Seven Deadly Sins of
The Catholic Church
Wrath may be described as inordinate and uncontrolled feelings of hatred and anger.
- Desire to aggressively take the law into one’s hands
- Crimes against humanity
- “Love of justice perverted to revenge and spite.”—Dante Alighieri
Examples of the Sin:
- Denial of truth
- Impatience (with the Law)
- Vigilantism
- Murder
- Assault
- Genocide
- Revenge
- Self-denial
It is identified as a desire to be more important or attractive than others
- Most serious of all capital sins.
- Self-love; loving yourself above all others, especially God.
- Failure to give compliments to those who are deserving
- Repetition of accomplishments and successes.
Examples of the Sin:
- Vanity
- Arrogance
- Narcissism
- Conceitedness
- Superiority Complex
- Egotism
Those who commit the sin of Envy desire something that someone else has which they perceive themselves as lacking.
- More general than greed—ex: feelings and emotions.
- Not necessarily characterized by material goods.
Examples of the Sin:
- Jealousy
- Malice
- Spite
- Malevolence
- Vindictiveness
- Covetousness
Greed is the selfishdesire for the pursuit of money, wealth, food, or other possessions.
- Wanton desire for excess (more than you need!).
- Denies the same goods to others.
- “Man condemns things eternally for the sake of temporal things” (favoring the things of earth, rather than the promises of what is to come in Heaven).
Examples of the Sin:
- Disloyalty
- Deliberate betrayal
- Treason
- Bribery
- Theft or Robbery
- Trickery
- Manipulation
- Simony or crimes within the Church
Gluttony is the over-indulgence and over-consumption of anything to the point of waste.
- Enjoying something too much to the point of excess
- Excessive desire of food leads to withholding or starvation of the needy.
- Comes from the Latin word “Gluttire” meaning to gulp down or swallow.
Examples of the Sin (Thomas Aquinas 13thcentury Catholic Priest):
- Eating too early
- Eating to expensively
- Eating too much
- Eating too eagerly
- Eating too daintily
- Eating to enthusiastically
Sloth was first called the sin of sadness
- Refusal to enjoy the goodness of God and the world He created.
Sloth is a sin of laziness, of an unwillingness to act, an unwillingness to care
- Failure to utilize God given gifts and talents.
- Excessive laziness and idleness.
- Poor health or sickness due to excessive laziness
- Content with mediocrity.
Examples of the Sin:
- Apathy
- Depression
- Joylessness
- Sadness
- Laziness
- Sleeping too much
- Relaxing too much
- Absence of love
Lust is usually thought of as involving obsessive or excessive thoughts or desires of a sexual nature.
- Sexual addition or compulsive thoughts about sexual matters.
- Excessive love of people; love for God becomes secondary.
Examples of the Sin:
- Adultery
- Rape