American Academy of Pediatrics, California

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American Academy of Pediatrics, California

April 12, 2016

The Honorable Jimmy Gomez

State Capitol, Room 3126

Sacramento, CA 94249

Fax: (916) 319-2151

RE: AB 2589 (Gomez) Lactation Services and Equipment

AAP-CA Position: Support

Dear Assembly Member Gomez:

The American Academy of Pediatrics, California (AAP-CA) representing over 5,000 California pediatricians strongly supports proposed legislation AB 2589 (Gomez). This bill would promote streamlined enrollment into the WIC program and the development of equipment standards for the provision of breast pumps.

Research shows the benefit of breastfeeding in the reduction of childhood infections (otitis media, respiratory tract infections, urinary tract infections), reduction in rates of pediatric obesity, and reduction in incidence of type I and II diabetes. Additionally, the maternal health benefits of breastfeeding are well documented, such as the decreased risk of breast and ovarian cancer, improved maternal bonding, and earlier return to pre-pregnancy weight. The AAP recommends exclusive breastfeeding until 6 months of age. Based on the CDC Breastfeeding Report Card of 2014, while California has a relatively high initial breastfeeding rate of 92%, this falls significantly to 25% by 6 months of age.

A major barrier to continuing breastfeeding is the difficulty of obtaining breast pumps through Medi-Cal or WIC. Pediatricians often hear low-income parents express frustration and dissatisfaction with the process of obtaining breast pumps, as WIC offices usually have a limited supply of electric pumps. Many mothers we encounter are not even aware they can obtain breast pumps through their insurance, as the Affordable Care Act now mandates. In addition, there are no clear standards for what type of pump insurance companies must provide and for how long, and some companies provide only single breast manual hand pumps that can take an hour to express milk. Mothers who go back to work or school after limited maternity leave have limited time and availability to pump, and doing so with hand pumps is often painful, time-consuming, and inefficient. Electric pumps sold commercially cost $180 to $500, which is unaffordable for many families; this does not include the required accessories and storage equipment.

With respect to WIC, as pediatricians we know how important it is for every eligible mother to be in enrolled in the WIC program. The proven successes of the WIC program include decreased risk of poor birth outcomes and improved health of participants during critical times of growth and development. Numerous scientific studies show that pregnant women who participate in the WIC program seek earlier prenatal care and consume a healthier diet. The improved nutrition and nutrition education provided to enrolled women and children result in longer pregnancies, fewer very low birth weight babies, and fewer fetal and infant deaths. This translates into enormous savings in health care dollars. Research shows a savings of $3.50 for every $1.00 spent on WIC. The current lack of a streamlined enrollment process means missed eligible participants and as such, loss of all the benefits it provides to both mothers and their families as a whole.

California pediatricians support AB 2589. Thank you for your public service and leadership on behalf of the health and well being of children, youth, and families in California.


Casey Sherman, M.D.

Senior Policy Analyst

American Academy of Pediatrics, California

SupriyaHattangadi, M.D.

Senior Policy Analyst

American Academy of Pediatrics, California

CC: Kris Calvin CEO, AAP-CA; AAP-CA Leadership; Lydia Bourne

The American Academy of Pediatrics, California (AAP-CA) is a 501(c)4 nonprofit organization,

legally incorporated separately from the National American Academy of Pediatrics.