2017-2018 GWHS Scholarships and Financial Aid Information

Open Scholarship Searches

·  For a free search for other scholarships go to www.fastweb.comor www.studentscholarships.org

·  For additional "Offbeat" scholarships to help you pay for college: https://www.mint.com/blog/how-to/scholarships-03042011/

·  Click here for additional "Fun and Unique Scholarships" for High School Students

·  Scholarships in Texas List provided by Best Value Schools (www.bestvalueschools.com) - highlights a variety of college scholarships available to students residing in or planning to study in the state of Texas. http://www.bestvalueschools.com/scholarships-in/texas/

·  College Board: www.collegeboard.com

·  College Net: www.collegenet.com

·  Scholarships: www.scholarships.com

·  Scholarship Monkey: www.scholarshipmonkey.com

·  Zinch: www.zinch.com

·  Scholarship Points: www.scholarshippoints.com

·  www.capex.com

·  www.kaarnme.com

·  www.collegescholarships.com

·  www.weirdscholarships.net

·  Lend EDU Scholarship Guide and Search: https://lendedu.com/blog/scholarships

Free Application for Federal Student Aid

Federal Student Aid: Beginning October 1, 2017, parents of graduating seniors should start applying for financial aid using your 2016 tax return information. File early! Money is awarded on a first come first serve basis. Additional information and the FSFA application can be found at https://fafsa.ed.gov/

o  TEXAS DEADLINE: March 15th

Scholarship List

Name of Scholarship / Posted Date / Deadline / Age/Grade Level / Local / Description / Award Amount / School Attending / Link/Webpage
Capital Farm Credit’s Scholarship Sponsored by Kenedy Credit Office / 1/25/18 / 2/23/18
Applications must be received at the Kenedy Office by 2/23 / Seniors / No / Eligibility:
-Currently has no less than a “B” grade average
-Plans or goals related to fields in ag, education, or natural resources / 2 - $1,000 /
Select icon above to open the scholarship application
Live Oak Farm Bureau Scholarship / 1/25/2018 / 3/1/18 / Seniors / Yes / Complete the application including the 100 word essay.
-Open to all students who will be attending college next fall. Membership in LOCFB is not a requirement. / Up to $750 /
TX Dept. of Transportation – Conditional Grant Program / 1/25/2018 / 3/1/18
Postmarked by 3/1 / Seniors / No / Students must be seeking a degree in civil engineering.
Mail applications to:
HRD/Employment Opportunities/CGP
125 East 11th St.
Austin, TX 78701-2483 / $6,000 / http://ftp.dot.state.tx.us/pub/txdot-info/hrd/cgp-application.pdf
Texas Farm Bureau Scholarships / 1/25/2018 / 3/1/18
Applications must be submitted online no later than midnight / Seniors / No / Please refer to the specific scholarships for their eligibility criteria / Several $1,000 Awards / http://texasfarmbureau.org/youth/youth-opportunities/
Bean Dirks Memorial Scholarship / 11/15/17 / 3/1/2018 / Seniors / YES / The scholarship will be available starting December 15th.
Seniors must apply through the Coastal Bend Community Foundation. Students will complete the application, essay, submit their ACT/SAT scores, transcript, and FAFSA SAR. / TBA / CBC Foundation Main Page:http://www.cbcfoundation.org/
Scholarships: http://www.cbcfoundation.org/?page_id=1579
Outside Scholarships:http://www.cbcfoundation.org/?page_id=1715
2018 Southern Texas PGA Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 3/13/2018 / Seniors / No / High school seniors and current college students are welcome to apply. There are many different kinds of scholarships offered but there is only one form necessary! You will be automatically sorted depending on which scholarships you qualify for. / TBA / http://www.stpga.com/scholarships/
FAFSA TX Deadline / 1/25/2018 / 3/15/2018 / Seniors / No / All students are encouraged to complete the FAFSA! / https://fafsa.gov/
Karnes Electric Cooperative, Inc. Scholarship / 1/25/2018 / 3/16/2018
Applications must be received in the Karnes County Office by 5 pm / Seniors / No / Seniors who are legal dependents of an active member receiving electric service from Karnes Electric. / 10-$1,500 / https://www.karnesec.org/community/scholarship-program/
Valley Telephone Cooperative Scholarship / 11/13/2017 / 3/16/2018 / Seniors / No / Applicant Must:
·  Be a dependent child of a current member of Valley Telephone Cooperative who resides in the Valley Telephone service territory & who has been a member of the Coop for at least one years
·  Be a HS senior & have a minimum grade average of 80%
·  Plan to enroll in a full-time undergraduate course of study at an accredited 2 or 4 year U.S. College or University in Fall, 2018 / 20 scholarships of $3,000 annually will be awarded / http://www.vtx1.net/corporate/my-community/scholarship-program/
Lagarto Community Club Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 3/22/2018 (To GWHS Counselor by 3:30 PM) / Seniors / Yes / Complete the application and submit it prior to the deadline. / 3-$1,000 scholarships will be awarded /
Click on icon for scholarship
Lions Club: Youth Contest Outstanding Youth Award / 2/20/2018 / 3/23/2018
(To GWHS Counselor by 3:30 PM) / Juniors & Seniors / Yes / Complete the application and essay. If selected, you must be available to compete at the district competition on April 13th. / Up to $1,000 /
Click on icon for application
Lions Club: Diabetic Awareness Essay / 2/20/2018 / 3/23/2018
(To GWHS Counselor by 3:30 PM) / Juniors & Seniors / Yes / Complete the application and essay. If selected, you must be available to compete at the district competition on April 13th. / Up to $1,000 /
Click on icon for application
Lions Club: Drug Awareness Speech / 2/20/2018 / 3/23/2018
(To GWHS Counselor by 3:30 PM) / Juniors & Seniors / Yes / Complete the application and essay. If selected, you must be available to compete at the district competition on April 13th. / Up to $1,000 /
Click on icon for application
AFA Teens Scholarship Essay Contest / 1/25/2018 / 3/26/2018 / Seniors / No / HS seniors who are US citizens or permanent residents who plan to enter a four year college/university in 2018. / Awards range from $500-$5,000 / https://alzfdn.org/young-leaders-of-afa/afa-teens/
Julie Chapman Hardwick Memorial Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 3/28/2018
(By 10:00 AM) / Seniors / Yes / Must be attending Texas A&M University in the fall of 2018. / $5,000 / Texas A&M, College Station / https://goo.gl/forms/Avgb8qgbTdHPrktJ2
LOC Area Go-Texan ACADEMIC Scholarship / 1/25/2018 / 3/28/2018
To GWHS office (for Mrs. Lee)
By 3:00 PM / Seniors / Yes / Eligibility:
·  Must apply for the HLSR Area Go-Texan Scholarship
·  Complete the LOC Area Go-Texan Application
·  US Citizen
·  Ranked in the top 1/3 of class
·  Seeking a Bachelor’s Degree / TBA /
LOC Area Go-Texan TECHNICAL Scholarship / 1/25/2018 / 3/28/2018
To GWHS office (for Mrs. Lee)
By 3:00 PM / Seniors / Yes / Eligibility:
·  Complete the Application
·  US Citizen
·  GPA of an 80 or higher
·  Students must be seeking a technical certification / TBA /
Texas Builders Foundation Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 3/30/2018 / Eligibility:
·  Accepted or enrolled in a technical, trade school, community college, or university
·  Pursuing a construction related trade certification or construction degree / TBA / http://www.texasbuildersfoundation.org/what-we-do.html#Scholarship_Program
STARS Scholarship Fund / 2/16/2018 / 3/30/2018 / Seniors / No / Eligibility:
·  US Citizen
·  Permanent residence for 5 or more consecutive years and have permanent address in listed counties (Live Oak is one)
·  Earned/Completed at least 12 undergraduate credit hours
·  Minimum college GPA of 2.7 / TBA / https://www.starsscholarship.org/stars/home
Proud Texan Scholarship sponsored by The Law Office of Hilda L. Sibrian, P.C. / 9/18/2017 / 3/30/2018 / Seniors or college student / No / Scholarship Special Focus:
·  Minimum GPA is not required
·  Create a short (30-120 second) video and essay and upload your video to YouTube (topics on webpage) / $2,500 / https://hildasibrian.com/en/scholarship/
2018 TTA Foundation Scholarship / 10/30/2017 / 3/30/2018
(posted marked by the 30th – however, GWHS can only have 2 applications so see Mrs. Lee by 3/21) / Seniors / No / Eligibility:
·  US Citizen
·  Graduate no later than June 2018
·  GPA of 3.0 or higher
·  Plan to attend a TX college or university in the Fall of 2018
·  Special consideration will be given to students who will be pursuing a college degree in fields of study which are of particular interest to telecommunications (such as math, business, education, technology, engineering, and comp. sci., etc.) / 6 – four-year scholarships in the amount of $2,000 per year will be awarded / http://www.tta.org/
LULAC National Scholarship Fund (LNESC) / 2/16/2018 / 3/31/2018 / Seniors / No / Eligibility:
·  All seniors are encouraged to apply
·  National Awards: 3.5+ GPA, 29+ ACT, or 1350+ SAT
·  Honor Awards: 3.0+ GPA, 23+ ACT, 1100+ SAT / $250-$2,000 / https://www.lnesc.org/lnsf
Patriotic Art Contest / 11/13/2017 / 3/31/2018 / Grades 9 thru 12 / No / Art must be on paper or canvas. Watercolor, pencil, pastel, charcoal, tempera, crayon, acrylic, pen-and-ink, or oil may be used. Digital art is not accepted. / Up to $10,000 for National Winner / https://vfwauxiliary.org/scholarships/young-american-creative-patriotic-art-contest/
The Goodie Box Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 4/1/2018
(Must be mailed to or hand deliver to The Goodie Box on or before 4/1) / Seniors / Yes / Eligibility:
·  Seniors
·  Complete the application and mail or hand deliver to The Goodie Box in Three Rivers, TX / 4-$400 will be awarded /
Click on icon for application
The Hilcorp Future Leaders of America Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 4/2/2018 / Seniors / No / Eligibility:
·  Must enroll full-time at an accredited four-year college or university for Fall 2018
·  Minimum 3.0 GPA / Up to $10,000 (4-$2,500 per year) / https://www.ghcfscholar.org/
Lions Club Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 4/3/2018
(submit online application by 10:00 AM) / Seniors / Yes / Seniors who will be attending a university or trade school in the fall can apply. / TBA / https://goo.gl/forms/X3KkROKQeVv0Xhd93
EX-Student Foundation Scholarshp / 2/16/2018 / 4/3/2018 (by 10:00 AM to GWHS) / Seniors / Yes / Senior applicant must have a parent that graduated from GWHS. / TBA /
Click on Icon for Application
Beverly Scott Memorial Scholarship / 2/19/2018 / 4/6/2018
(submit online application by 10:00 AM) / Seniors / Yes / Students who will be attending a college, university, or trade school in the fall should apply. / TBA / https://goo.gl/forms/pWnK00KmklwZb6N12
Charlie Younts Memorial Scholarship / 2/19/2018 / 4/6/2018
(submit online application by 10:00 AM) / Seniors / Yes / Students who will be attending a college, university, or trade school in the fall should apply. / TBA / https://goo.gl/forms/pWnK00KmklwZb6N12
Gus & Ethel Houdman Memorial Scholarship / 2/19/2018 / 4/6/2018
(submit online application by 10:00 AM) / Seniors / Yes / Students who will be attending a college, university, or trade school in the fall should apply. / TBA / https://goo.gl/forms/pWnK00KmklwZb6N12
ATPE Scholarship / 2/19/2018 / 4/6/2018
(submit online application by 10:00 AM) / Seniors / Yes / Students who will be attending a college, university, or trade school in the fall should apply. / TBA / https://goo.gl/forms/gEjOJc0ogRdOwlsU2
Costal Bend College Foundation Scholarships / 2/20/2018 / 4/11/2018 (Application opens 3/1) / Seniors (and Dual Credit Students) / No / Complete the application / TBA / http://coastalbend.edu/Foundation_Scholarships_and_Innovative_Teaching_Grants/
2018 WAMHS Rosario Carrizo Education Scholarship Awards / 1/25/2018 / 4/15/2018 / Seniors / No / Any student attending a 4 year-, 2 year-, vocational, or other accredited training programs that will enhance the recipient’s future opportunities in the workforce can apply.
-Must have applied to at least one college prior to the final submission deadline.
-Financial need, quality of writing, and substantive content of essays will be considered / 1-$750
2-$500 / http://www.wamhs.org/scholarships/
American Society of Safety Engineers Coastal Bend Chapter / 12/12/2017 / 4/13/2018
(mail to address provided) / Seniors / No / Completed applications must be mailed to the address provided. The scholarship will be awarded based on several factors and an applicant’s overall grade point average is not the sole determining factor. / $500 / https://cb.asse.org/aeolus-news/asse-coastal-bend-chapter-2018-scholarships/#more-2147
Society of Petroleum Engineers (SPE), INC. Southwest TX SPE Chapter Scholarship / 2/16/2018 / 4/15/2018
(Postmarked by 4/15) / Seniors / No / Application for Scholarship in Petroleum – Related Field / TBA /
Click icon for scholarship
Coastal Bend Crimestoppers Scholarship / 1/25/2018 / 4/20/2018 / Seniors / No / Senior in Bee, Goliad, or Live Oak county who plans to major in a law enforcement field can apply. / $500 / http://coastalbendcrimestoppers.com/sitemenu.aspx?P=custom&D=2&ID=555
Del Mar College Foundation Scholarships / 2/20/2018 / 4/30/2018 / Seniors (and Dual Credit Students) / No / Eligibility: Students MUST have at least a 2.0 cumulative GPA to apply and will attend Del Mar College at least on a part-time (6-11 hrs) status. / TBA / http://www.delmar.edu/foundation/Scholarships-HowToApply.aspx
TILF Scholarship / 10/30/2017 / 5/11/2018 (Scholarship is available on 3/1/18) / Seniors / No / TILF provides scholarships to students who participate in UIL academic and music competitions. The student must compete at the state level in a UIL academic contest and must plan to attend a TX college or university. / TBA / www.tilfoundation.org
B. Davis Scholarship / 10/24/2017 / 5/22/2018 / Juniors, Seniors, and post-secondary students / No / Write a 1000 word essay on the topic listed. / $1,000 / http://www.studentawardsearch.com/scholarships.htm
2018 Scholarship & ESPY Experience / 12/12/2017 / 6/1/2018 / 10th- 12th Athletes / No / HS athletes who have a 3.0 or higher GPA, 12.5 hours per grading period of community service (50 hours by 6/1), and committed to athletics. / $2,500 and a trip / https://www.wearegc.org/scholarship
BigSun Scholarship / 11/13/2017 / 6/19/2018 / Senior or post-secondary student / All student-athletes are eligible for this award, regardless of which sport they are participating in. Their participation may be in any capacity, whether as a player, coach or official. / $500 / http://www.bigsunathletics.com
Abbott and Fenner Scholarship Program / 1/25/2018 / 6/14/2018 / Seniors / No / To apply, you will need to write a 500-1000 word essay on the topic listed. / $1,000 / http://www.abbottandfenner.com/scholarships.php
Nursing Schools Alamanac Scholarship / 1/25//2018 / 8/31/2018 / Seniors / No / The scholarship will be awarded to the applicant who demonstrates: