Downloadabler Boardmaker Activities
· Miami-Dade County - Boardmaker Downloads - Activity Specific and Others
Browse Boardmaker Downloads Here: Activity Specific, Behavioral and Social, Boardmaker PLUS Activities, Cheap Talk 8 Activities, Cheap Talk 8 Daily Routine, Cheap Talk 8 Songs and Stories, Choice Boards, Field Trips, Flip Chart, Home & Family, Interactive Storybooks. Language Activities, Lunch/Snack, Nursery Rhymes, Recipes, Schedules and Routines, Signs and Posters, Songboards, Spanish Boards, Story Symbols
· Eau Claire Area SD - Assistive Technology - Boardmaker Resources assistive_tech/software/boardmaker/boardmaker_index.html
Boardmaker activities/resources from ECASD staff as well as other links to Boardmaker files, templates, books, and activities.
· District 75 Special Education NYCDOE - Adapted Books
These are adapted books and materials created with Boardmaker picture symbols, Writing with Symbols, and MS PowerPoint software. You must have Boardmaker and/or Writing with Symbols software installed on your computer to view or open those files. Many books have been converterd to Adobe Acrobat (.pdf) format as well.
· Printable Boardmaker Templates and Writing with Symbols Activities for Students
Printable Boardmaker Templates and Writing with Symbols Activities From My Classroom These templates were made using Boardmaker Version 5.0.10, then converted to PDF files. You will need Adobe Reader in order to view the files. Free downloads
· Fairfax Integrated Technology Services: Boardmaker Activities
Boardmaker Activities - PC Boardmaker v.5 Communicating Expectations Miscellaneous Activities Writing Activities Weather
· Baltimore County Public Schools: Office of Technology in Special Education
Adapted Curriculum Materials - Displays made with Boardmaker and the Picture Communication Symbols Fall Displays, Nursery Rhymes, Picking Apples and Pumpkins (fall theme), The Mitten (winter theme), The Snowy Day (winter theme), The Three Billy Goats Gruff, The Very Busy Spider
Many pages of standard size pecs pictures with icons that are most commonly used. Originally posted on, this site has many links to helpful symbol-based resources.
· Do2learn: Educational Resources for Special Needs
Black and white picture cards are provided to help you make your own schedules, story strips and talking back cards. They can be printed as full-size coloring pages, in two-inch sizes with or without words, and in one-inch sizes with or without words. Printed and cut out, these can be used singly or grouped together. Does not use Boardmaker or PCS symbols from Mayer-Johnson
· Montgomery Schools Teacher Created Resources
Boardmaker Files: Communication boards and worksheets; Adapted books and songs
· Speaking_Of_Speech Materials Exchange
Many materials were created with Picture Communication Symbols© and Boardmaker© from Mayer-Johnson Company. Speaking of has permission from Mayer-Johnson Co. to post these materials and expects all users to honor this agreement and their copyright. You can use the materials even if you don't yet have BOARDMAKER. These materials have been converted to PDF so that everyone can use them--MAC or WINDOWS. All you need is ADOBE ACROBAT READER.
· SET-BC Boardmaker Resources (2006)
This collection of demonstrations and related materials supports teams implementing Boardmaker v.5 (Win and Mac), Mayer-Johnson's library of Picture Communication Symbols, to create visual supports for students. PictureSET is a collection of downloadable visual supports that can be used by students for both receptive and expressive communication in the classroom, at home, and in the community. This searchable database allows you to find a wide range of useful visual supports for different curriculum areas, activities, and events.
· Boardmaker for Burnaby Teachers
These Boardmaker templates were created by Burnaby Teachers for Burnaby Teachers. Please feel free to download them and use them where appropriate.
· Baltimore City AT Adapted Library
Boardmaker files - Symbols for hundreds of books.
· FDLRS Region 3 Visual Supports wikis
Boardmaker 6 files for geography, health/safety, thematic visuals, literacy visuals
PPT copies of dynamic display devices for manual backups (Gateway, SpringBoard)