Minutes of the Neighbourhood Plan Committee (NPC)
Held on Monday 5th December 2016.
Present: R Wilson (Chairman), D Wood and Cllr S Devereux
In Attendance:
L Bartle (Openplan)
S Landucci (Openplan)
L Croft (Town Clerk)
- Apologies.
B Karley
- Agree notes of the previous meeting held 30thNovember 2016
Resolved that the notes are a true record of the meeting.
- Town Character Appraisal
D Wood explained how with B Karley he had approached this appraisal and the consultants felt that their approach was correct. The consultants advised that they use the the guidance sheet provided and confirmed that they would send an example of a completed TCA. Photos would be very useful to demonstrate design points made. At the public consultation the opportunity could be given to property owners to request that any photos of their property be removed from the finished document.
The consultants will map important characteristics and views. List to be provided to them by group.
The TCA can be used for design guidance and the consultants ideally need the TCA early in the new year at latest preferable before Christmas.
Town Clerk will provide Openplan with the login details to PSMA for access to OS maps.
RW will pass on pdf version of maps group already have.
4.Housing Site Matrix.
Having revised the scoring system there were 3 sites where the logic seemed flawed with regards to connectivity. These have been adjusted accordingly.
The sites are a combination of ELDC SHLAA sites and group identified sites. ELDC have a sustainability document which includes all the sites. ELDC are also aware of the site matrix methodology and have found it to be robust but have had no direct input.
Consultants felt it might be a good idea to tweek the wording - they are happy to do this.
Behind the matrix there should be a proforma which include a description of the site and a map. This will provide the full story of the scoring of each site.
LCC highways should be asked to look at the traffic /transport/ access criteria scoring of the sites and it should be made clear to them that ELDC have not site allocated in the local plan.
Consultants to map all sites onto one large map.
Landowners to be contacted, letters worded that if no response received it will be assumed that sites are available for development and will therefore be allocated.
RW will contact LCC and landowners plus do proforma for each site as suggested.
It was agreed that he would complete one proforma and send to LB for review.
When the definitive list of sites is confirmed the consultants will work on the design issues.
Consultants will look at the matrix in more details.
- Other matters for discussion
Industrial land - tell the story behind allocation of only available site.
Consultants will update the Sustainability Appraisal once all other work completed.
The funding due diligance will be completed.
LB will provide consultancy invoicing stages.
Meeting with ELDC should be late January, LB will contact A Shorland reference the meeting and funding.
Next meeting with consultants will be arranged once current work is completed but prior to ELDC meeting.
6.Date of next meeting.
Wednesday 4th January 2016 at 10am. - To be confirmed.
The meeting ended at 1.10pm