Pythagorean Theorem Power Point
Objective: Create 5 slides over the Pythagorean Theorem
• Describe what the theorem is.
• Include your picture of an example of a right triangle.
• Include an example using the Theorem.
• You may include a title page, but it is in addition to the other five slides.
1. Open Microsoft Power Point.
2. To insert slides:
Insert: New Slide
3. To insert your picture:
Insert: Picture: from File: spublic folder: Cook Math: right triangle pics: find your pic
If you were not here the day we took the picture, you can use any picture.
4. To format the picture:
Once inserted, the picture may be too big. To shrink the size, drag the picture down until you see the corner. Grab the corner of the picture, and shrink the image. You must move it from the corner, so you don’t distort the pic. Make sure the corners have the circles before you drag.
To crop the pic, use the picture toolbar. Click on the crop icon. Use the crop marks to change the amount of the picture that can be seen.
5. You can change the font, size, and color of your text. Highlight the text, and click on: fomat: font. Select the changes. You can always undo what you have done.
6. To insert the small 2 for “squared”:
Type the problem using a regular 2. After the whole problem is typed, highlight the 2. Format: font: check the superscript box. This will make the 2 small and high. If your other text is still in superscript form, highlight the text: format: font: uncheck superscript.
7. To insert a square root symbol:
Insert: Object: Microsoft equation 3.0: division icon box: click on square root symbol
Once the symbol has been selected, type the number inside the symbol
To go back to the power point, click on the X.
8. Save your power point to your student id. Title: Pythagorean your name.
9. Do NOT print. Let me know when you are finished.