Board of Directors

June 1, 2007

Present: Michael Carmean, Rick Bailey, CFP, RHU, REBC, ÇSA, Shan Rickets, RHU, FLMI, ACS, Ron Levine, Blake Watts, Raymer Sale, Jr., CLU, David Johnson, RHU, LUTCF, CSA, Charles Green, Jeff Fishback, CHC, Lisa Wetherton, Matthew Holcomb, Ronald Knight, Trey Tompkins, J.D., Michael Wardrip, LUTCF, Patty Murphy, RHU, Bill Czajkoski, Donna Hill, FLMI, Carol Hayes, RHU, LUTCF and Gina Grantham, CAE of A.E.S.I.

Absent: Rob Fitzgerald, Sr., Deborah Phillips, Matt Jernigan, Susan Cook, Joseph Adamczak, Ron Hatch, Robert Kerr, III, Kirk Rouse, Cheryl Gunn, David Rubnitz, LUTCF, Danny Martin, LUTCF and Chuck Shaw.

President Michael Carmean called the meeting to order at 10:00 a.m. at 245 Perimeter Center, Atlanta, Georgia.

President’s Report: Michael Carmean advised of Cystic Fibrosis presentation for consideration as a fundraiser in 2008 and introduced Chris Sanders. Chris began by stating that the mission is finding a cure. He reported that 93% of every dollar raised goes to research. This would be a major gift campaign. He also noted that event business raises 70% of the revenue.

Motion to accept Cystic Fibrosis as the next fundraiser by Lisa Wetherton. Ron Levine

Seconded the motion.

Discussion followed of charities. Ron Levine raised question as to what is the operating structure in looking at who we partner with. Lisa mentioned the return on our investment; how much of our dollars go toward actual charity. Mike Carmean pointed out that this is the second largest fundraiser in NAHU, per Russ. Blake noted the committee has not had post event breakdown and felt recommendation should come from committee and should drive that process. He added there should be a chance to sit down and evaluate press, etc. Dave Knight felt the committee should support the fundraiser, agreed we should have a post event evaluation, but stated the board is to decide what charity to support. Rick Bailey stated he would like to see us change and/or evaluate next year and work with two or select a third charity in the future. Call for vote, and motion passed with all in favor. Committee was to meet, estimate budget and come back to board.

Minutes: Motion made to approve the May minutes of the board, seconded and approved with revision to president’s report and correction of Arthur Blank’s name.

Treasurer’s Report: Ron Levine reviewed Financial Report for period ending 5/31/07 with points noted: 1) Total income of $256,426.23; 2) Total expenses of $252,242.22, representing a year to date positive of $4,184.01; and, 3) Accounts receivable of $3,968.33. It was noted that a gain of $900 in interest this year was made.

Mike Carmean noted that $3,500 net anticipated plus $10,000 for CURE starter fee. Lisa Wetherton extended thanks to Executive committee for their stewardship. She made motion to accept financial statement as presented, Matt Holcomb seconded, motion passed. Motion made by Blake Watts to renew CD, seconded by Raymer Sale, motion passed.

New Business: Shan Ricketts noted that for the last two years many GAHU Convention attendees have said we should move our meetings for at least one year. We have been hearing more from our carriers on declining agent participation. Shan felt all cities evaluated had left us open to the same issues of decreasing participation, advising that he had spoken with Donna in regards to this. The biggest concern was room nights, with many facilities requiring 300 rooms per night. After an extensive search, Shan reported finally, there is a facility that has agreed to take us in Atlanta, the Omni.

With a Monday through Wednesday pattern there might be an opportunity with private clubs for golf. Most events coming in want the ballroom versus the exhibit hall, and we can have the entire atrium. We would shift our room night pattern to 50 and 125 compared to 525 room nights in Savannah. Shan noted consideration of including one room night for sponsors to meet block. The minimum food and beverage service of $25,000 would eliminate space rental costs of $15,000 currently incurred in Savannah. It was felt that if we are to try Atlanta, the opportunity might be July 21-23 or 28-30.

Thanks to Lisa, we may get Herman Cain as a speaker. In order to have flexibility in booking Mr. Cain, Shan advised we need to secure one of the dates. We would also have flexibility with room as space not needed could be added to seating/meeting area.

It was also felt that a request should be made that carriers not take agents to dinner Tuesday night as that is the Kathy Cruce dinner and Casino night. Suggestion to perhaps offer incentive to stay, with ethics or keynote to keep people on site. There was a general feeling that it would be easier to get speakers to come to Atlanta.

Shan made motion to nominate Omni Hotel in Atlanta as 2008 convention site, Jeff Fishback seconded. Discussion followed with points noted that hotel is on Marta and room rates would be $179. Shan had two questions; 1) how do we fill room nights and 2) what if we need more rooms? Lisa said we should decide to book Herman Cain. Chuck raised question as to how many of attendees in Savannah were from Atlanta. It was noted that the total was 75-80%. Shan advised he had two Atlanta DVD’s in now, we could show them at the state convention for marketing.

Mike Çarmean brought question as to a day and a half meeting vs. format like the Atlanta Benefits Forum. Lisa Wetherton pointed out that last time we met in Atlanta there were Hillary issues, and felt the political landscape would drive attendance with planning and strong speakers. Discussion followed of needing perhaps two days. Carol pointed out that more vendor time is needed. Donna Hill questioned who’s going to chair. Mike Carmean advised that the co-chair is incoming president, per the policies & procedures. Donna Hill noted that there was always a huge risk with a move, but perhaps huge numbers will attend and still felt the biggest challenge would be room nights. Chuck Green noted that from the vendor point of view, this would be excellent, with the opportunity to improve our attendance and allow Atlanta based attendance with customers. Mike Carmean urged all interested in working in this area to contact Rick.

Raymer Sale made motion to host the 2008 convention at the Omni in Atlanta. Matt Holcomb seconded. Motion carried with two abstentions noted.

Regional Report: Blake Watts introduced Bill Czajkoski as incoming Membership Recruitment Chair. Blake advised he would stay on as Membership Retention Chair in Region. Lisa Wetherton encouraged all to attend the NAHU convention and August leadership meeting.

Rick Bailey stated that change creates opportunity, thus the theme of the convention. He stated some were transitioning within the industry from Employee Benefits to investments and P & C. Rick stated we should embrace technology and changes, prepare for our competitors to make sure we are in tune with legislative issues (at the table, not on the menu.) There was a meeting the following week with three big brokers, two of which are not members. He planned to work on expanding and assigning people with legislators. Rick quoted Ben Franklin, “Either we hang together or gentlemen, assuredly we’ll hang separately.”

Government Affairs - Dave Johnson advised of a strategic planning meeting set for June

8th. Russell Carlson, Lt. Governor Casey Cagle’s Deputy Chief of Staff, will be a guest. Dave’s goal was to begin to establish goals for 2007-08.

Dave pointed out specific bills being monitored by the State, which we support: HB242, state income and premium tax exemption for HAS qualified HDHP plans. This bill passed, and should be signed this week. HB648, LTC Partnership technical corrections bill was signed into law on May 18, 2007. This changes the current law to more current NAIC language so that Georgia can move ahead with implementing Long Term Care Partnership.

He advised that there is a meeting scheduled with Trey Childress, Governor Perdue’s Policy Director, on June 5 to discuss next session’s agenda. We will also be working closely with a lot of legislators in coordination with GAHU-PAC.

The DOI had submitted a notice in intent to apply for federal money to be used for study of a high-risk pool. The deadline for the application was June 30, with the money available in September. It was hoped a vendor can be identified in advance and a preliminary report can be available before the 2008 General Assembly Session.

Mike Carmean thanked Michael Wardrip and Dave Johnson for a great year.

Delegate Report: Donna Hill advised 19 total delegates planned to attend the NAHU Convention, including Russ, broken down as follows:

Atlanta-10; CSRA-2; South-3; State-4 (w/Dave Adams; 3 if he does not attend).

The deadline for registering was 5:00 today. Mike Carmean estimated $9,500 in NAHU delegate expenses.


Atlanta - Trey Tompkins reported May meeting was well attended, with speakers Tom Carswell and Michael Haberman. The spring membership drive let everyone who recruited a new member enter a drawing to win I-pod Nano. Clifton McKnight, Sr. of Nippon Life Insurance was the incoming president. In addition, at the May meeting, Kevin Smith of KSA Insurance was elected President-Elect, Jodie Braner of Pritchard & Jerden Vice-President and Al Hombroek of Multiple Benefits Treasurer for 2007-08 year.

On June 5 the 10-week webinar training series for RHU class will begin. The training is open to any member of NAHU, with cost of $60.

June 15 was the next meeting at the Cobb Galleria with installation of new board and awards. Also, new directories are now in.

Chattahoochee - No report.

Coastal Empire - No report.

Middle Georgia - No Report

Northeast Georgia – Blake reported Pam Fleming was the new NEGAHU president.

Northwest Georgia - No Report.

South Atlanta - Matt Holcomb reported the Awards breakfast is set for June 21. Speakers will be John Oxendine and Michael Wardrip.

CSRA - Carol Hayes reported a great June program with Mike Carmean. Also, they have two new members within the last 30 days.


CONVENTION - Rick Bailey reported BCBS was on for Signature sponsor. He added the program had great speakers lined up and was going well.

Federal Legislative – No report.

Technology – No report.

Communications – Mike Carmean expressed thanks to Matt Jernigan for a great job on the GAHU newsletter.

Education – Lisa Wetherton reported Ouida Peterson was wonderful and all went well with the COBRA Seminars.

Membership – Donna Hill reported that numbers went up and down last month.

Past President Counsel Rep- Donna advised the Annual Social is scheduled for September 22. Plans were to work on Rick’s project of reviewing the policies and procedures.

HUPAC - Chuck Green reported making a presentation at a program in Atlanta and that the first article for the newsletter. Also, a check to candidates for federal office had been delivered.

GAHUPAC – David Knight reported $18,048.50 in the bank, with some $931 per month through monthly credit card draft, allowing a $12,000 base. The goal is to increase to 50 depositors, currently there are 34.

Fundraising – David Knight stated he was glad to hear we are supporting Cystic Fibrosis. He felt the committee did a great job this year. They are to have an exit meeting and evaluate work, then gear toward next year. They will look at alternative charities. All are satisfied with Arthur Blank as a speaker approach.

Rick Bailey stated that he would like to meet and discuss the raffle.

Awards – Donna Hill noted excellent job by Deborah Phillips in the Awards area.

Old Business - Patty Murphy informed attendees of historical data maintained in association offices from 1983 to present, for anyone who might be interested. Patty thanked everyone for all their support.

Mike Carmean thanked Carol and stated he felt he would not have been president if it weren’t for him getting him involved and Trey for encouraging him to get involved at the state level after being president of his local chapter. Mike further thanked all past presidents for staying involved.

He extended appreciation to everyone on the current board, and felt all have done a good job. He expressed his wishes that future boards have the opportunity to gather the same type of team.

There being no further business, meeting adjourned at 12:15 p.m.

Respectfully submitted,

Gina Grantham, CAE

Executive Director