
The Doctoral Programme in Veterinary Sciences is an integrative program that involves participation of professors from the Faculty of Veterinary Science, professors from other faculties of the Universidad Austral de Chile and visiting professors from foreign and national universities.

The programme is designed for graduates to achieve a high level of expertise that qualifies them to identify and propose solutions to scientific problems in the field of Veterinary Sciences. Graduates should be able to establish and develop their own line of research as well as manage teaching and research responsibilities at universities or centers and institutes for research and development.

Programme Coordinator: Rafael Burgos.

Telephone:56 • 63 •2223015


Notice of deadline:

The application deadline for those interested in starting a programme in March (first semester) is 30th October each year. For admission in August (second semester) that date is May 30th each year.

Study Plan

Course Name, Seminar / Code / Credit / Semester /

Compulsory Subjects

Advanced Cell Biology / BIOQ 410 / 5 / 2nd sem
Biological Mechanisms of Animal Health Disorders / HOVE 421 / 4 / 1st sem
Reproductive Physiology / REPR 421 / 4 / 1st sem
Quantitative Epidemiology / MEPR 410 / 4 / 2nd sem
Biological Mechanisms in Animal Productive Processes / CATC 421 / 4 / 1st sem

Optional Subjects

Imbalances of Mineral and Energy Metabolism in Ruminants / HOVE 422 / 4 / 2nd sem
Advanced Cellular Pathology / PANI 421 / 4 / 2nd sem
Advanced Veterinary Microbiology / MICR 421 / 3 / 1st sem
Risk Analysis / MEPR 430 / 3 / 1st or 2nd sem
Ruminant Nutrition / PRAN 402 / 4 / 2nd sem
Conservation Biology / ZOOL 441 / 4 / 2nd sem
Interpretation of Epidemiologic Diagnostic Tests and Methods of Validation / MEPR 440 / 3 / 1st sem

Research Units*

Methodologies for the Study of Reproductive Biology and Physiology in Ruminants / CIAN 481 / 1st -2nd sem
Investigation Techniques in Animal Clinical Biochemistry / HOVE 480 / 1st -2nd sem
Diagnosis Techniques for the Study of Infectious Disases in Animals / MICR 480 / 1st -2nd sem
Wildlife Conservation / ZOOL 483 / 1st -2nd sem
Investigations Techniques in Salmon Diseases Produced by Biological Agents / PANI 482 / 1st -2nd sem
Research Techniques in Animal Pathology / PANI 481 / 2nd sem
Methodologies for the Study of Hervibore Nutrition / CATC 480 / 1st -2nd sem

T = theory-hours P = practical-hours

·  Minimum credits: 15

·  Compulsory subjects: 4 credits minimum and 9 credits maximum.

·  Optional subjects: 6 credits minimum.

* At least 1 research unit and 1 Bibliographic Seminar must be taken and approved

Taught Courses, Seminars and Research Units must be completed within 3 academic semesters.

It is a pre requisite to approve the language examination and qualifying exam to register the thesis.

The maximum duration of the programme including Final Degree Examination is 4 years.

The study plan will include subjects level 400, which correspond to regular PhD subjects accredited by the University Austral of Chile. Subjects level 300 might be included in the optional subjects curriculum. Those subjects occasionally offered at this University, which do not appear in the list of subjects will also be recognised as postgraduate subjects and will be assigned the code 500. Furthermore, those subjects given by other National or International Centers of Higher Education will be recognised and will given the code 800. The inclusion of new optional subjects in areas of interest will be assessed according to requirements and possibilities.

Courses and other academic activities must be registered at the beginning of each semester, within the deadlines established by the Academic Calendar.

List of Professors and Lines of Investigation

Acosta J., Gerardo.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad de Chile, 2000; MSc in Biological Sciences specialising in Ecology, 2001; PhD in Veterinary Epidemiology, University of Edinburgh, 2009.

Line of Investigation: Disease Ecology, Epidemiology, Conservation Medicine.


Burgos A., Rafael.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile; MSc. Universidad de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Pharmacology of Inflammation, immune pharmacology of natural products.


Enríquez S., Ricardo.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile; Dr med vet, Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München.

Line of Investigation: Fish and mollusc Pathology. Bacterial and viraldiseases in Fish. Virology of Poikilotherms.


Gallo St., Carmen.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD, University of Liverpool.

Line of Investigation: Transport and handling of animals. Animal welfare. Assessment of carcasses and cuts, meat quality.


Gómez J., Marcelo. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile, 1996, Ph.D., Virginia Tech, 2005

Line of Investigation:Veterinary neurology, Imagenology (computed tomography).

Hancke O., Juan Luis.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD King´s College University of London.

Line of Investigation: Preclinical pharmacology and clinic of botanic products, area: inflammation.


Hidalgo G., M. Angélica.Biochemist, Universidad Austral de Chile. 2000. PhD in Sciences specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2006.

Line of Investigation: Molecular Pharmacology of Inflammation. Functionality of bovine neutrophil during peripartum.

Monti, Gustavo. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Nacional del Litoral, Argentina; MSc. Universitaet Berlín; PhD, Universidad de Wageningen.

Line of Investigation: Quantitative Epidemiology.


Morán R., Gabriel.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Iberoamericana de Ciencias y Tecnologías, 2002; MSc in Sciences specialising in Animal Health, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2004; PhD in Veterinary Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2008.

Line of Investigation: Allergic airway inflammation, Veterinary Immunology.


Pulido F., Rubén.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile; MSc. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; PhD, University of London.

Line of Investigation: Milk production, Nutrition and feeding. Food intake behaviour of grazing ruminants.


Ramírez R., Alfredo. Professor of Biology and CCNN, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile; MSc. specialising in Genetics, UACh; PhD specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology, UACh.

Line of Investigation: Study of Sperm Functionality, Criobiology of Spermatozoa and Equine Reproduction.


Ratto F., Marcelo.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad de La Plata; MSc. Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD, University of Saskatchewan.

Line of Investigation: Ovarian function, follicular dyamics and biology of gametes in domestic species. Molecular caracterisation of seminal plasma proteins.


Romero Z., Alex.Biochemist, Bachelor in Biochemistry, 1998, Universidad Austral de Chile. PhD in Sciences specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile, 2006.

Line of Investigation: Study of the interaction of the immune and neuroendocrine system in fish. Modulation of gene expression in fish leukocytes by hormones, neuropeptides and pathogens.


Tadich B., Néstor.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD, University of Liverpool.

Line of Investigation: Herd Health, welfare in animal production.


Permanent Professors from other Faculties at UACh

Amthauer, Rodolfo.Biochemist, Universidad de Concepción; PhD in Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Absorption of intact proteins in the instestinal ephitelium. Multifunctional aspects of lipoproteins of high density (HDL) and their apolipoproteins.


Concha, Ilona. Bachelor of Science, Universidad Austral de Chile; MSc. Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD in Sciences specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Cell signalling, and transport of hexoses and vitamin C in male germinal cells.


Concha, Margarita. Biochemist, Universidad de Concepción; PhD in Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Role of High Density Lipoprotein (HDL) on innate immunity.

Figueroa, Carlos. Bachelor of Science, Universidad Austral de Chile; MSc, Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD, University of Bristol.

Line of Investigation: Structure and function of kinin receptors.


Figueroa, Jaime. Bachelor of Science, Universidad Austral de Chile; MSc. Universidad Austral de Chile PhD in Sciences specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Molecular biology of fish, Neurohypophysial hormones and prolactin.


Folch, Hugo.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Austral de Chile; Postdoctoral, University of de Yale.

Line of Investigation: Regulation of cellular immune response.


González, Carlos. Bachelor of Science, Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD, Bristol University, England.

Line of Investigation: Structure function relationship of vasopressin receptors and their transduction mechanisms.


Kruze, Juan.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine. Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD, University of Reading.

Line of Investigation: Veterinary microbiology and bacterial infectious diseases, Mastitis, Paratuberculosis.


Nespolo, Robert.Bachelor of Science specialising in Biology, Universidad de Chile; PhD in Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Animal Ecophisiology, Evolution, Quantitative Genetics.


Rodríguez, Esteban.Doctor of Medicine, Universidad Nacional de Cuyo, Mendoza, Argentina; PhD, University of Bristol.

Line of Investigation: Brain peptides and cerebrospinal fluid.


Sánchez V., Fabiola.Biochemist, Universidad Austral de Chile, Chile, 1996; PhD in Biological Sciences specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology , Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile, 2004. Postdoctoral in Vascular Biology, University of Medicine & Dentistry of New Jersey, USA, 2007.

Line of Investigation: Inflammation and microvascular permeability.


Schlatter, Roberto.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad de Chile; PhD, The Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD.

Line of Investigation: Zoology and Ecology of birds specialising in behaviour, community aspects, zoogeography and conservation.


Slebe, Juan Carlos.Biochemist, Universidad de Chile; PhD in Sciences, Universidad de Chile

Line of Investigation: Relationship between protein structure and function and importance of their cellular localisation. Enzymes of carbohydrate metabolism as a model.


Yáñez, Alejandro.Biochemist, Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD in Sciences specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology, Universidad Austral de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Metabolism and diabetes/biotechnology.


Zárraga, Ana María.Biology and Chemistry Teacher, Universidad Austral de Chile; PhD specialisig in Biochemistry – Molecular Biology, Rutgers University, The State University of New Jersey; Graduate Fellow: Roche Instituto of Molecular Biology, Nutley, N.J.
Line of Investigation: Molecular microbiology and genomics of zoonotic pathogens of brucellosis.


Visiting Professors and Lines of Investigation

Barros, Felipe.Doctor of Medicine, Universidad de Chile; PhD in Sciences, Universidad de Chile.

Line of Investigation: embrane transport mechanisms involved in cell death and cell survival.


Bronfmann, Miguel.Proffesor of Faculty of Biological Sciences, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile.

Line of Investigation: Nuclear receptors of the PPAR family. Role in cell signaling and role in pathology.


González de Bulnes López, Antonio.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Complutense de Madrid; PhD in Veterinary, Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

Line of Investigation: Physiology of reproduction, assisted reproduction, ovarian stimulation, artificial insemination, embryo transfer, in vitro fertilization, animal models.

Von Keyserlink, Marina.B.Sc. (Honors), 1987, The University of British Columbia; M.Sc. University of Alberta; PhD, 1995, The University of British Columbia.

Line of Investigation: Animal behaviour and welfare, dairy cattle nutrition.


Kuznar, Juan.Doctor of Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, España

Line of Investigation: Ictiopathology.


Nicol, Christine Janet.D.Phil., Oxford University, 1986; MBA Module, Open University, Foundations of Senior Management, 1997.

Línea de Investigación: Animal behaviour and welfare, equines, poultry and laboratory animals.


Pacheco R., David.Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad Autónoma de México. México 1999. PhD, University of New Zeland. 2000.

Line of Investigation: Ruminant Nutrition.


Quezada, Manuel. Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Universidad de Concepción, Chile; PhD in Veterinary, Universidad Católica de Córdoba, España

Line of Investigation: Animal Pathology.


Recabarren, Sergio.Biology and Sciences Teacher, Universidad de Chile; MSc in Animal Phisiology specialising in Reproductive Endocrinology, University of Minnesota, USA.

Line of Investigation: Reproductive Endocrinology.


Van Schaik, Gerdien. MSc, Wageningen University, The Netherland PhD, Wageningen University, The Netherlands.

Line of Investigation: Epidemiology and economy of animal health.


Singer, Randal Scott.MSc in Preventive Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, USA; Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, University of California, Davis, USA; PhD in Epidemiology, University of California, Davis, USA

Line of Investigation: Epidemiology.

Internationalisation of the PhD inVeterinary Sciences

MECESUPProject of Internationalisation of Doctoral Programmes

The MECESUPProject for the Internationalisation of Doctoral Programmes of the Universidad Austral de Chile includes a PhD in Sciences specialising in Cell and Molecular Biology, a PhD in Sciences specialising in Ecology and Evolution and aPhD in Veterinary Sciences. The project aims to develop and innovate the PhD programmes to generate both human resources and advanced technologies to satisfy the demands of the social and productive sector at regional, national and international levels; moreover, it aims to attract and insert national and foreign students into these programmes, also hoping to consolidate and increase the benefits and infrastructure facilities as well as the equipment to support doctoral students.

The project, led by the Office of Graduate Studies of the Universidad Austral de Chile, is being developed by a technical team led by Dr. Ana Maria Zárraga (Faculty of Sciences) and Dr. Gerardo Acosta (Faculty of Veterinary Sciences).


The overall objectives of the MECESUP project are increase the effectiveness of public funding for tertiary education through increased consistency, equity and quality of the system, and through improved performance, with greater transparency and public accountability.

MECESUP is funded with resources from the National Budget and a credit agreed with the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (BIRF Nº 4404-CH) and seeks to promote the necessary skills to increase global competitiveness, sustain economic and social development and ensure that no talent is lost due to differences in learning opportunities.

The Improvement of Quality of Higher Education programme was created by the Ministry of Education in 1998 as a developing tool which aims to contribute to the development of Higher Education Institutions, with regards to fulfilling their main functions and their relationship with national development, improving tertiary education and supporting innovative high-level research.

Programme Website

Application form



Name and Surname

Email Address




Graduate School Secretary: Sandra Velásquez

Telephone: 56.63.2221548
