AttachMENT H



INSTRUCTIONS: Vendor must complete this Attachment H. The completed attachment must be submitted according to the instructions outlined in Sections 3.5 and 3.6 of the RFP. The space for answers will expand as necessary. Please be thorough in your response.

Firm Name: / Click here to enter text. /
Part A–Corporate Qualifications and Experience(up to 45points)
Using the space provided below, please provide an overview of Vendor’s relevant qualifications and experience in providing Investigative Services as described in this RFP. When describing Vendor’s qualifications and experience, be sure to include the following:
(i)Describe the firms experience providing investigative services as it best relates to the investigation of suspicious property claims in Florida.
(ii)Describe your staffing model, and the roles with position descriptions of those that will be involved in direct oversight and investigation of assignments? (Attach organization chart of positions)
(iii)How does your firm handle complex property claims investigations when they encounter a language barrier, especially in the predominantly Spanish speaking market of South Florida?
(iv)Briefly describe your firm’s processes and controls for protecting client confidential data (and whether you have cyber security insurance or not)?
(v)For each year, please provide the total number(No.) of assignments your firm conducted by the following types.
YEAR / Property* SIU assignments / Surveillance assignments / General Liability**SIU assignments / Agency/Underwriting related assignments / Other SIU-related assignments / TOTAL
2015 / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No.
2016 / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No.
2017 / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No. / Enter No.
*Property Investigations; such as fire, non-weather water, weather water, theft/burglary – resulting in physical damage to home, condominium or business.
**General liability; such as slip and fall, dog bite, and any other claim of injury/damages resulting from ownership of a home, condominium or business.
Click here to enter text.
Part B – Scenarios (up to 25points)
Using the space provided below, detail the investigative objectives and steps investigators would be expected to employ to effectively conduct the following scenario:
(i)An insured’s attorney reports that his client’s house sustained water damage resulting from a supply line under the sink that burst and flooded the house. He claims he discovered the loss when he returned from a 4 day vacation out of the state. The adjuster for the carrier inspects the damage and notices old damage. The insured has a prior water claim 3 years earlier with his prior carrier in which he received a payment for water damage in the same area.
(ii)An insured submits a claim for storm damage to his residence 2 months after obtaining insurance with a carrier. When the adjuster inspects the loss, it is noted that the insured is operating a business at the house,which is precluded from coverage for a personal lines policy insurance.
Click here to enter text.
Part C–Ethics, Training and Development (up to 20points)
Using the space provided below, please provide an overview of Vendor’sethics, training and development practices. For instance, you may want to describe:
(i)What are the minimum qualifications (education, experience, etc.) for your investigators that conduct property investigations?
(ii)Describe training that investigators receive upon hire and what training is received on an ongoing basis.
(iii)How do you measure and monitor individual performances of investigators that carry out property claim investigative assignments?
(iv)How do you ensure that investigative services are carried out to a high ethical standard and strict adherence to the requirements of the law? How does your firm handle investigator licensure infractions and discipline?
(v)Describe any additional aspects (not covered in your responses to the questions above) of your training program relevant to the services identified in this RFP.
Click here to enter text.
Part D – Personnel (10 Points)
Investigators must have a class C license in good standing, a comprehensive knowledge of interview and evidence gathering techniques; and either (i) a two year degree and four (4) years of investigative or insurance experience such as Property Insurance/casualty claims; or (ii) six (6)years combined investigative or insurance experience such as Property Insurance/casual claims experience(See Section of Attachment J – Agreement for Special Investigative Services.)
Provide the maximum number of investigator resources by zone(See Attachment J, Agreement for Special Investigative Services, Exhibit A Geographic Map). Of those that are identified, please indicate the number of investigators that are bilingual or fluent in English/Spanish. Only provide a number for the zones in which you propose to provide Services. You are not required to propose or provide a resource for every zone. If a zone is left blank, it will be treated as if no services are being offered in that zone or area. NOTE: Each Investigator Resource listed represents a single individual. A single resource cannot be applied to multiple zones:
ZONES / INVESTIGATIVE SERVICES (insert the number of investigator resources for the proposed zone(s) / BILINGUAL INVESTIGATORS (ENGLISH/SPANISH)
1 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
2 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
3 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
4 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
5 / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
TOTAL / Click here to enter text. / Click here to enter text. /
Click here to enter text.