Mutual Agreement to Leave Scheme (MAL)

Colleague Briefing

The University is operating a Mutual Agreement to Leave Scheme that will open on Wednesday 20 June and close at 10am on Monday 9th July 2018. Detailed below is a summary of the scheme to enable colleagues to understand if this is something that they would be interested in being considered for.

  1. What is the Mutual Agreement to Leave Scheme?

A mutual agreement to leave scheme (MAL) allows colleagues, on a self-nominated basis, to put themselves forward to leave the employment of the University. The scheme is open to all colleagues graded 7 and above. In order to support colleagues, if their request is accepted, the University will offer financial compensation (further details of the amount are outlined in section 6). The reason for leaving the employment of the University would be by mutual agreement. Leaving via mutual agreement and accepting the financial sum as compensation for leaving, would preclude the staff member from working for the University at any point in the future.

  1. Why are we operating a Mutual Agreement to Leave Scheme:

There are a number of reasons we have decided to open up this scheme:

-There is significant change within our sector, with the University facing fantastic opportunities to grow and diversify, but also significant challenges which we need to be best positioned to enable us to address;

-We want to ensure that we can embrace the opportunities that this change brings us and as such, it is important that we have an organisation which is fit for the future. We need to begin to shape the organisation of the future and this scheme will provide an opportunity for the work to commence

-We recognise that the changing environment may not be something that colleagues want to be part of and we therefore want to give colleagues the opportunity to consider what is right for them next and;

-With this in mind, we don’t want to destabilise our organisation, impact the student experience or create an environment of uncertainty.

-We are therefore going to open a Mutual Agreement to Leave Scheme.

-This enablesthose who do not believe that they want to be part of embracing these new opportunities,the opportunity to request to leave, with immediate financial certainty. We recognise that some colleagues may want to take this opportunity to do something different or take a different direction in their lives at this time and we want to support this when we can.

-We offer this in a genuine spirit of openness and to create the right environment and opportunities for all, however, we must balance this with the needs of our students, our University, and the health and wellbeing of all colleagues.

-The scheme will only be open to colleagues at Grade 7 and above.

-The submission of an application should not be taken as an indication of acceptance. All applicants should wait until receiving confirmation of acceptance from the University panel prior to making further plans.

-Decisions will be at the discretion of the University and will be made upon the recommendation of the appropriate Dean or Head/Director of Professional Service. An independent University panel will make the final decision, considering the skills, experience and behaviours that the University needs to retain to ensure the effective delivery of services to our students. The decision of the panel is final.

  1. Why is the MAL Scheme only open to colleagues at Grade 7 and above?

The decision to only open this scheme at Grade 7 and above is in recognition of the fact that, at this time, we see a clear requirement for change amongst our senior colleagues. We need senior colleagues to embrace change, to look for different and new ways of working, and to lead the University in positioning itself for the future. At the same time, there is a need for stability in the core support that we provide to our students. As such, we are opening up the opportunity for colleagues at Grade 7 and above who feel that they may not wish to embark on this journey with the University.

  1. Eligibility to Apply for the Scheme

To apply for the Scheme, colleagues must meet the following criteria:

-The scheme is open to all colleagues at Grade 7 and above within both Academic Schools and Professional Support functions.

-Colleagues are required to have been employed by the University for a minimum of 2 years as at 1 June 2018.

-The scheme is not applicable to Agency Workers, Consultants or Casual Workers.

-Colleagues who have already indicated they will be resigning/have resigned or formally indicated that they are retiring will not be eligible to apply for this Scheme.

  1. Principles of the Mutual Agreement to Leave Scheme

-The scheme is a discretionary scheme operated by the University in which it may be agreed that colleagues are able to leave the University by reason of mutual agreement. Colleagues in return will receive a compensation payment.

-Agreement to leave is at the sole discretion of the University. The University retains the right to retain key skills and experience to ensure the effective operation of its services. The decision of the University is final and there will be no right to appeal the decision.

-Colleagues will be issued with an agreement to sign to confirm they agree to the terms being offered, including the financial compensation.

-Colleagues will not be able to return to the University to work in any capacity upon agreement being reached for them to leave the University under this scheme.

-All applications will be dealt with confidentially.

-Colleagues who are unsuccessful will not be placed at any future disadvantage as a consequence of their application to leave under the scheme.

-It is recognised that colleagues will have a variety of reasons for wishing to partake in this scheme, it will not be assumed that those wishing to apply are not willing to embrace change if their application is unsuccessful.

-All colleagues who agree to leave under the terms of this scheme are obliged to ensure that the impact on student experience is minimised and an appropriate hand over of all work must take place in order for the University to make a payment in accordance with section 6 below. The impact on other colleagues must also be considered in ensuring an appropriate handover of work. As such, those who are accepted for the scheme must work their full notice period.

  1. Compensation Payments

Colleagues will be entitled to the following payment upon agreement to leave:

-A payment of 6 months’ salary will be made. The amount payable will be calculated on actual salary as at 1 June 2018.

-Under current legislation, the University believes that the first £30,000 of any compensation payment will not be subject to tax and NI deductions. However, the University gives no warranty regarding the tax treatment of this.

-Colleagues will be required to work their notice period. Any annual leave accrued must also be taken during the notice period.

  1. Pensions

If a colleague leaves the University for the reasonof mutual agreement (and they meet the minimum age and membership requirements of their pension scheme) they can choose to access their pensions benefits at the time of leaving or at any point in the future. Colleagues who choose to access their pensions prior to the normal retirement age within the requisite scheme will be subject to an early payment reduction on their pension benefits.

  • Colleagues who are members of USS can access details of their scheme and calculate their benefits via the following link:
  • Colleagues who are members of LGPS can access details of their scheme via the following link:

Estimates for LGPS members will be provided on request. To request an estimate, please contact

  • Colleagues who are members of TPS can access details of their scheme and calculate their benefits via the following link:
  1. Application Procedure

The following approach will be taken to consider all requests:

-Colleagues wishing to apply to leave the University under the terms of the Mutual Agreement to Leave Scheme should complete the application form and submit this to the Human Resources Directorate to the following email address:

-If colleagues have queries regarding the Scheme prior to applying please contact HR via telephone on 0161 295 7389(direct dial 57389) or via the email address above.

-All colleagues applying for the Scheme will have an individual meeting/conversation with a member of HR (either in person or via telephone) to answer any further questions and confirm details of the scheme as it applies specifically to their individual circumstances.

-The Dean/Head of Professional service will be provided with information of those who have applied and will make a confidential recommendation to the Independent University Panel as to whether they are in support of the application or not.

-A University panel will consider all applications. Following the consideration of the panel, colleagues will be advised of the outcome. If this is agreed, colleagues will receive a letter detailing the terms of the agreement to leave. This will be issued within 5 working days of the decision. Colleagues will have 7 days to consider and return the signed agreement.

  1. Supporting Colleagues who have their Request Declined

If a request is declined, the University will work with colleagues to support them to ensure they are able to continue to engage with the University and to contribute to its future success.