6th NOVEMBER2017


1.1To approve a Treasury Management Strategy for 2018/19 and update the current Treasury Management Policy.


2.1Cabinet is responsible for ensuring the implementation of the Treasury Management Policy but full Council is responsible for the setting of and amendments to it.

2.2The main change recommended in the Policy, if it is approved, is that the Council will be able to invest in the CCLA Local Authority Property Fund. It should be remembered that this is just one element of the wider Investment Strategy. This is currently being developed and will be brought back for members to consider in due course.


3.1That it be recommended to Council that the strategy proposed in this report and the attached Treasury Management Policy are approved.


4.1On the 1 April 2002, the CIPFA Code of Practice for Treasury Management in the Public Sector came into being. The Treasury Management Policy Statement was revised and approved by Cabinet/Council at that time to take account of this.

4.2 In 2009 the Treasury Management Code was revised as Local Authority investments had been placed under the national spotlight following the collapse of the Icelandic banks. CIPFA has made only minor amendments since 2009 and the current policy reflects all of these changes.

4.3At the time of writing this report, CIPFA is consulting on a new Code of Practice. As the outcome and introduction date of this will not be known for a number of months, any necessary revisions to the appended Policy will be brought back to a future meeting of Cabinet for its approval.

Changes to the current Treasury Management strategy

4.4TheTreasury Management Policy in the main is the same as contained within last year’s report to Cabinet on the 31st January 2017. However, as well as ensuring that it complies with current legislation,the policy is also assessed to maximise the financial benefits of the Council’s borrowing and investing activities at the lowest possible risk.

4.5It is not deemed necessary at this time to alter last year’s policy to comply with current legislation. Also, it is felt that the Council’s counterparty limits are still fit for purpose. The major change this year is that the policy, if approved,would give the Council the ability to invest in the Local Authority Property Fund administered by the CCLA Fund Managers (Churches, Charities and Local Authorities). Further details on this can be found in Section 5 and Appendix 3 of the report.

Treasury Management strategy for 2018/19

Interest Rates and the Economy

4.6On the 8th August 2016 the MPC announced a package of supportive measures which included lowering the base rate to 0.25% following the referendum on EU membership.

4.7In order to maintain price stability the Government has set the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) a 2% target for Consumer Prices Index (CPI) inflation.

4.8Currently, CPI inflation is running at 3.0% and largely as a result of the depreciation of sterling, inflation is expected to be higher throughout the next three years. The MPC’s main tool to deal with heightened inflation would normally be to raise the base rate.

4.9At its last meeting on the 14th September 2017, the MPCraised the prospect of an interest rate rise possibly as early as November in an attempt to relieve the squeeze on living standards from rising prices and sluggish wage growth.

4.10Although it is not possible to accurately predict where the interest rate base rate is heading it is likely that the Bank of England will be cautious in its approach trying to strike a balance between unacceptably high inflation and low interest rates to support economic activity.

4.11Any long term borrowing is at present carried out through the Public Works Loan Board (PWLB). The benchmark period that we compare against is 24.5 to 25 years (being mid-way between the shortest and longest borrowing periods available to the Council). At the start of the financial year 2017/18, the 24.5-25 year rate was 2.82% but has risen to just under 3% at the time of writing the report as a result of the recent rise in inflation and expectation of a higher base rate.

Basic Strategy

4.12 The overall strategy is to adhere to the Treasury Management Policy (appended to this report as Appendix 1) and to the Prudential Indicators Report. Any borrowings or investments carried out will be within the limits as set out in those policies.

4.13 At present any long term borrowing is only carried out for prudential (Council financed) schemes as the Government has ended supported borrowing. If any borrowing is required it is usually borrowed from the PWLB. Other forms of borrowing could be explored but obviously any use of non-PWLB loans would be approached cautiously given the risks involved.

4.14 We have been in the situation of long term PWLB rates being a higher than short term (up to one year) money market rates for a number of years now so it has been cheaper to borrow (or reduce our investments) for short periods than to borrow long term. This strategy has helped us deliver significant savings against the Treasury Management budget.

4.15However, rapidly reducing cash balances combined with PWLB rates that have now fallen to very attractive levels, mean that there is an opportunity to borrow long term again. The major capital schemes that we have carried out over the last few years have lowered cash balances to a level that we feel we now need to keep in reserve. The Head of Finance has therefore taken the decision to borrow £8 million so far in 2017/18 with a similar amount expected before the end of 2018/19.

4.16It is proposed though to keep a watching brief on borrowing requirements and interest rate movements to borrow for the Council at an opportune time as possible.In the absence of clear evidence to support assumptions of movements in interest rates, the strategy will be to spread any long term borrowings over the year (i.e. pound cost averagingto minimise the risk of exposure to sudden fluctuations in interest rates).

4.17 It is also good practice for authorities to have smooth debt maturity profiles in order to reduce their exposure to a substantial borrowing requirement in a particular period in the future when interest rates might be high. The Council’s current loans will mature relatively evenly in the future so the primary consideration on when to borrow money to will be based on which periods offer the best overall combination of low interest rates and long term certainty.

4.18 For information, the Authority’s predicted debt profile can be found in Appendix 2 (N.B. this shows only those years in which the debt will mature). There are gaps between the years in the very long term as it is only recently that the PWLB have offered rates from 30 to 50 years so there will be opportunities to fill these gaps when borrowing in future years.


5.1 Apart from the approval of theTreasury Management Strategy and Policy contained within the report, Members are asked to consider the proposal to give officers scope to invest in a property fund.

5.2The Council has short term reserves and balances (currently around £35m) which it invests with relatively secure financial institutions in accordance with the Treasury Management Strategy. The returns on this investment though are currently below 0.5% (although they would rise if interest rates went up there is no clear consensus when this might be or by how much).

5.3The Council has therefore started to explore a number of investment opportunities in energy, housing and direct property ownership however these are only likely to yield financial returns in the medium to long term.

5.4As an asset class, property investment traditionally provides a better total return (i.e. fromboth income and capital appreciation) than cash investments, whilst stillmaintaining a high level of security. As an alternative to direct property investment an option exists to invest relatively quickly in a property fund instead.

5.5Property Funds have the advantage of providing diversification (both geographically and across sectors) and the utilisation of experienced specialist fund managers. The Local Authorities Property Fund administered by CCLA Fund Management in particular has been assessed as a good option for the Council to invest in due to its governance arrangements and unique accounting advantages over other funds. Full details of the fund can be found in Appendix 3.

5.6As part of the budget process for 2017/18, Budget Council agreed a savings target of £150k for 2018/19 and £200k for 2019/20 onwards from the introduction of a new investment strategy. An investment limit of £5m in the fund is suggested as this would, at the current return rate of 4.5%, generate sufficient income to meet the agreed saving. It is also recommended that this approval would have immediate effect to provide officers with the flexibility to invest before the start of 2018/19.

5.7It should be remembered though that with any investment there are risks involved. Although the Fund has a good track record the current dividend yield is not in any way guaranteed and the Council may get less than its original investment returned when it comes to sell.

5.8On top of normal economy-related fluctuations in property values, in the short term, costs such as stamp duty, legal and agents’ fees have to be incurred by the fund when it invests new money. This means that there is a large initial difference between the purchase price of a unit of the fund when compared to the selling price quoted at the same time. To mitigate against these risks the Council will attempt to phase its investment with the aim of achieving a better average entry price and accept that the investment will be held for the long term to minimise risk and potentially maximise returns.


6.1The implications are contained within the report and are reflected in the 2018/19 revenue budget.


7.1 Due to the nature of this report there are no legal implications


8.1No direct consultation has been carried out,however, information has been collected from financial brokers and institutions.


9.1None arising out of this report.


10.1 None arising out of this report.


11.1It is felt that the basic strategy detailed above and recommended policy will minimise risk, short and long term interest costs to the Council with sufficient flexibility to respond to movements in the economy and interest rates when they occur.

11.2The report and appended policy also specifically recommends the inclusion of a maximuminvestment of £5m in the Local Authorities Property Fund run by CCLA Fund Management. Based on current returns this would achieve the investment savings target set by Budget Council in February 2017. There are risks involved but these are considered reasonable compared to the expected return. The identified risks can also be mitigated by taking a long term approach, and, if possible, drip feeding our investment to achieve as low an entry point as possible. The inclusion of the CCLA Fund in our treasury management strategy is only part of a wider investment strategy based on prudential borrowing which will be brought forward for Member consideration.

Reference: / ACC/DH/JLC / Nigel Broadbent
Report No: / Head of Finance
Date: / 25thOctober 2017 / Calderdale MBC


D Hitchen Senior Finance officer Chief Executive’s office

Email / Hx 001422 393587


1.CIPFA’s Code of Practice on Treasury Management

2.2017/18 Annual Strategy Report


Finance Services, Westgate House, Halifax, HX1 1PS


Treasury Management Policy Statement

1.The Authority defines Treasury Management activities as:-

The Management of the Local Authority’s investments, cash flows, its banking, money market transactions; the effective control of the risks associated with those activities, and the pursuit of optimum performance consistent with those risks.

2.The Authority regards the successful identification, monitoring and control of risk to be the prime criteria by which the effectiveness of its Treasury Management activities will be measured. Accordingly, the analysis and reporting of Treasury Management activities will focus on their risk implications for the Authority.

3.The Authority acknowledges that effective treasury management will provide support towards the achievement of its business and service objectives. It is therefore committed to the principles of achieving best value in Treasury Management, and to employing suitable performance measurement techniques, within the context of effective risk management.

Treasury Management Practices

1Risk Management

TheCIPFA code of practice identifies eight Treasury Management risks which are:-

  1. Credit and counterparty risk

There is a risk of failure by a third party to meet its contractual obligations to the Authority. Excepting the Bank of England and the UK Government (which includes the Government’s Debt management office for whom we do not set a limit) we minimise this risk by having limits for investments to the approved organisations below.

When referring to ratings it should be remembered that investments are made based on an organisation’s rating at the time of the investment. However, Banks or Building Societies can be downgraded by the ratings agencies whilst we are holding the investment prior to it being repaid to the Council. This risk is mitigated by only dealing with the very highest rated Banks or Building Societies. Although the downgrading of a counterparty might only be to the next level down (which still might be a high rating) if it is not as high as the Council demands no further investments will be made to that counterparty until such time as its rating is revised back upwards to meet the Council’s policy.

1External specified investments are to be limited for a period of up to 1 year as follows:


Specifically any of the four big clearing banks (HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays and Lloyds) with a short term rating of F1+ by Fitch and P-1 by Moody’s combined with assets over £400 billion along with other Local Authorities.


Specifically any of the four big clearing banks (HSBC, Royal Bank of Scotland, Barclays and Lloyds) with a short term rating of F1 by Fitch and P-1 by Moody’s combined with assets over £400 billion.


(i)Any other institution authorised under the Banking Act 1987 with the minimum short term ratings of F1from Fitch and P-1 from Moody’s combined with assets over £100 billion.

(ii)Building Societies (within the meaning of the Building Societies Act 1986) with gross assets over £100 billion combined with the minimum short term ratings of F1 from Fitch and P-1 from Moody’s.


(i)Any other institution authorised under the Banking Act 1987 with any of the following combined ratings from both Fitch and Moody’s F1/P-1,F1/P-2 and F2/P-1 also combined with assets over £20billion.

(ii)Building Societies (within the meaning of the Building Societies Act 1986) with any of the following combined ratings from both Fitch and Moody’sF1/P-1, F1/P-2 and F2/P-1 also combined with assets over £20 billion.


(i) Any other institution authorised under the Banking Act 1987 with at least short term ratings of F2 from Fitch and P-2 from Moody’s combined with assets over £5 billion.

(ii)Building Societies (within the meaning of the Building Societies Act 1986) with gross assets over £5 billion combined with at least short term ratings of F2 from Fitch and P-2 from Moody’s.


(i)Any other institution authorised under the Banking Act 1987 which are only rated by one of our ratings agencies should be at least short term rated F2by Fitch or P-2 by Moody’s combined with assets over £1 billion.

(ii)Building Societies (within the meaning of the Building Societies Act 1986) which are only rated by one of our ratings agencies should be at least short term rated F2 by Fitch or P-2 by Moody’s combined with assets over £1 billion.


We currently have a call account facility with the Council’s own bankers (Nat West) which means that we have instant access to our funds at any time. We propose to limit the amount in the call account to a maximum of £5 million at any one time.

2 External non-specified investments are to be limited for a period of up to 1 year as follows.


Any Building society authorised under the Banking Act 1987 which are not rated by either of our ratings agencies combined with assets over £1 billion. These investments are termed as non-specified investments.

The Authority currently uses both Fitch and Moody’s which are recognised as “relevant rating agencies” by the Securities and Futures Authority and are two of the three major international rating agencies and we refer to their websites every time we carry out aninvestment. The short term ratings of both companies which apply to our policy are set out below:

Limits / Short term / Short term / Assets over / Grade Meaning
Maximum £20 million / F1+ / P-1 / £400 billion / Extremely strong grade
Maximum £15 million / F1 / P-1 / £400 billion / Very strong grade
Maximum £10 million / F1 / P-1 / £100 billion / Very strong grade
Maximum £6 million / F1/F2 / P-1/P-2 / £20 billion / Very strong grade
Maximum £4 million / F2 / P-2 / £5 billion / Strong grade
Maximum £2 million / Either F2 / Or P-2 / £1 billion / Strong grade

NOTE TO THE ABOVEIf only one of the agencies actually rates a certain Bank or Building Society then that single rating will have to be at least F2 by Fitch or P-2 by Moody’s.

3 Country Limits


The criteria for lending to foreign-domiciled financial institutions would be firstly that the country in questionwould have to be rated AAA by Fitch and Aaa by Moody’s. Secondly the bank in that country would have to comply with the external specified policy above.Thirdly they would have to be incorporated within the UK or allowed to accept deposits through a branch in the UK. The maximum limit of £10 million per country would then apply. N.B. this limit doesn’t apply to UK domiciled banks and building societies.