David C. Look, Ph.D.
Research Professor of Physics; and Director, Semiconductor Research Center
Wright State University
3640 Col. Glenn Hwy., Dayton, OH 45435
Tel: (937)258-8741; Fax: (937)656-0476; E-mail:
Research Interests
1980- Present Electrical and optical properties of ZnO, GaN, SiC, and GaAs
1969-1980 Nuclear magnetic resonance, and electrical and optical properties of CdS, CdSe, CdTe, and GaAs
Publications and honors
1. More than 500 publications; 6 patents; book, Electrical Characterization of GaAs Materials and Devices, Wiley, 1989; h-index of 72 (Google Scholar)
2. Fellow, American Physical Society, 1981
3. William Fowler Award, American Physical Society, Ohio Section, 2014
4. Inventor of “Look-Locker” technique, now a standard for advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) based on the nuclear spin-lattice relaxation time “T1”. The term “Look-Locker” appears in more than 2400 publications (443 in 2014, Google Scholar) and 150 patents (freepatentsonline.com).
Ten representative publications: 2014 and 2015
1. D.C. Look and K.D. Leedy, “Optical measurements and mapping in Ga- and Al-doped ZnO and Sn-doped In2O3”, Physics Status Solidi A, DOI:10.1002/pssa201532020. (2015)
2. D.C. Look, E.R. Heller, Y-F. Yao, and C.C. Yang, “Significant mobility enhancement in extremely thin highly-doped ZnO films”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 106, 152102 (2015).
3. Q.S. Paduano, D.W. Weyburne, and D.C. Look, “Luminescence of m-plane GaN grown on m-plane sapphire by MOCVD”, Phys. Stat. Solidi C 11, 778 (2014).
4. D.C. Look, K.D. Leedy, D.B. Thomson, and B. Wang, “Defects in highly conductive ZnO for transparent electrodes and plasmonics”, J. Appl. Phys. 115, 012002 (2014).
5. D.C. Look, K.D. Leedy, D.B. Thomson, and B. Wang, “High conductance in ultrathin films of ZnO”, Japanese J. Appl. Phys. 53, 05FJ01 (2014).
6. D.C. Look, K.D. Leedy, and D.L. Agresta, “Development of ZnO films for near-IR plasmonics”, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8980, 89800P (2014).
7. J.W. Cleary, N.N. Esfahani, J.P. Guo, J.R. Hendrickson, K.D. Leedy, and D.C. Look, “Mid-infrared extraordinary transmission through Ga-doped ZnO films with 2D hole arrays”, Proc. of SPIE Vol. 8987, 898704 (2014).
8. D.C. Look, K.D. Leedy, and D.L. Agresta, “Nondestructive quantitative mapping of impurities and point defects in thin films: Ga and VZn in ZnO:Ga”, Appl. Phys. Lett. 104, 242107 (2104).
9. D.C. Look, B. Claflin, A.M. Kiefer, and K.D. Leedy, “Interfacial properties of Ga-doped ZnO thin films on Si”, Optical Engineering 53, 087108 (2014).
10. J.W. Allen, M.S. Allen, D.C. Look, B.R. Wenner, N. Itagaki, K. Matsushima, and I. Surhariadi, “Infrared Plasmonics via ZnO”, J. Nano Research 28, 109 (2014).