Ithaca College

Staff Council Minutes

November 17, 2011

Attendance sheet available upon request.


Meeting convened at 1:07pm. 29 in attendance with Jane Ray as a guest from Human Resources explaining Employee Appreciation Rewards program. 1000 coupons have been redeemed. The program runs between November 1st and November 30th. Encourage your constituents to redeem early [but no employee would be turned away if they redeem late].

Executive Committee Report

  • Chair reminded staff council of benefits enrollment period.
  • Holiday parties schedule has been posted on Intercom, RSVP is required for Fountain Place gathering.

Treasurer’s Report

  • No budget report.

Staff Council Committee Updates

Blood Drive – Cortaca Blood Drive very successful, total units donated will be available after November 30th.

Bus Trip – NYC bus trip has filled one bus. Only one bus is being provided.

Caring and Sharing – Donations to be picked up Nov 17th, with 17 families receiving donations. Totes left out for Holiday Food Drive to be collected December 14th.

Parking – No report

Sustainability – No report

Picnic – No report

JJ Staff Scholar Award – 2 staff members will be receiving awards for the spring semester. It was clarified that a candidate can receive the award more than 1 time, but maximum once per academic year.

All-College Committees – Staff Council Representation, no reports given

Campus Life Committee – information provided by Brian McAree as to reconfiguration of membership, see New Business

Parking Appeals Board – [Karen Armstrong], No report

Parking Policy Committee – [Arlene Dende], No report

Life Safety Committee – Ad Hoc, No report

Academic Calendar Committee – [Brenda Mikula], is setting schedule for next year. Next year’s meeting will set schedule for the following two years.

Old Business

  • Approved Draft Minutes from last meeting with 2 revisions.
  • Faculty and Staff Benefits committee needs members. Holley Westbrook is serving on the committee and it was determined that no motion/vote is necessary from Staff Council to have a member represented on this committee.
  • Life Safety Committee only meets is necessary.
  • Survey went out requesting input from SC meeting times. Results indicated the best time to meet is the 3rd Thursday of the month at 2pm. This time will be implemented for the next meeting.
  • Chair will request a proxy for Neil Hatch during his extended medical leave.

New Business

  • Campus Life Committee – membership requirements have changed, staff council needs to recommend 4 staff members to Brian McAree, for the President to choose 2 for the committee. The overall committee must be made up of 50% male and 50% female. Send nominations to Karenn Reeter by Friday Nov. 18th at noon. Executive Committee will review nominations and send forward 4 names.
  • Staff Council has received several concerns related to campus restroom cleanliness/ supplies and general outdatedness. Facilities Services was notified of concerns for bathroom conditions and supplies. A PAR would need to be submitted to Facilities Planning, Design and Construction for consideration to update bathroom infrastructure.
  • Location of Ashtrays outside building is a concern. A survey is being taken and a fair representation of smokers and non-smokers is being sought. The concern expressed states that ashtrays are too close to buildings and people entering buildings still walk through smoke haze.

Open Discussion

  • Nov 30 lunch and learn focuses on Surviving the Holidays Financially
  • One more appeal to re-enroll for Employee Benefits by Nov. 18th at NOON.
  • HR is looking for recruiters. Some training would be required. Not a major time commitment, but likely some travel involved. Please contact Michelle Rios-Dominguez if interested.


  • Meeting adjourned at 2:05pm.