list making, menus for mud kitchen with chalk, pencils etc., making potions in messy play and mud kitchen – writing recipes
Role play and literacy activities linked to night and day/ stars stories such as Laura’s star and I don’t like the dark. / I can take turns in short conversations
I can understand the words and phrases used in my setting
I choose to look at books
I can engage with a good quality supply of fiction and non fiction books of appropriate difficulty
I can use different tools to make meaningful marks writing in different contexts (cooking, mud kitchen, literacy area, construction and maths areas)
Maths and Numeracy –I have spotted and explored patterns in the world around me 0-13a
I can share out a group of items by making smaller groups and can split a whole object into smaller parts. MNU 0-07a / Create patterns with look at examples and create and display own pictures – link to Diwali and fireworks patterns – using paints, cubes, tiles
Sharing out activities using conkers, cones, leaves etc. Sharing play cakes and pizza in home corner / I can recognise and copy patterns in my world (pattern and relationships)
I can share out objects between people so everyone has the same
Health and Wellbeing–
I am aware of and able to express my feelings and am developing the ability to talk about them. HWB 0-01a
I can describe some of the kinds of work that people do and I am finding out about the wider world of work. HWB 0-20a
I know and can demonstrate how to keep myself and otherssafe and how to respond in a range of emergency situations.HWB 0-17a / Bring in variety of crops to cook/taste in autumn dishes – bread, soup, jam, fruit pies etc. Copy in mud kitchen, role play and playdough.
Discuss safety with fireworks and becoming darker so consider road safety – visit from fire service and community policeman to support this.
Find out about police, lollipop lady and firefighters jobs through visits
Raising understanding of feelings vocabulary/ group time activities and craft/ stories, take photos of feelings and emotions. Playdough and paperplate faces showing different emotions. Use question boxes with objects that invoke different feelings. Word of week to focus on emotion words. Use emotions wheel to help describe feelings / I can try different kinds of foods and say if I like them
I can talk about what a firefighter/police officer does in their job and how they keep us safe.
I am learning about how to be safe around fire and on busy roads.
I am starting to use simple describing words to describe my feelings. I am learning that people show their emotions on their faces.
Additional Curricular Areas -
I am becoming aware of the importance of celebrations, festivals and customs in religious people’s lives. RME 0-03a 0-06a
I enjoy taking photographs or recording sound and images to represent my experiences and the world around me. TCH 0-04b
I have experienced the wonder of looking at the vastness of the sky, and can recognise the sun, moon and stars and link them to daily patterns of life.SCN 0-06a / Find out about different religious festivals using books and clips, share Diwali stories and create Halloween and Diwali pictures and paintings
Use digital cameras and smartboards to record and explore feelings and emotions.
Explore aspects of light and dark – use torches set up blackout tent and link to stories and clocks changing.
Create light and dark pictures – fireworks and stars using a range of materials / I can use a digital camera or I pad to record pictures and talk about them.
I am becoming aware of the different festivals we celebrate in Autumn.

SOURCESP (Seasonal Plan) CL (Child Led Interest) AI (Assessment Information)CAPACITIES – SL (Successful Learners) CI (Confident Individuals) RC (Responsible Citizens) EC (Effective Contributors

PRINCIPLES ChallengeEnjoyment Personalisation and ChoiceRelevanceBreadthDepthProgressionCoherence

Ideas, Actions and Observations / What do you think about that? / What can we do next?
What did you like at Nursery today?  / What did you think/like about it?  / Can we do more tomorrow? 