I. General Characteristics of Plants

A. Eukaryotic, multi-cellular, autotrophic

Photosynthesis =

carbon dioxide + water + sunlight =è glucose (sugar) + oxygen

CO2 + H20 + uv light (sun) = è C6H12O6 + O2

Why are plants green? Chloroplasts

B. Have cell walls containing


C. Ecological role = Producer

II. Uses of plants

A.  Produce oxygen

B.  Food / drink for many

C.  Habitat for many

D.  Construction

E.  Fuel

F.  Clothing/ textiles

G.  Medicine

1.  aspirin – from white willow bark

(analgesic =pain reliever)

2.  digitalis – from foxglove

(regulate irregular heartbeat)

3.  quinine – from cinchona bark

(treat malaria)

H.  Landscaping / decoration

I.  Prevent Erosion

J.  Paper Products

K.  Others?

III. Types of plants

A.  Non-vascular =

o  No system of tubes for transport

o  No “true” roots, stems or leaves

E.g. Mosses

B.  Vascular

1.  Ferns

2.  Seed Plants

a.  Gymnosperms (seeds in cones)

b.  Angiosperms (seeds in flowers / fruit)