May 22, 2017
We will begin with the Pledge to the US flag...
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the United States of America. ...”
Now the Texas pledge...
“Honor the Texas flag; ...”
Would you please be seated for a minute of silence.
Thank-You! Good Afternoon LHS, Your teacher will now read the rest of today’s announcements.
In the Cafeteria Tomorrow:
BREAKFAST – Pancakes/Syrup, Sausage Patty, Choice of FF Milk, Cereal/Juice, Applesauce
PURPLE LINE – Crunchy Beef Tacos, Peppers/Onion/Salsa/Cheese/Sour Cream, Mexican Infused Rice, Seasoned Pinto Beans, Pineapple
GOLD LINE – Hamburger, Cheeseburger or Breaded Chicken, Curly Fries, Pineapple
LEOPARD DEN – Quesadilla, Dark Green Salad, Fresh Veggies, Pineapple
v 7 on 7 Game Tonight: The JV Game has been cancelled and Varsity will play Giddings at Giddings High School at 6:00 this evening.
v OnTuesday, May 23rdwe will have ourscholarship assemblyin the gym beginning at8:20. Juniors who wish to attend are welcome to attend the assembly after they check into 1st period. Students who attend are required to stay for the entire ceremony. Underclassmen will remain in your 1st period class until theassemblyis over. The assembly should be over around11:00-11:15.
v If you ordered a yearbook online or through the school please come by before, during lunch, or after schoolon Mondayto room 102. You will be asked to form a line and wait patiently to receive your book. If you are interested in buying a book please bring exactly 65$ cash or a check to room 102 startingTuesdaybefore/after school or during lunch. There are only a limited amount so get yours before we run out!!!
v The Awards Assembly for Freshmen, Sophomores & Juniors will be Wednesday, May 24th, during 1st period. Students are to report the the gym following 1st period roll check and sit in your assigned section of the Gym. No purses or backpacks will be allowed in the gym, please leave them in your 1st period class. Seniors that received awards during Tuesday’s Scholarship Ceremony are also asked to report to the gym immediately following 1st period roll check to be recognized in front of the rest of the student body.
v ATTENTION ALL STUDENTS: The After School Testing Center will be open the following days: Today, Monday, May 22nd; Tuesday, May 23rd; and Wednesday, May 24th. If you have not made up missing tests or quizzes by May 24th, you will need to make arrangements with your teachers to make it up with them. Thank you!!
v Students planning to take AP Biology come by room 307 after school on Wednesday, Thursday or Friday to pick up summer projects.
v Need to set financial goals and start saving for the future, even retirement? Want to learn how to select quality cell phone plans? Do you have a job and pay taxes, but don't understand how? Maybe it's time to get ready for college? Or perhaps you want to move out and find your own apartment? IF you are answering YES to any of the above questions, stop by the libraryThursday- Monday and check out the displays! The Money Matters class has answers to some of your questions!
v Free dental screens will be available next week Monday May 22-26 for all students. Please come by the nurse's office for more information and to sign up.
8:15 - 8:45 1st Period, 8:50 - 9:20 2nd Period, 9:25 - 9:55 3rd Period, 10:00 - 10:30 4th Period, 10:35 - 11:05
5th Period, 11:10 - 11:40 6th Period, 11:45 - 12:15 7th Period, 12:15 - 12:45 LUNCH, 12:50 - 2:05 1ST Period
EXAM, 2:10 - 3:20 2nd Period EXAM.
v Dress code reminder: As we near the end of the year, students are reminded that the dress code is still in effect. Young ladies, please remember that tights or leggings must be worn with an appropriate length shirt or skirt and young men are to be clean shaving.
v The end of school is approaching so students it's time to get your lunch accounts settled for the year. Beginning Monday 05/08/17, no charging will be allowed on your lunch accounts. In other words, for those students that are not on a free lunch program there has to be enough money in your account to buy lunch or you can also pay cash. There will be no exceptions made for any students so please let your parents know.
v If you are still interested in attending the Senior Class Trip, please stop by the Office.
v FINAL EXAM SCHEDULE: Beginning Monday, May 22nd, you will be testing in the following classes: Monday, May 22nd: 1st, 3rd & 4th Period Exams
Tuesday, May 23rd: NO Exams – Scholarship Ceremony in the morning, Regular classes in the afternoon, Wednesday, May 24th: 5th, 6th & 7th Period Exams
Thursday, May 25th: 2nd Period Exam and Regular classes the rest of the day.
Students are required to be in attendance for all classes this week unless you exempted one of the class
Periods you would be testing in on Monday, Wednesday and/or Thursday. Attendance is required in order
to get your half days next week. Release time next week is dependent on attendance this week. Please stop
by the Front Office if you have any questions regarding this week’s schedule.
v Graduation Practice is Friday Morning at 8:15 am in the Gym. All Seniors are to be in school dress code during practice.
v Any Senior in the top 25% of the class that would like the opportunity for one of the speaking parts at graduation must sign up in the Office by Tuesday, May 23rd at 3:45 pm. Names for parts will be randomly drawn.
v The Scholarship Awards Ceremony will be held Tuesday, May 23rd @ 8:20 am in the Gym. Your parents are invited to attend. All Scholarship attendees and recipients attire should meet LHS Dress Code requirements. Dress Code will be checked upon entry to the Gym. Any student found to be out of dress code will have to change.
v Seniors, the Senior banquet isMondaynight at6:30in the high school cafeteria. You must be in dress code, and dressy casual is suggested. Don't forget to bring your ticket. See you there!
v Graduation Picture order forms are now in the office for you to pick up. Cash/check or credit cards are accepted. Exact change only please. Forms and money are due by Tuesday, May 30th.
v Seniors, PLEASE check your email regularly for important Senior Class information. Information will be communicated through announcements, Remind 101, and email. See Mrs. Landreth if you have any questions.
v Parade t-shirts are now on sale for $10 in Mrs. Wagner Kubicek's Rm 103 now untilJune 1.Designs are posted in Ms. Muil's & Mrs. Jurk-Carey's classrooms as well as on the Junior Bulletin board in the 100 hallway.
v ATTENTION ALL JUNIORS who enrolled in AP English 4 next year, please attend a MANDATORY meeting in Ms. Stork's Room 219 after school onThursday, May 25, to receive your summer project.
v Anyone that signed up for English II PreAP: Mandatory meetingThursdayafter school in room 213.
v Anyone who owes canned goods, please turn them in to Mrs. Ledwik by the end of the week.
v Seniors: All paperwork is due to Mrs. Ledwik or Mrs. Carey on or before3:30onMonday, May 22nd.
v Juniors: All paperwork is due to Mrs. Ledwik or Mrs. Carey on or before3:30onTuesday, May 30th.
v Remember as we enter the home stretch: an average of 90.0 for all academic classes is required to remain in good standing within NHS. Seniors will not be able to wear the honor collar at graduation if they do not maintain at least a 90.0 average for the spring semester.