Curriculum Vitae
Don R. May
Don R. May, Ph.D., P.E.
Professor of Engineering
Department of Physics and Engineering
Phone: (970)-247-7545
Fax: (970)-247-7206
1000 Rim Drive, Durango, CO81301
Ph.D., Civil Engineering (hydrology and hydraulics), ColoradoStateUniversity, 1993
MS, Civil Engineering (hydraulics), ColoradoStateUniversity, 1982
BS, Civil Engineering, ColoradoStateUniversity, 1978
1984-present, Professor of Engineering, Department of Physics and Engineering, Fort Lewis College, Durango, Colorado
1984-present, Consulting Engineer, Durango, Colorado
1982-1984, Hydraulic/Hydrologic Engineer, Water Resources Associates, Phoenix, Arizona
1980-1982, Hydraulic Engineering Research Assistant, ColoradoStateUniversity
1878-1980, Hydraulic Engineer, Morrison-Maierle Consulting Engineering, Helena, Montana
Professional Membership and Registration
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Colorado
Registered Professional Engineer, State of Arizona
American Society of Civil Engineers, Member
American Society of Engineering Educators, Professional Member
Engineers Without Borders – USA, Member
Undergraduate Research
NSF Programs:
I have been directing undergraduate research projects for over 15 years. Originally as part of the National Science Foundation program, Minority Engineering and Science Project (MESP, 1991-1996) and then with the Colorado Alliance for Minority Participation (LS-COAMP, 1996 to present) I have directed numerous projects including;
- Development of a GIS system for the San Jaun Skyway
- Application of GIS technology to agricultural water distribution systems
- Identification and mapping of point sources of agricultural pollution
- Field mapping using GIS on a large, commercial agricultural farm
- Validation of hydraulic flow models for steep channel slopes
- Biosand filter research
Engineers Without Borders:
In the spring of 2004 I started a chapter of Engineers Without Borders at FortLewisCollege. As the director of EWB-FLC I direct students, initiate projects, acquire funding and supervise the technical and administrative aspects of the program. EWB-FLC has worked on the design for a water supply, renewable energy, and water filtration project in Nepal and the design and construction of a water supply project in Thailand. I took a group of students and a local engineer to Thailand in May 2005 to construct the water system.
I also direct student research projects which address the needs of communities in developing countries. These include;
- The efficacy of the biosand filterfor individual home use in underdeveloped countries
- The development of a solar water heated shower facility for Humla Nepal.
- Village Scale Water System Component Research and Development
All EWB-FLC projects focus on student learning, the philosophy of appropriate and sustainable technology, and providing assistance to needy communities around the world. For more information on EWB-FLC see:
Professional Reports, Studiesand Publications
As a practicing professional engineer and through research activities I have completed dozens of engineering projects. These include open channel hydraulics (flood plain, and river channel modeling), surface water hydrology, groundwater hydrology, groundwater adequacy studies for potable water supply, groundwater aquifer testing, water supply system design, sanitary sewer design, roadway design, site design, and other studies related to civil infrastructure. I also am experienced in land surveying, GPS, and GIS.
The list below includes a sample of my projects and publications. Not listed are a number of residential design projects that included the design of water supply, sewer, roads, drainage and site design.
- EWB-FLC Final Report, Water System in Huai Houk, Thailand, presented to Engineers Without Borders-USA, Longmont, Colorado, June 2005.
- May, D.R., Lopez, A., Hamilton, J., Validation of the HEC-RAS Model with Observed Data from MountainRivers, Amer. Water Res. Assoc, 2001 Nat. Conf. Proceedings, Albuquerque, NM. Oct. 2001.
- May, D.R., El-Hakim O., A Summary of educational programs for underrepresented students in science, math, engineering and technology, National Minority Research Conferenc, Cancun, Mexico, Nov. 2001.
- May, D.R., Gates, T.K., El-Hakim, O., et. al., Development of a geographic information system for an farm management, Water Policy and Management, Proceedings of the 21st Annual Conf. Water Resour. Planning Div., Amer. Soc. Civil Engr., 1994.
- May, D.R., The space-time correlation structure of convective rainstorms in the Lagrangian reference frame, Ph.D. Dissertation, Colo. St. Univ., Ft. Collins, CO, 1993.
- El-Hakim, O., May, D.R., Gates, T.K., and Nakai, T., Education, research and training model for minority students in irrigated agriculture, Management of Irrigation and Drainage Systems, Proceedings: National Conf. of Irrig. and Drain. Engr., Amer. Soc. of Civil Engr., 1993.
- May, D.R. and Julien, P.Y., Raingage network resolution with spatial statistics, Conf. Proceedings; National Conf. on Irrigation and Drain. Engr. and Watershed Mgmnt., Amer. Soc. of Civil Engr., Durango, CO, 1990.
- May, D.R., Interactive hydrologic modeling with a spreadsheet: maintaining contact with physical and mathematical principles, Proceedings; Seventh Annual AGU Hydrology Days, Colo. State Univ., 1987.
- May, D.R., Drop structures: a guide to choosing the proper type and location, M.S. Thesis, Colo. St. Univ., Ft. Collins, CO, 1982.
Professional Studies
- Hydraulic assessment of drainage channels for the mine reclamation plan, National King Coal Mine, La Plata County, CO. 2005.
- Design of civil infrastructure for River Trails Ranch, La Plata County, CO, 2005.
- Hydrologic drainage study for commercial development in Bayfield Industrial Park, Bayfield CO, 2004.
- Expert testimony on the impact of gravel mining on regional groundwater before the Colorado StateMineLand Reclamation Board, Division of Minerals and Geology, Denver, CO, 2003.
- Assessment of the impact of gravel mine excavation on local groundwater levels, Montrose County, CO, 2003.
- Inspections of tailing dam stability and drainage features at the National King Coal Mine, Hesperus, CO, 2003 – ongoing.
- Water supply analysis and aquifer testing on Florida Mesa site, Sullivan, La Plata County, CO 2002.
- Design of civil infrastructure for the Anderson residential project, Bayfield, CO, 2002
- Flood plain study on Hermosa Creek, La Plata County, CO, 2001.
- Traffic impact study on CR 213, La Posta Road, La Plata County, CO, 2001
- Analysis and design of flood retention structure, Sabo property, Shenandoah Subdivision, La Plata County, CO, 2001.
- Drainage study of a small watershed tributary to the Animas River, Shenandoah, La Plata County, CO, 2000.
- Road design in the Shenandoah Subdivision, La Plata County, CO, 2000.
- Flood plain study on the lower San Juan River, Archuletta County, CO, 2000.
- Engineering design of civil infrastructure for Zoll development, BayfieldCO, 1999.
- Design of mine waste tailings pile. National King Coal Mine, Hesperus, CO 1998
- San Juan River restoration project, FEMA flood plain study, Pagosa Springs, CO, 1995-6.
- Groundwater study – well to well interaction on the Florida Mesa, Sullivan property, La Plata County, CO, 2002.
- Flood plain study on Hermosa Creek, La Plata County, CO, 2000.
- Drainage study of a small watershed tributary to the Animas River, Shenandoah, La Plata County, CO, 2000.
- Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, La Farge-Wheeler Gravel Pit, La Plata County, Colo. June 2001.
- Groundwater assessment of LaCoure property on MancosRiver, June 1999.
- Hydrologic Study of the Wetten Property, Groundwater Tributary Analysis, LaPlata County, Colo. Nov. 1998.
- Addendum: Water Adequacy Report - Pumping Test #2, Air Park Village, La Plata County, Colo. Sept. 1998.
- Aquifer Pumping Test, Well #2 - Southwest Horizon Ranch, La Plata County, Colo. Sept. 1998.
- Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, McCracken Subdivision, La Plata County, Colo. March 1998.
- Groundwater Recharge on the Florida Mesa, A review of: Ground-Water Resources of the Florida Mesa Area, La Platt County, Colorado, US Geological Survey, Water-Resources Investigation Report 95-4190, by SAG. Robin and Winfield G. Wright, 1995., Nov. 1998.
- Groundwater recharge on the Florida Mesa, La Plata County, CO, 1998.
- Groundwater supply study for Southwest Community Resources Inc., La Plata County, CO, 1997
- Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, Air Park Village, La Plata County, Colo. Dec. 1997.
- Neuenschwander Hydrology Study, La Plata County, Colo. Jan. 1996.
- Addendum to: Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, Equestrian Estates Subdivision - Pumping Test #2, La Plata County, Colo., Jan. 1996.
- Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, Knolls Subdivision, La Plata County, Colo., Feb. 1996.
- Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, Beeman/Church Hollow Subdivision, LaPlata County, Colo., Aug. 1996.
- Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, Shining Mountain Cooperative Housing Project, LaPlata County, Colo. May , 1996.
- Pump Test Results, Clark Minor Exempt Subdivision,Dec. 1995.
- Water Adequacy Study, Meadows II Subdivision, La Plata County, Colo., Dec. 1995.
- Water Adequacy Report / Pumping Test, Equestrian Estates Subdivision, La Plata County, Colo., May 1995.
- Trimble Coldwater Spring Pumping Test, La Plata County, Colo., July 1995.
- Pumping Test, May-Rose-AlaneMobileHomePark, La Plata County, Colo., 1994.
- Pumping Test, Lille-BellMobileHomePark, La Plata County, Colo., June 1994.
- Groundwater Well to Well Impact Analysis between the Kaime well and the Florida Water Conservancy District Well / Pumping Test, La Plata County, Colo. Oct. 1995.
- Water Adequacy Study / Pumping Test, Village East Subdivsion, La Plata County, Colo., 1995.
- Eldorado Ranch Pumping Test, LaPlataCounty, Nov. 1994.
- Pumping Test, TwilightPeaksMountainVillage Subdivision, La Plata County, Colo. April 1994.
- Water Adequacy Study/Pumping Test, Valle Escondido Subdivision, La Plata County, Colo., April 1994.
- Blue Spruce Lodge Pumping Test, La Plata County, Colo., May 1994.
- Country Aire/Rodas v. MountainValley Ranches/Lewis. Groundwater Supply Study, LaPlata County, Colo., Nov. 1993.