NKBA Supported and Accredited Programs

NKBA Student Chapter Activity/Financial Report

Annual Requirement due November 30

The NKBA Student Chapter Activity/Financial Report is an Annual Requirement for NKBA Student Chapters at Supported and Accredited Programs. This report includes officer information, financial information, prior year’s activities, meetings, and information about how the student chapter increases membership, publicizes, educates, and networks with the parent NKBA professional chapter.

Submit a completed signed scanned report electronically to by November 30. Upon NKBA review and acceptance of your report, the NKBA awards the student chapter $500 in grant money to be used for NKBA student chapter-related activities.

☐ NKBA Supported Program ☐NKBA Accredited Program
Name of School:
Supported or Accredited Program/Degree Name:
Name of NKBA Student Chapter/Organization:
Student Chapter website:
Program Coordinator Name and Title:

Type as much information as needed to complete all sections. The fields are expandable and are not limited to one line.

Newly Elected Officers

NKBA Student Chapter/Organization Name:

Complete the roster below with this year’s elected officers (minimum of three officers is required) All student chapter officers must be current student members of the NKBA; their Member ID is required on this form.

Date Elections Held: MM/DD/YY (required for approval)

Term from MMDDYY to MMDDYY

Print Name / NKBA Student Member # (Required) / E-Mail
(Required) / Phone
VP of Programs/President Elect:
* The two positions may be held by one person simultaneously.

Prior Academic Year Financial Statement

NKBA Student Chapter/Organization Name:

Beginning Balance on Hand: / As of Date:

Note that ALL NKBA grant money received from the NKBA is to be used for NKBA student chapter-related activities and must be so noted under expenses.

Income during the Year Expenses during the Year

Income / Expenses
1. / $ / 1. / $
Total Income / $ / Total Expenses / $

Net Income/Loss $ ______

Student Chapter Cash Balances

As of Date:

Checking / $
Savings / $
Other / $
Total / $

Academic Year Activities/Meetings

NKBA Student Chapter/Organization Name:

Describe the completed student activities for the prior year. If you had more than four meetings during the year, attach an additional page with information about those meetings.

1.  Date of Meeting:
NKBA Student Members: / Guests: / Total:
Meeting Location:
Was there a presentation/activity/tour at this meeting? / Yes: / No:
Title of Presentation:
Speakers Name (if applicable):
Combined meeting with another school organization? / Yes: / No:
2.  Date of Meeting:
NKBA Student Members: / Guests: / Total:
Meeting Location:
Was there a presentation/activity/tour at this meeting? / Yes: / No:
Title of Presentation:
Speakers Name (if applicable):
Combined meeting with another school organization? / Yes: / No:
3.  Date of Meeting:
NKBA Student Members: / Guests: / Total:
Meeting Location:
Was there a presentation/activity/tour at this meeting? / Yes: / No:
Title of Presentation:
Speakers Name (if applicable):
Combined meeting with another school organization? / Yes: / No:
4.  Date of Meeting:
NKBA Student Members: / Guests: / Total:
Meeting Location:
Was there a presentation/activity/tour at this meeting? / Yes: / No:
Title of Presentation:
Speakers Name (if applicable):
Combined meeting with another school organization? / Yes: / No:

Include additional documentation that supports the NKBA-related activities (flyers, links, marketing materials, etc.) Type as much information as desired to complete the sections. The fields are expandable and are not limited to one line.

Grow Your Student Chapter with Grant Money

Membership – How do you plan to promote NKBA Student Membership with your $500 NKBA student chapter grant? Tell us how much your NKBA student chapter has grown and describe the exciting ways you promoted your NKBA student chapter (Social media including Facebook and Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram. etc., membership campaign).
Number of NKBA Student Chapter Members
How many student members are enrolled in the NKBA Supported/Accredited Program?
Date(s) of NKBA student membership campaign(s): / How many new student members signed up?
Describe activities organized to promote NKBA Student Membership for the academic year. (For example, hosted a membership drive, invited past student members to renew, set up membership information table at school fairs, job fairs, similar organizations (ASID and AIA), posted on Facebook, tweets).
Publicity – How do you plan to publicize the benefits of NKBA Student Membership on your campus? Send us links to your NKBA student chapter Facebook page or photo album links, electronic copies advertising, flyers, websites, articles, e-mail invitations, etc.).
Educational – How you plan to educate future NKBA professionals this year? (For example, networking meeting with NKBA professional chapter (parent), types of educational activities like speakers, webinars, and field trips). Describe the activity in detail.
Date: / Activity:
Date: / Activity:
Date: / Activity:
Networking with NKBA Professional Chapter (Parent) – How do you plan to network with NKBA parent chapter (at least one meeting per year)?
Date: / Meeting Location:
Planned topic:
NKBA Professional Chapter (Parent) Name:
Tentative # of Attendees:
Describe planned event:
How did you improve this meeting from last year’s parent chapter meeting?


NKBA Student Chapter/Organization Name:

The Accredited Program Coordinator for the NKBA Student Chapter and the must sign this report, certifying that the above statements are correct and accurate and that the NKBA Student Chapter Officers are current NKBA student members.

Signature of NKBA Supported/Accredited Program Coordinator / Date
Print Name
Signature of Current NKBA Student Chapter President / Date
Print Name

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