Greenwich Catholic School

Madame Nigey




6th Grade French Syllabus

BienvenueMes Amis!

Welcome back to school! I am so thrilled to be your child’s French teacher this year. Learning French is going to be a wonderful adventure for all of us.


This course consists of a basic introduction of the French language with the aim of developing the student’s ability to use the language effectively. Basic grammar is addressed and reviewed, while effective communication, both oral and written, is stressed. Students will work on the four components of learning a foreign language: listening, speaking, reading, and writing skills.

We are using the book Bien Dit, Level 1A for this class.

Matériels de Classe (materials needed for class):You will be provided with all of the materials needed for French class. You will be using your binder for the next 3 years.

Quizlet membership: it’s free and has all of the vocabulary for students to study on the go:


The grading scale for this class is category based and will include presentation speaking/writing, classroom work/bell work, quizzes and tests, projects, and homework.

Students will have a midterm and a final exams given in December and June respectively.

Devoirs (homework):

Homework and other assignments are due at the beginning of class. Please put your homework in the DEVOIR basket on the table next to the door. Homework must be turned in on-time for full credit. Late homework will get a 0. The only exception is if you are absent for that day. Homework assignments will be posted on my website by 3:30PM as well as on the board. Please write it on your planner at the beginning of class. Please subscribe to my webpage.

If you have any questions on your homework, talk to me so I can help you. Remember, homework assignments are extensions of what we are learning in class.

Travail récupéré (make up work):

If you are absent, missed work may be made up. You may have 2 days to make up the work for full credit. Please pick up your work in the absent folder in my room. If you do not come and return your work after two days, you get a 0.

Interros et Contrôles (quizzes and tests):

Quizzes will be given at least weekly. Tests will be given at the end of each unit. There will also be a mid-term and final exam. There will also be at least two projects to do during each semester. Quizzes will be on grammar, vocabulary, geography and culture.

You have 2 days to make up any missed quizzes or tests after you return to school or you will get a 0 for that quiz/test. Please talk to me so we can schedule a time for you to make up your test/quiz during recess, lunch, before, or after school—never during class.

Parent Teacher Communication:

In addition to the school website, the report cards, and our parent/teacher conferences, I am always available to meet or speak with you. Please email me at or call the school to make an appointment. In return, I will contact you by note, phone call, or email if I have a something I would like to discuss with you. I will answer emails after school at 3PM.

Classroom Rules:

  1. Follow directions the first time they are given
  2. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself
  3. Raise your hand and wait to be called on before speaking
  4. Remain in your seat unless you have permission to leave your seat
  5. Walk in the classroom and the hallway
  6. Listen carefully and work quietly