Summary record of the 1st meeting of JTG-India held on 16 July 2009
The 1st meeting of Joint Task Group-India was held on 16 July 2009 at 1500 Hrs in Committee Room, Sanchar Bhavan, New Delhi under the chairmanship of Shri R.J.S. Kushvaha, Joint Wireless Adviser to the Government of India. The list of participants is enclosed.
2The Chairman welcomed the participants and informed that 700 MHz band has been allocated, among others, to Fixed, Mobile and Broadcasting services on primary basis as per Radio Regulations. He further informed that the frequency band 698-806 MHz has also been identified for IMT applications in many countries, including India, in Region 03 by WRC-07. The issue related to sharing studies in the frequency band 790-862 MHz has been included in agenda item 1.17 of WRC-11. Accordingly, ITU-R has constituted a Joint Task Group ( JTG 5-6) for this study. In India, a similar JTG has been constituted to study the compatibility between services/ applications in 700 MHz band and also to develop a national channelling Plan in 700 MHz band. With this back ground, he proposed the agenda for this the meeting, which was approved.
3.Discussion on various issues:
3.1The representative of JCES presented their views and re-iterated that the band 698-806 MHz was being used extensively by Defence and hence, this band should not be opened for commercial applications.
3.2The representative of ISPAI stated that channeling plan should be technologicallyneutral.
3.3The representative of COAI made a presentation on international practices for 700 MHz band They presented a band plan for 700 MHz band being used in US. They also mentioned that a proposal in this band was submitted to APT Wireless Forum (AWF) where they proposed 2X50 MHz (FDD Mode) withsmall gap of 8 MHz between uplink and down link and reverse duplex arrangement for better coexistence with other services in adjacent bands.
4.After further discussions, it was decided that members of JTG-India would submit their written proposals in soft as well as signed hard copy of the same to WPC Wing. These proposals will be uploaded on WPC Wing website ( to enable expeditious dissemination to the members through internet. Members were also urged to develop and submit their proposals taking into account the terms of reference of the JTG-India.
4.1Chairman proposed to constitute a Drafting Group, which would be responsible for developing a document based on proposals received from members.The meeting agreed for the constitution of the Drafting Group and decided that Dr. S.M. Sharma, DWA, WPC Wing will chair this Drafting Group.
4.2Chairman requested that all the proposals from members be sent to WPC Wing electronically on following email addresses along with the signed hard copy.
5.It was decided that the last date of submission of proposals by members would be 17.8.2009 and next meeting of the JTG-India would be held thereafter, preferably, in the last week of August, 2009.
The meting ended with a vote of thanks to the chair.