Salk 7th Grade English Language Arts
Mrs. Winkfield
Room B133
Welcome to 7th grade English at Salk Middle School. I am Mrs. Winkfield and I will be your teacher and guide this year. Prepare for a fun, interesting, and challenging year. If you stay organized, work hard, practice effective study habits, and ask questions, you will reach your goals with great success!
Materials Needed:
Pocket folder
Spiral Notebook
(to be stored in the classroom)
AR books
Red marking tool
Course Description
Embedded Assessment #1: Revising a Personal Narrative
Embedded Assessment #2: Creating an Illustrated Myth
Embedded Assessment #3: Writing an Expository Essay and Collaborative Discussion
Embedded Assessment #4: Writing an Argumentative Essay
Embedded Assessment #5: Writing a Literary Analysis Essay
Embedded Assessment #6: Creating a Biographical Presentation
Embedded Assessment #7: Creating and Presenting a Monologue
Embedded Assessment #8: Performing a Shakespearean Dialogue
Classroom Rules
Raise your hand and wait to be called on
Listen while others are speaking
Follow Directions
No Cellphones
Clean up
Some Classroom Procedures
Everyday students are expected to:
Collect materials, write the target and homework in his/her agenda, and respond to the entry task upon entering class in a quick and quiet manner.
Students are also expected to collaborate with partners and table groups on a day-to-day basis.
3 bathroom passes are distributed every quarter. Bottled water is allowed in the classroom.
A 3-step approach is used to consequent misbehaving students. Step 1: Verbal warning, Step 2: Parent signed behavior reflection form, Step 3: Referral/Principal’s office and a phone call home.
Grade Policy
Students are expected to turn all assignments in on time. Late work will be accepted for less than full credit, 5% will be subtracted from the total score for every day late. Work that is over 2 weeks late will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances. Students who do not turn in work will be given a 50% (F) for the assignment. It is the job of the student to collect absent work. He/she will have a 3-day grace period to turn in absent work.
Embedded Assessments/Projects: 35%
Assignments: 25%
Quizzes: 15%
Entry Tasks: 15%
AR Reading: 10%
Refer to for the new grading scale.
Statement of Academic Dishonesty
Academic honesty is expected in this class. Cheating will not be tolerated. Consequences may include: reduction in grade on assignment, repeat assignment, or a 0 grade on assignment. Academic dishonesty will be reported to a school counselor and a parent will be notified.
Be sure to checkout my webpage on staff sites!
Please complete and return this portion to Mrs. Winkfield no later than September 8, 2015
This year, students will have access to their textbooks online. Please let me know if you do NOT have internet access at home, so that I may make the necessary accommodations.
______We do have internet access at home.
______We do NOT have internet access at home.
We have read and understand the expectations, procedures, and polices for Mrs. Winkfield’s English class.
Parent/Guardian SignatureDate
Student SignatureClass Period
Parent/Guardian Volunteers
Parents/Guardians are welcome in the classroom! Later on in the year we will have opportunities for parents to be a part of the classroom. If you are interested, list your contact information and preferred time to volunteer (ex: morning or afternoon).
Parent Name:______
Place a #1 on the preferred form of contact and a #3 on the least preferred form of contact.
______E-mail______Phone call______Text
E-mail address:______
Phone Number:______