Local Law No. 1 / File: 23.01.017
Contact name
Postal address
Residential address
Telephone / Fax
Mobile / Email
I, / on behalf of
(name) / (Organisation name)
wish to apply to apply for a CONSUMPTION OF ALCOHOL permit
Selling alcohol Selling and BYO BYO only
I wish to be able to:
at this address :
from / am/pmampm / to / am/pmampm / on this date
Application completed & signed / 
(Signed by Applicant)
Insurance – copy of current Certificate of Currency (to the value of no less than $10 million) attached
(Printed name of applicant)
2016/17Fees & Charges
Permit Fee / NO FEE
Community Group / Private function / (Date)
Completed forms can be returned in person to 49 Victoria Street Kerang or 23 King Edward Street Cohuna,
by faxing to 5450 3023, or by mailing to Gannawarra Shire Council • PO Box 287 • Kerang Victoria, 3579 • Phone 5450 9333
Council is collecting the personal information requested on this form for the purpose of carrying out its functions under the Local Government Act 1989. This information will be used solely by Council, for the primary provision of its Local Laws. Council may disclose this information to other government bodies or where there is a legislative requirement. The applicant understands that the personal information provided is for the efficient running of its Local Laws, and that he or she may apply to Council for access to and / or amendment of the information. Requests for access and or correction should be made to Council’s Privacy Officer.
A Person who consumes Liquor or has in his or her possession Liquor in an unsealed container does not commit an offence if:
  1. he or she is taking part in a Procession, function, Street Festival or other activity on a Road or on or in a Municipal Reserve in respect of which the Council has granted permission and in accordance with any other permit or licence required under any Act; or
  2. he or she is in Licensed Premises or an extension of Licensed Premises in respect of which the use of the area for consumption and possession of Liquor in unsealed containers is permitted and in accordance with any other permit or licence required under any Act.
  3. in respect of an Alcohol Free Area declared under Clause 68, a sign has not been erected or maintained indicating that the area is declared an Alcohol Free Area.

Local Laws Office use only
Date Received / Permit Fee / NO FEE
Date of Approval / Total Fee / NO FEE
Type of Permit / Consumption of Alcohol
Permit Number / Local Laws Officer

Updated 2016.06.27 Page 1 of 2