Special Local Need (SLN)- Check List
Note: A response must be sent within the statutory 90-day period.
Date Submitted by the State:
SLN No. of Product Reviewed:
Reg. No. of the Federally Registered Product:
1. The federally registered product (parent YES X NO
registration) is an active registration.
If No, go to C.
2. The SLN is a Manufacturing-use product (MP). YES NO X
If Yes, it cannot be registered as an SLN.
3. Submitted a statement that no unreasonable YES X NO
adverse effects to man or environment will
result from the use of the proposed SLN.
If No, ask for one.
4. A special review of the active or inert Yes No X
ingredient(s) in the formulation or a
notice of intent to cancel or suspend the
active and inert ingredients have been
initiated by the Agency.
If Yes, check out the reason for action and evaluate registrability.
5. The proposed is a food/feed use is covered by Yes _X__No___
or exempt from a tolerance and the tolerance
If No, this cannot be registered as an SLN
A. SLN Amendment to an Existing Registration
5. The SLN is identical to a federally Yes X No
registered product in formulation, packaging,
and has same formulator.
If No, go to B.
6. Submitted (a) State Registration Form Yes X No
(8570-25) and (b) Supplemental label.
Note: Review the label for Parent Reg. No.,
SLN No. and site(s).
7.If the proposed is a food/feed use, it is Yes X No
covered by or exempt from a tolerance.
If No, go to C.
8. Is DER attached Yes __No___NA_X___
Completion of Review
1. If the SLN is acceptable, a letter was sent Yes X No
within the 90 day period, making provisions
for additional comments if the review is incomplete.
The acknowledgment letter will be signed by BPPD
2. If the SLN is going to be rejected, the Yes No
State was informed within the 90 day review period,
with the reasons for denial. The rejection letter
will be signed by the Office Director.
3. Is DER attached Yes __No_X__NA____