Sunday Worship: 8:15am in Eaton Chapel
10:30am in the sanctuary
Sunday School – 9:00am Gathering
9:15am Opening / 1
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
7:00pm – Healing Service / 2
Kidz Club 6-7:30pm in Fellowship Hall
7:00pm – SPRC meeting in the parlor / 3 / 4
12:00 – Sunday school teachers workshop / 6
7:00p – Trustees meeting / 7

Pie Pick up 6:30pm in Fellowship Hall / 8
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
Choir / 9
9:00a – Busy Bees
6:30pm - Scouts / 10 / 11

11:30 – 1:00 Christmas Play Assignments & Rehearsal / 13
7:30pm – Church Council meeting
12:30pm – UMW
7:00pm - GEMS / 15
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
Choir / 16 / 17
7:00pm – Adult Night
Out at the Grande
Valley Inn
(reservations required) / 18

10:30am - Bible Sunday
11:30 – 1:00 Christmas Play Rehearsal / 20
6:00pm – Small Group Planning Team meeting
6-8pm We Care Shopping / 21
7:30 pm - Community Thanksgiving
Worship Service at
New Hope Evangelical Lutheran Church / 23
/ 24

11:30 – 1:00 Christmas Play Rehearsal / 27 / 28 / 29
6:00pm – Bell Choir
7:30pm – Sanctuary
Choir / 30


Baden United Methodist Church

420 Dippold Avenue

Baden, PA 15005-1716

Rev. D. Edward Bailey, Pastor

November 2006

Time Value Mail Change Service Requested

Schedule of Services

Sunday Chapel – 8:15 a.m.

Sunday Sanctuary – 10:30 a.m.

Last Saturday of Each Month Contemporary Service - Fellowship Hall – 6:30 p.m.

(Nursery for ages 6 months to 6 years with attendants during 10:30 Sunday worship)

The Gleam

Baden United Methodist Church * 420 Dippold Avenue * Baden, Pennsylvania * (724) 869-2720


Dear Member and Friend of Baden UMC:

People often say, “I just want to be happy”. And it’s normal to want to be happy in our relationships. Yet the fact remains that every relationship has its ups and downs. Even the best of relationships have difficult moments. That’s why I want to share with you something that is far better than happiness. It is joy. You may wonder, isn’t joy and happiness one in the same? What’s the difference? Let me give you the definition of joy:

“JOY” is the positive confidence that comes from knowing and trusting God, regardless of circumstances. On the other hand, happiness depends on something happening. It is something external while joy is internal and based on Christ Jesus.

Did you know that giving can cultivate joy in your life? Giving is LOVE! In fact, we cannot love without giving or give without loving. Basically, when we focus on giving in a relationship, we are most like God. “There is more happiness in giving than in receiving.” (Acts 20:35) Giving is the first key to enjoying your relationships because we’re focusing on someone else instead of ourselves. In fact, love is based on giving.

The sad truth is that the “what’s in it for me attitude” prevails in society. We are so caught up in getting what we feel we deserve that we forget about giving. Then we wonder why there are so many poor relationships today. It’s because our focus is on the wrong things.

Many times after we’re in a relationship, we

Continued on page 4

Healing Services:

The first Wednesday

of each month the Pastor and Donna Muders lead a healing service in the Eaton Chapel. The service begins at 7:00 P.M. and lasts about 15-20 minutes. The following description about the healing service has been adapted from the United Methodist Book of Worship:

The Bible strongly affirms ministries of spiritual healing. The root word healing in New Testament Greek, sozo, is the same as that of salvation and wholeness. Spiritual healing is God’s work of offering persons balance, harmony, and wholeness of body, mind, spirit, and relationships through confession, forgiveness and reconciliation. Through such healing, God works to bring about reconciliation between God and humankind, among individuals and communities, within each person, and between humankind and the rest of creation. The New

Continued on page 4...

“Joy” continued

don’t put very much effort in maintaining them. For example, a goal-oriented male decides he wants to be married. He focuses on finding a suitable mate. He does everything in his power to win her over. But the moment he’s married, his goal is complete -- mission accomplished. He now sets a new goal. Typically, this means his attention is focused on providing for

his wife and family. So off to work he goes focused on his financial goal. Meanwhile, his wife is wondering what happened to the man who was so attentive during courtship. Now she hardly sees him because he’s so busy working. What happened? His focus shifted.

But all is not lost because here’s the secret: Joy comes from making other people happy. God designed it that way. Yet some are so exhausted after work or school, there is nothing left to give. That’s exactly why we need Jesus Christ. We can count on His love to give when human strength and energy runs out. So keep focused on giving.

As we enter into this “holiday” of giving thanks remember that in the giving there is love!

Grace, Hope, and Joy!

Ed Bailey

Kasey Arnold (granddaughter of Joanne McCartney); Christina Blinn; Debi Brocklebank; Katherine Collingwood; Brooke DiCicco; Charles Fennell; Linda Fleming; Maggie Gall; Virginia Gallagher; Brent Harmon; Albert Hartge (father of Jim Hartge); Jason Hazelwood; Ken Jones; Audrey Mock; Amber Mazur; Jeffrey Parkhurst, Phyllis Parkhurst; Helen Quinet; Homer Quinet; Joshua Shoup (cousin of Amanda & Ashley Hartge); Betty Smith; Leila Strobel; Marge Tillery; Matthew Wadd; David Waxler.

Please note: unless the church office is otherwise notified, names will remain on the prayer list for three Sundays only. If you would like to add a name to the prayer list, please contact the church office

“Healing” continued

Testament records that Jesus himself healed the estranged and sick and sent out his disciples on ministries of healing. James (5:14-16a) calls us also to pray for and anoint the sick, that they may be healed.

All healing is of God. The Church’s healing ministry in no way detracts from the gifts God gives through medicine and psychotherapy. It is no substitute for either medicine or the proper care of one’s health. Rather, it adds to our total resources for wholeness.

Healing is not magic, but underlying it is the great mystery of God’s love. Those who minister spiritual healing are channels of God’s love. Although no one can predict what will happen in a given instance, many marvelous healings have take place.

God does not promise that we will be spared suffering but does promise to be with us in our suffering. Trusting that promise, we are enabled to recognize God’s sustaining presence in pain, sickness, injury, and estrangement.

Likewise, God does not promise that we will be cured of all illnesses; and

we all must face the inevitability of death. A Service of Healing is not

Continued on page 5....

Health Happenings

November is National Diabetes Month

Diabetes is a disease marked by high levels

of glucose resulting from defects in insulin

production, insulin action or both. More

than 20.8 million Americans have diabetes. (14.6 million are diagnosed and another 6.2 million are undiagnosed.)

Are you showing symptoms of diabetes and don’t know it? Do you have frequent urination, excessive thirst, extreme hunger, unusual weight loss, increased fatigue, irritability, or blurry vision? If you are experiencing one or more of these symptoms, please get in touch with your doctor. Testing for diabetes is done by a simple blood test.

Diabetes can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, blindness, kidney and nervous system disease, amputations, dental disease and complications of pregnancy. Scientific research has proven that controlling sugar levels can reduce the long term complications of diabetes

There are 6 important tests for persons with diabetes. At

each doctor’s office visit, you should have your blood

pressure checked and a foot exam. At least twice a

year, you should have a HbA1c to check sugar control

over the last 2-3 months. Once a year, you should have a

dilated eye exam to prevent blindness, a urine test

for protein to prevent kidney failure and a cholesterol

panel o prevent heart problems.

It is important to be knowledgeable about diabetes and to

live a healthy lifestyle including eating healthy, exercise,

taking medications properly and having a good rapport

with your doctor. You can get more information on

diabetes by contacting the American Diabetes Association

or visiting their website at

“Then spoke Jesus again unto them, saying, “I am the

light of the world; he that follows me shall not walk in

darkness but the light of life.” (John 8:12)

A message from the Community Nurse / Health Ministry Program

Information for this article from the American Diabetes website and Keypro

“Healing” continued

necessarily a service of curing, but it provides an atmosphere in which healing can happen. The greatest healing of all is the reunion of reconciliation of a human being with God. When this happens, physical healing sometimes occurs, mental and emotional balance is often restored, spiritual health is enhanced, and relationships are healed. For the Christian the basic purpose of spiritual healing is to renew and strengthen one’s relationship with living Christ.

Communion is offered as part of this service because in the celebration of this sacrament we are reminded that Christ is no stranger to suffering.

Anointing the forehead with oil is a sign act invoking the healing love of God. The oil points beyond itself and those doing the anointing to the action of the Holy Spirit and the presence of the healing Christ, who is God’s Anointed One. The touch of laying on of hands provides a tangible expression of the presence of the healing Christ, working in and through those who minister in his name. ☺


1 Jill Burmeister

Bryan Bisceglia

2 Krista Tucker

Mackenzie Hall

Dana Bucci

3 Scott Mazur

Grant Miller

4 Darcee Gamble

Cheryl Logan

5 Leslie Foley

6 Cathy Heist

7 Zachary Dawson

8 Bev Dawson

Brenda Gross

9 Ace Stephansky

10 Ron Kennedy

Julie Walsh

Cindy Herrmann

Dale DiCicco

Marina Wright

Johanna Sheets

11 Louis Gardner

Larney Santry

12 Vera Heck

Myllie Ayers

Sasha Grossi

13 Terry Decima

Bill Morgan

14 Meloni Lubic

15 Matthew Tomei

Gene Bozek

Jesse DiCicco

16 Francis McCartney

Jody Lewark

17 Pat McCaslin

Jodi Kostek

Tabitha Bailey

19 Regina Wilson

Regina Wachtel

Larry Musgrave

20 Rachel Bailey

21 David Harmon

22 Don Fleming

Rich Dixon

23 Jenifer Gross

Joanne Harmon

24 Ron Cirka

Mary Lewis

Ryan Morgart

Chris Braner

25 Linda Spratley

Scott Saras

Jim Santry

Brian Grimes

Zoe Futato

27 Heather Pelkey

28 Ken McHattie

29 Margaret Cannon

Marie McCartney

Tammy Burton

Jodi Viscuso

Eric Evanko

Ryan Wolz

Shania Short

30 Pat Gregory

Judith Irwin

Please help us keep our birthday list current. If you or someone you know has a November birthday and is not included on, or would like to be removed from our list, please contact the church office.



5.....……………………….Glenn Schaeffer

12….……………………….Christy Sheaffer

19…………………………..…...... Jan Pasuit

26……….…………………....Bill VanDeCar


5...... Karli Miller, Candle

...... Paige Miller, Bible

12...... , Candle

...... Rachel Bailey, Bible

19...... Hannah Trehar, Candle

...... Ethan Trehar, Bible

26...... Matthew VanDeCar, Candle

...... Elizabeth VanDeCar, Bible


5...... Lori Hartge

Ashley Hartge

12...... Leslie Foley

Betsy Gall

19...... Teres Fausti

Amanda Hartge

26...... Christy Sheaffer

Randi Montagna

Nov 2 7:00p – SPRC meeting

Nov 5 12:00n – Sunday school teachers


Nov 6 7:00p – Trustees meeting

Nov 13 7:30p – Church Council meeting

Nov 14 12:30a – UMW meeting

Nov 14 7:00p – GEMS meeting

Nov 20 6:00p – Small Group Ministry



5...... Dan & Randi Gibson

12...... Jim & Lori Hartge

19...... Teres Fausti

26...... Joyce Hudson


5 8:15...... Gerald Dunstan

10:30...... Walt King, Bill VanDeCar

John Parkhurst, Bud Meade

12 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood

10:30...... Don Fleming, Fred Zajac

John Parkhurst, Brandon Short

19 8:15...... Gerald Ferguson

10:30...... Walt King, David Smith

Dale Sheaffer, Jeff McClure

26 8:15...... Paula Hazelwood

10:30...... Phyllis & Jeff McClure

Tracy & John Krepps

Pastoral Care When Hospitalized

Because the pastor is not notified by the hospitals when you or a family member is admitted into the hospital, please call the church office so that the pastor can be informed of the hospitalization in order that appropriate pastoral care may be offered. Because hospital stays are becoming increasingly shorter (sometimes an overnight) and because the pastor is not notified, appropriate pastoral care cannot be offered while you or a loved one is hospitalized. Therefore, please notify the church office so that appropriate pastoral may be offered. Thank you in advance for your help in this matter.





Nov 4 John & Peggy


Nov 4 David & Danna


Nov 5 Tim & Lisa


Nov 5 Bobby & Tracy


Nov 9 Dave & Nancy