Minutes of General Meeting held on Wednesday 11th August 2010 at The Town Hall, Wokingham with Lion President Debbie Slay in the chair. Those present are as shown below.
Guests: Marilyn Brewer; George Clement (Naomi House)
Before the meeting there was a Press photo and presentation of a cheque for £1500 to Naomi House. This was followed by a talk by George Clement on the history of Naomi House and Jack’s Place. Jack’s Place was named after Jack Witham, who left a legacy of £6million to bring the project to fruition, together with other funds raised/donated to the cause. George also brought us up-to-date with the situation regarding the monies Naomi House had invested in the Icelandic bank, Singer and Friedlander. Apparently they have been advised that they will receive 75% of these monies back and have been given grants to make up the shortfall, therefore the charity will not have lost money.
FORTHCOMING EVENTS-see details in minutes· Next Club Meeting Wednesday 25th August 8pm· Zone Meeting 31st August at Henley Barn
· New Member Orientation on 11 September
· Community Services Meeting 22nd September 7:00pm at the Red Lion
· German Exchange 17th- 19th September
· Wokingham Theatre Night 25th September
· Charter Night 2011 Saturday 25th June.
1.0 / PRESENT: 11. Debbie Slay; Sue Balchin; Andy Slay; Mervyn Clark; Patrick Allen; Nick Halford; Len Rawlings; Candy Kirkland; Steve Hardy; Juliet Dalby; Tom Smith.
APOLOGIES: 12. Paul Halford; Roland Strange; Jean Ibbotson; John Cleary; Paul Baily; Brian Willis. /
2.0 / Members Welfare:
2.1 No updates.
3.0 / Minutes of Last Meeting
3.1 The following points were brought up regarding the last minutes.
In 6.2 it should read Microsoft, not Microchip
In 8.3 There should be clarification that the remainder is to be divided between Building for the future and The Lions Club of Wokingham Charity account.
In 10.1 It was felt by some present that we should add that it was also due to lack of competition and wide geographical area that had to be covered.
In 10.2 MC was authorised to approach Me2 and keep SF in the loop.
In 17.0 The next bottle should be TS not AS
PA was present and this had not been noted.
3.2 DS signed the minutes with the above noted.
Matters Arising
3.2 None / ALL
5.0 / President’s Report
4.1 DS advised that she had emailed Caroline Shephard, Region 5 PR & Marketing regarding the Region proposed Beale Park project and Caroline had advised her that she would bring the plan for the project to the Zone meeting on 31st August. Further details to follow.
4.2 DS advised that she planned a Director’s meeting for 1st Sept 8:00 at her house. SH advised he would not be available due to work commitments. DS to liaise with Director’s to arrange meeting on or around that date.
Fundraising Report
5.1 CK advised that so far 7 tickets had been sold for the concert and she was concerned. All Lions to actively promote sales.
5.2 Details of the Ladies Night to be held in November to be advised later.
5.3 MC advised that he had heard from Fiona Wright of Guide Dogs for the Blind, that Lions were collecting the gate money for their fete/open day on 4 September and she had spoken to AS. AS advised that he had spoken to her at the May Fayre, given her his contact details and asked her to contact him to arrange, but had heard nothing. AS advised that he would not be able to assist on that day due to a family commitment. MC to contact Fiona. / DS
6.0 / Secretary’s Report
6.1 No report
7.0 / Treasurer’s Report
7.1 AS advised that he was nearing completion of last year’s accounts. He would be handing these over to SH asap.
7.2 AS advised that he was worried about the Admin account funds not covering outgoings. Although there were sufficient reserves on it at present, we do not wish to be going backwards. SH to look into. / AS/SH
8.0 / Community Services Report.
8.1 MC advised he had been approached by Warren House Nursing Home, for a supply of MIAB to contain ‘Do not Resuscitate’ instructions. This has apparently been promoted by an Ambulance Officer who says this is being supported by Lions centrally. MC has spoken with Regional Organiser who has not heard of this. All Lions present objected to MIAB being used in this way. DS to email the DG and advise her of what has been requested.
8.2 DS asked whether we should give a donation to the Search and Rescue group following Paul Chapman’s presentation at the last meeting. PA suggested £250, which will more than cover the kit required for one volunteer. JD therefore proposed £250, DS seconded and the motion was carried 9/2. JD to arrange cheque.
8.3 SB & JD had been to Wokingham Hospital regarding the TV’s they want to purchase with their share of the May Fayre monies. They are awaiting a written request from the hospital and confirmation that they will be able to mount them on the walls etc themselves. / DS
9.0 /
9.1 SB advised that staff cuts had been made at The Wokingham Times & it now runs from the Reading Post office. Vicky is no longer the contact, new contact is Carolyn. SB has had a very positive meeting and promised Carolyn regular articles for the paper. SB to resend the articles she sent recently, as with all the changes these appear not to have arrived at the correct destination! / SB10.0
11.0 / Membership Report
10.1 JC not available, but DS reported that she had passed JC an email received via the website from someone interested in joining in the last few days. DS also advised that AS and herself had a new prospective member Vicky, who was hoping to make our next meeting.
Social Report / JD
11.1 PA suggested a Beetle Drive at Bearwood Golf Club for Oct/Nov. All present in favour.
11.2 PA suggested a visit to the new Wembley, agreed he would look into costings; dates etc and come back to the club. / PA
12.0 / Youth
12.1 DS had received an email from Claire Dowling, enquiring on progress regarding a Leo’s club. SB advised that the plan has been suspended for now and she had written to the schools that had shown interest and advised them. TS suggested that this should be brought up at a Director’s meeting.
12.2 MC has spoken to Me2, who are interested in the Lions Young Ambassador. Discussion regarding should we spread the net wider, but due to time restraints agreed to limit to Me2 this year and if goes well widen it next year. / DS
13.0 / WEB
13.1 CK asked that any photos of recent events be sent to her, AS promised to send some.
13.2 DS requested that the Director’s details be updated on the website. CK advised that she would get this sorted. / All/AS/CK
14.1 CK has elephants, Michelle of Naomi House may want these for 18th September
14.2 Bob Westerman a friend of JC is doing the Snowdonia Mountain Challenge for the Royal Berks ‘Robbie the Robot’ appeal. Bob has cancer and JC wondered if we can help in any way. Details passed to JD.
Raffle Won by AS. TS to provide the bottle. Next Bottle BW
Tailtwister DS had forgotten to appoint one, so fined herself £1 and everyone else for being there!
Jester MC raised a titter. / CK
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