cordially invites you to attend our

25th Anniversary


Sunday, November 14th, 2010

101 Spoke Hill Drive

Wimberley, Texas

Service of Celebration

10:00 am

Luncheon immediately following

in the Fellowship Hall.

Kindly respond by

November 12, 2010



Happenings @ LCr

Football Game @ TLU - The game is Saturday, November 6th. If any youth would like a ticket, please contact Mike Schliessmann.

Deer Creek DEVOTIONS - Sunday, November 7th @ 3:30pm. Please talk to Bunky Layton for more information and how you can help.

25th Anniversary Celebration – Sunday, November 14th. Please come for worship and a luncheon. Talk to Bunky Layton if you would like to help in any way.

Trail of Lights Set-Up – This will happen sometime in November. Please talk to Dirk Dierking if you’d like to help set up the display or work the night we host the Yule Log (December 6th).

Annual Thanksgiving Community service

Sunday, November 21st, 4:00pm at Chapel in the Hills. You won’t want to miss this year’s worship service as all denominations come together to give thanks to God for his gracious goodness. The offering from the service benefits Operation Good Shepherd. Please add this date to your calendar. See you there!

Who said this? -- Deb Conrad in 1992

“O sing to the Lord a new song, for he has done marvelous things.” (Psalm 98)

Marvelous things, indeed! Resurrection congregation, with its numbers ever increasing and its faces ever changing, has been given the gift of life anew. As we begin (a year is placed here), we are all too aware that a year and a half ago we weren’t certain we would see the start of (a year is placed here). But God has gathered us reborn people and blessed us for the challenge of the rebirth of this congregation. Thinking of the challenge brings particular scripture verses to mind:

“The Spirit of the Lord is upon us….to bring good news to the poor….and to proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.”

“We are stewards of the mysteries of God.”

We are surely stewards of the mystery as well as stewards of the bounty of our God. And the Holy Spirit continues to be among us, continually blessings us, continually calling us to face the task, to receive the gifts, to be the people who are singing that new song of praise and wonder.

Here’s to life, Resurrection Church! Let the new song resound!

Isn’t it great how the Lord is the same yesterday, today and always as He continually provides blessings to this growing church! Be sure to come on Sunday, November 14th for worship and a luncheon as we honor our past and celebrate our future as a church family. You never know which special guests might be in the house!! 

stories of stewards in mission

Holley Hickman was so excited that “an amazing opportunity arose” to be a part of the Costa Rica Accompaniment Experience this summer. While being in Costa Rica she most enjoyed “being with the children because they were so excited” to see and hang out with us. Holley found that it is hard to put into words what she learned while in Costa Rica because she learned so much from this experience. Since she has returned from this mission experience she hopes to volunteer more in ways that make a difference in the world.

Parker Tise also was able to go to Costa Rica. He went on this mission opportunity “to experience the world other than Texas.” He most enjoyed “chillin’ with the youth in San Martin. They just treated us like old friends.” He also has fond memories of “playing with the parachute with the children, it made them so happy.” Parker learned “that helping people makes you [him] feel good.” What a great opportunity! He plans to continue to find ways to help those in our community and around the world, especially helping poor people.

[Talk to these stewards and share your stories. Each month we will share a story of a steward of mission in our congregation. Do you know of someone that we could feature? Talk to Pastor Jennifer or Colleen.]

Mission of the Month: Operation Good Shepherd

Operation Good Shepherd (OGS) is the financial assistance arm of the Wimberley Ministerial Alliance. The OGS fund helps local residents with utility, rent, medical, and transportation expenses. All funds collected stay in Wimberley to help residents who live in WISD boundaries. The OGS fund is administrated by the Barnabas Connection, a community outreach program at Wimberley United Methodist Church. People in need of assistance are to call the Barnabas Connection at 847-1664 for more information.

We recently heard from our overseer of the OGS account that there is a great need in our community this year. The disbursements for this quarter compared to this time last year is significantly higher. An example of this increase is seen in utility expenses. The quarterly total for utilities in 2008 ranged from $2100-$2800 per quarter. Expenditures in this category this quarter hit close to $5400. It takes churches like LCR to help meet the needs of our community through OGS. Please consider contributing to this Mission of the Month.

Sr. High Gathering – December 28-30th

This year’s theme for the annual Sr. High Gathering is “Go!” In our communities of faith we are encouraged to learn, study, and to have an active faith life. But being active in your faith goes beyond just knowing the Bible. It’s having a relationship with God and living out what you believe! During the Gathering, participants will be challenged to dig deep and learn how they can live their faith in the world.

The Gathering is in San Antonio. It is for students currently in 9th-12th grade. Guest Musician is Pastor Jaime Bouzard (of Grace Over Pressure) and friends. (I believe the friends include some of the Ruge-Jones family!!). It will surely be a good time. Please talk to Pastor Jennifer if you are interested in attending. We will discuss cost at that time. Deadline for registration with Pastor is November 22nd.

We continue to pray for all who are ill and recovering and receiving treatments or testing and for Pam Longoria, Hugh Ellington, Doris Kowalski, Tammy Nelms, John Bradshaw, Zee Hickman (mother of Danny and Lois Hickman), Dot Currie (sister of Dirk Dierking), Jill Vantine (daughter of Bobbi & Jim Vantine), Aiden Pederson (friend of Lois Hickman), Jim Wolf (friend of Carol and Dirk Dierking), Rusty Powell (son of Harriet Powell), and all care givers that devote their time to care for those they love.

Please be in prayer for our family and friends who are serving our country either stateside or overseas. Pray daily for peace in our world, particularly in the Middle East, and for all who suffer the consequences of war. We continue to pray for those who are hungry and for those who serve them. Please be in prayer for the Lord to replenish the earth as He sees fit. We also lift in prayer the families that are struggling with separation and divorce.


Thank you to……

Bunky Layton & Dorcy Rhea for coordinating Rummage Sale/Silent Auction. You, along with all the others that are too many to name, made the day a success. A special thanks from Bunky and Dorcy to the three “heavenly angels” who were with us through it all…..a big thumbs up….you know you who are.

Natalie & Brandon Merkord; Claire & Jason Valentine; Bella, Hannah, Madelyn & Ben Raska; Mike Schliessmann, Pastor Jennifer and the Sunday morning car cleaning crew who participated in helping serve food at the Walk 4 Habitat & Classic Car Show.

Dianne & Travis Kilpatrick for donating a TV & DVD player for Education Hour use.

To all who have helped to make Fall Taco Sales successful: Ben Raska, Brandon Merkord, Mike Schliessmann, all the folks who donated supplies, any parents I've missed on the kitchen crew list, and of course the youth that come every month to set-up, make tacos, and clean up. See you in the Spring!

New Address

Jason Chesnut

W 9524 Lake Dr.

Edgerton, WI 53534

Way to go LCR!

CORRECTION….The September Mission of the Month collection was for Crisis Bread Basket (not Operation Good Shepherd) totaling $297. Way to go LCR!

check it out on the web!!

Casey Hickman has taken on a huge project at California Lutheran. He, along with a team of folks, are painting a mural of the Seven Virtues. Check out his website as they make progress.

The Future Starts Now

This is the title of the book being studied in our Adult Education Class @ 9:00am on Sunday mornings. Please stop by and join the conversation of how LCR can learn to be who we are, use what we have, and see God at loose in the world. If you would like to be a part of the study, but are unable to attend the actual class time…..please check out the book from the LCR Library. Hope to see you in class!


Mark your calendars for the Revived Dinner Night Out on Wednesday, November 10th. We will be heading to the Salt Lick to dine at 6:00pm. Note our new time for the winter hours. Remember that the Salt Lick only takes cash. We always have a good time together and invite you to join us!

Mexican train

An event that takes place each month at the church – and is open to all who wish to come and join the fun. In case you aren’t aware – this is a dominoes game. If you’ve never heard of it and wish to learn – come and join us. Whether you are an expert or a beginner – you will fit right in with this crowd of LCR folks. We play on the 3rd Thursday of the month, beginning at 12:30pm. The next play date is November 18th. If you would like to be on the e-mail list of dates, please contact Shirley Schliessmann.

hand & foot

We have started another game day here at church: Hand and Foot. It’s a card game similar to Canasta and fun to play. The second and fourth Monday of each month at 1:00 p.m. is when the group meets. If you want to be on the email reminder list, contact Colleen at 847-3386.


Remember to set your clocks back on November 6th.

Being stewards of god’s money….


General Fund –

Total Giving $7,278Mission Plan $8,000

Expenditures $10,323

Building Fund -

Total Giving $1,468Mission Plan $1,821

Honor the Lord with your substance and with the first fruits of all you produce. (Proverbs 3:9)

December - Mark Your Calendars! – Watch for more details later.

3-5 – Wimberley Community Chorus Christmas Concert

Fri & Sat. 7:00pm, Sun. 2:30pm

Wimberley United Methodist Church

5 – Confirmation, 2-5pm @ Living Word, Buda

6 – LCR’s Night at Emily Ann Theatre Yule Log!

8 – Dinner Night Out @ Texas Red’s

12 – Congregational Meeting to discuss the Mission Investment Plan

and Elect Council Members

24- Christmas Eve Worship

28-30 – Sr. High Gathering in San Antonio

Happy Anniversary
11-01 / Jim Ellisor / 11-13 / Sharon Thompson / 11-01 / Jim & Bobbi Vantine
11-04 / Tripp Temoney / 11-17 / Isabella Raska / 11-15 / Estelle & Mitch Hill
11-08 / Guy Bowen / 11-20 / Lars Dove / 11-24 / Jim & Melinda Ellisor
11-08 / Jason Chesnut / 11-24 / Emily Taylor / 11-30 / Carla & John Lichtenberger
11-09 / Ryan Butler / 11-27 / Jenny Durkin
11-10 / Betty Spickler / 11-28 / John Dunn
11-12 / Jason Valentine / 11-28 / Ron Weir
11-13 / Colleen Kaye / 11-29 / Paul Toudouze
CONGRATULATIONS! / Note: If we missed your special day or printed it incorrectly, please notify the church office…


7 / 14 / 21 / 28
Readers / 10:00 / Melinda Ellisor / Colleen Kaye / Bunky Layton / Hannah Raska
Assistant / 10:00 / Lois Hickman / None / Harriet Powell / Colleen Kaye
Acolytes / 10:00 / Sam Ellisor / Nick Merkord / Ian McGar / Colten Kilpatrick
Ushers / 10:00 / Ellisor&Kilpatrick / Dierkings / Weirs / Raskas
Child Care / 10:00 / Dianne Kilpatrick / Holley Hickman / Pam Longoria / Madelyn Raska
Hospitality / 10:00 / Bunky Layton / Joan Mohr / Gayle Weir / Brenda Moore
Altar Guild / 10:00 / Shirley Schliessmann / Carol Dierking / Beverly Ladzinski / Brenda Moore
Flowers / The Pollock Kids

NOTE TO READERS: The Scripture readings for the week you serve will be in your box at the beginning of the month. We encourage you to take them home and read through them prior to your Sunday to share your gift with the congregation.

Pronunciation Guides are available – one under the Lecturn (where you read) and the other in the Church office. Feel free to take and use them whenever needed.

If you can’t be present on the Sunday you are signed up to serve, please remember to find your own replacement!!
This is vital to making sure all leadership roles are filled each week.
Thanks! 