NFV&SDN Adhoc Agenda

NFV&SDN Adhoc Agenda

NFV&SDN adhoc Agenda


Shitao Li () (NFV area)

Fengkai Li () (SDN area)


10 May 2017, 09:00am to 11:00am EDT





Zhang maopeng





Anatoly Katzman (AT&T)





item / author / Title / Discussion
1 / tosca-nfv-v1.0-wd04-rev09.doc / Update based on clarification change for VDU.docx
Indicate what information can be considered as stable.
Submit to TOSCA TC as the draft candidate for CSD04.
2 / Packaging issue for Deployment flavour
Discussion from last meeting:
Way forward:
1, to clarify how to implement IFA without change IFA API based on multiple VNFDs in the CSAR package method (Michael, Thinh)
2, what TOSCA mechanism has to be changed to support multiple DFs into a CSAR (Bruce) simple yaml
Draft decision:
For packaging, the group preferes option 1 (multiple VNFDs in the CSAR package)
Agree to tell SOL about our decision. Shitao volunteers to prepare the contribution to SOL. / 1, consensus?
AIex: need more clarification and real examples about DFs from ETSI NFV. Wait until feedback has received.
Thinh: what is enterprise and ONAP example? Enterprise is other area compared to teleco area
Michael: do you agree with option 1? Matt believes containing multiple DFs in a single service template is not possible in TOSCA.
Alex: desire to be slow
Bruce: no issue for CSAR
  • Supporting the single one DF per service template. Support one or more service templates in the CSAR package.
  • Current working assumption, 1 TOSCA Service Template = a VNFD with a single DF.
  • CSAR package contains one or more service templates.
2, contribution to SOL?
NFVSOL(17)000372_TOSCA VNFD deployment flavour proposal related to VNF packaging
3, LS?

don't need to send this LS
3 / VirtualStorage discussion
Discussion from last meeting:
Three suggestions:
1, delete all the content of VirtualStorage in the document if can not meet the agreement before the deadline or
2, wait the response from Bruce and IFA if IFA decide to make the change based on option 2
3, create the new relationship based on Matt suggested in Feb
suggestion 2 (by Bruce) and suggestion 3(Thinh) will work in parallel, if we can not make the agreement based on suggestion 2 and suggestion 3 before the deadline, the group will decide to go with suggestion 1.
Deadline: 10th May / Progress for suggestion 2?
Progress for suggestion 3?
4 / External CP
5 / Next step
Suggest starting working on NSD now, and publishing the first version of tosca-nfv-profile v1.0 which includes VNFD and NSD before the end of July.

Latest draft: tosca-nfv-v1.0-wd04-rev09