2SHB 1107 / SSB 5463
Cultural Access WashingtonProgram2015 LegislationSummary
- To allow creation of a local program that will have public and educational benefits andprovide economic support for cultural organizations throughout the state
- Create the potential to address communities' diminished access to cultural experiencesand/or education programs for K-12 students in publicschools
- Cultural organizations could include: heritage facilities, children’s museums, sciencecenters, fine arts, zoos, aquariums, theaters, art museums, performingarts
- Examples of what the publicly approved funding could be usedfor:
- reduced or freeadmission
- providing education experiences at an organization’s facilities or in theschools
- expanding opportunities for diverse and underserved populations andcommunities
- creating experiences outside an organization’s ownfacilities
- increasing public access throughtechnology
- building capacity of community basedorganizations
Vote of thepeople
- Initial imposition of funding mechanism requires approval by a majority of voters inthe proposed jurisdiction
- Tax expires after 7 years unless reauthorized by vote of thepeople
- Enables a county to propose to voters a nominal increase in the sales tax or property tax(except in King Co.) which is dedicated to support a cultural accessprogram
- This legislation does not impose a new tax; it enables a county to create the program andthe peopledecideiftheychooseto funditornotbyplacingiton theballotforpublicapproval
- County may decide which form of funding mechanism toimpose
- Counties may form a program under an interlocalagreement
- Funds may not replace or materially diminish any funding usually orcustomarily provided by the state for state-related culturalorganizations
Limitations on fundingmechanism
- Sales tax increase is capped at0.1%
- Property tax is limited to an amount that equals the same amount that an incremental0.1% sales tax wouldcollect
- Property tax increase is subject to reduction if total of property taxes would otherwiseexceed statutory limits
Potential options for City cultural access program
A city can create a cultural access program subject to same limitations as a county,if:
- the relevant county declines its authority to create a program by resolution,or
- the county does not place a proposition before the people by June 30,2017
Use offunds
- Counties are given broad discretion to define programs, but they must include a publicschool program
Funding allocation rules for counties with less than 1.5 millionpopulation
- County sets percentage for public school cultural accessprogram
- Pay start-up fees and admin costs (to be disclosed in ballotmeasure)
- Remainder to “designated entity” for distribution to cultural organizations percounty- established guidelines (funds can be used for capital expenditures, includingreal propertyacquisition)
Funding allocation rules for large counties with 1.5 million population orgreater
- Pay start-up fees and admin costs (up to 1.25% per year for admin costs) of“designated entity” responsible for grants &compliance
- 10% of remaining funds for public school accessprogram
- 75% of remainder to regional cultural organizations located in the county(“substantial” with broad-based membership and minimum annual revenues)
- Ranking formula (attendance and revenuecomponents)
- Support capped at 15% of annualrevenues
- Restriction against capitalexpenditures
- Must participate in public school accessprogram
- Remaining funds to “designated public agency,” responsible for grants tocommunity- based cultural organizations (funds can be used for capital expenditures, includingreal propertyacquisition)
Local programs, local decisions, local support
For any additional information or questions pleasecontact:Joy Langley at
Becky Bogard at or 206.979.0326orKathryn Hedrick at or360.280.6202