Officers and Committee
President: David Shepherd CBE FRSA FRGS
Chairman: Ronnie Ireland 07836 763386
Vice Chairmanvacant
Honorary Treasurer: Emma Ratcliffe
Honorary Secretary:
Exhibitions Co-ordinator:
Exhibitions Administrator:Lyn Mansfield
Programme Co-ordinator:Lisa Bartlett
3D Co-ordinators: N. Hobbs, S Shiner, V Jeans, T Pilsbury
Membership Secretary:Margot Tomlinson
Salvin Coordinator:Ann Watson
Committee Members:Sue Williams, Shirley Slocock, Jacky Paynter
Workshops are priced individually. Bookings are via our website activities page (Members Login) or non-internet members may contact the Programme Co-ordinator.
Evening Demonstrations are free of charge to Members with a donation to the funds from any visiting guests.
News, Information, Activities, Enrolment and Payments are now fully available and updated weekly on our Website. Log in to find out the latest.
Website: (including application form to join)
Post:Chairman, R Ireland, 118 Weybourne Rd. Farnham, GU9 9HE
Facebook:Farnham Art Society
Reg. Charity No:295596
Subscription Renewalis 1st September each year. Payment is preferred via the Farnham Art Society Website using your membership number for reference. For non-online members who need to resort to manual payment our account is at Lloyds Bank, Farnham;Sort code 30.93.20; Account 00115790 or sendcheque to Membership Secretary, Forest Pines, Tilford Rd, Rushmoor,Farnham, GU10 2ED, using your membership number for reference If subs remain unpaid by the end of November the Society will assume membership is no longer required.
January – December
7.30 - 9.30pm
Demonstration / Roger Dellar: Oils:
Saturday 21 January
10am – 4pm
Long Sutton Village Hall
Workshop / Roger Dellar: Oils:
Monday 13 February
7.30 - 9.30pm
Illustrated Talk / Alan Brain:"Inspiration - how to find it and how to keep it" Lost for a subject, looking for inspiration, not sure how to start—come and listen toAlan Brainwho,known for his abstract painting in watercolour and acrylic using vibrant geometric shapes will talk about his approach bynot showing artists how he paints but to point them towards finding out how and what they want to paint. This illustrated talk based on inspiration and how to find it and keep it will be the starting point for a workshop later in the month to reinforce his approach to subjects andmethod.
Saturday 4 March
10am – 4pm
Workshop / Alan Brain:"Inspiration - how to find it and how to keep it"
Following on from his illustrated talk on 13 Feb.
Monday 13 March
7.30 - 9.30pm
Demonstration / Mark Swan: Wax Armature :
Friday 31 March / Deadline for entry to Annual Exhibition
Saturday 1 April
10am – 4pm
Workshop / Mark Swan Wax Armature :
Monday 3 April
7.30 - 9.30pm
Demonstration / Andy Maitland: iPad Landscapes
Please bring iPads with you and have downloaded 2 Aps – Procreate and Brushes Redux
11 – 22 April / 70th Annual Exhibition
@ James Hockey & Foyer Galleries, UCA Farnham
Monday 8 May
7.30 - 9.30pm
Demonstration / Emma Dunbar: Acrylics
Monday 12 June
7.30 - 9.30pm
Demonstration / Informal Critique: Bring in a painting you are struggling with for members to talk about and share ideas.
Friday 1 September / Subscription Renewal of £30 is due today
Monday 11 September
7.30 - 9.30pm
Demonstration / Untutored Life Drawing Evening : A model will be supplied, please bring your own easels and drawing medium
Monday 9 October
7.30 - 9.30pm
Demonstration / ?
Monday 20 November
7.30pm @ St Joan’s Centre / AGM