CHSE Faculty Teaching and Learning conference, March 2018
Room / Clifton Suite (lower ground floor)8.15 – 8h 45 / Registration (coffee/tea & pastries, fruit, hot breakfast rolls)
9.00 / Conference opens - Introduction
9.15 – 9.55 / KEYNOTE: Professor Tim Dornan:
Supporting the identity development of students of the health professions
9.55 – 10.10
10.10 – 10.20 / Short presentation: RikiMsindo (undergraduate MBChB)
The implications of media depictions of medical professionals upon thepublic perception of doctors
Questions/ discussion on themes
10.20 – 10.35
10.35 – 10.55Coffee
Room / Clifton Suite(lower ground floor / Board Room
(ground floor) / (ground floor)
11.00 – 11.20 / Poster Presentations / Poster Presentations / Poster Presentations
11.25 – 11.45 / Short Presentation
Inside the 'Black Box': interactive practice in clinical reasoning for year 2 medical students. B Laue et al / Short Presentation
Supporting Graduate Students in an Adult Learning Environment.
E Love / Short Presentation
‘Go With The Flow' - an Innovative game to teach medical students about flow rates. S Mackin et al
11.50 – 12.05 / Show & Tell
Plasticine modelling: challenging the 3D understanding of anatomical structures. L Watson / Show & Tell
Clinical path match - the use of a game in small animal medicine teaching.
S Adamantos / Show & Tell
The Role of 3D Printing in Medical Education
M Lee
12.10 – 12.25 / Show & Tell
Interactive anatomy lectures using an audience response system. S Paterson / Show & Tell
Virtual Clinics in O& G: using technology to improve clinical learning. M O’Sullivan / Show & Tell
Augmented reality improves the SIM experience at lower cost. N Cook
12.30 – 13.40 Lunch and Poster viewing
Room / Clifton Suite(lower ground floor) / Board Room
(ground floor) / Bow Room
(lower ground floor)
13.45 – 15.15 / Workshop
Using a Mental Wellbeing Toolbox to promote positive mental wellbeing in Health Science students.
L Bates & L Slingsby / Workshop
Designing and implementing a Peer Assessment activity.
G Ford / Workshop
An Introduction to Practitioner Research
E Fowler
15.15 – 15.25 Tea/Coffee
Time / Clifton Suite (lower ground floor)15.30 – 16.10 / Pecha Kuchas
for topics, see over
16.10 – 16.45 / Complimentary Drink, Artist’s Feedback and Summary
Conference Prizes
Faculty of Health Sciences Teaching & Learning Prizes
16.50 / Close
Poster titles
- A simple interactive exercise for teaching and revision of cross-sectional anatomy (Craig Johnson)
- “..but from a clinician’s perspective that’s not going to work”: The role and place of the social and behavioural sciences in dental students’ perception of dentistry - a qualitative study (Patricia Neville)
- Simulation training through smart phones using virtual reality (Nicola Cook)
- Medical students and intimate examinations: what affects whether a woman will consent? (David Cahill)
- Making Sense of Psychiatry: undergraduate teaching on phenomenology and functions of symptoms (Tom Dalton)
- Innovation in suturing training: Could a cheap, simple tea-towel model be as effective as realistic silicon skin? (Sarah Baillie)
- Developing and evaluating the impact of digital professionalism awareness training on dental undergraduates in Bristol Dental Hospital(Mark Gormley)
- Praise where praise is due(Hannah Fuller)
- Promoting Pastoral Care (Jessica Ellis)
- Student response systems and self-reported scores: Do students report their scores accurately? (Scott Paterson)
- Writing It Right (Hannah Coakley)
- K Whittington: Enhancing the Assessment Literacy of Distance Learning Students
- Jessica Ellis: Remote Simulation
- Eva Bowditch: Trainee educational and leadership roles: their impact on professional identify in psychiatry
- Alex Grant: Getting in the way to getting on the way
Pecha Kucha topics
-Implementing Patchwork Assessment(Annie Noble)
-Revitalising Peer Review of Teaching for Teacher Professional Development(Isabelle Cunningham)
-What is racism doing in a nice field like education?(ThanosTzapas)
-Shifting identities - becoming a doctoral researcher in healthcare education(Sheena Warman)
-Discourse analysis of reflective writing: challenging dissonance(Ellayne Fowler)