Student 1 & 2: Let’s go get some breakfast.
Student 1: Morning.
Student 3: Morning.
Student 1: What’s for breakfast?
Student 3: An Australian dish called Vegemite.
Student 1 & 2: Vegemite?
Student 3: Yes it’s rather salty and… brown.
Student 1 & 2: So technically it’s like sea poop?
Student 3: I don’t know what that is but here. Just have some.
Student 2: Eww! That is disgusting!
Student 3: Can’t be all that bad? Hmm, rather special. Here, orange juice.
Student 2: Ahh! It’s much better.
Student 3: So what do you girls want to do today?
Student 1: Can.
Student 2: We.
Student 1: Go.
Student 2: To:
Student 1: The.
Student 2: Forrest.
Student 1: Now.
Student 1 & 2: Please?
Student 3: No, it’s too dangerous and I’m busy today.
Student 1 & 2: But we want to go now!
Student 2: Well take Roofus the pig with us.
Student 1: And we’ll burn off some calories.
Student 3: Do you even know what calories are?
Student 1 & 2: No.
Student 3: Oh well. Nor do I, but… go.
Student 1 & 2: Yay!
Student 1: Let’s go get breakfast!
Student 1 & 2: Dumbledee.
Student 1: I’m so tired.
Student 1 & 2: Woah.
Student 2: Go get some breakfast. Go, go, go, go. Cool, clap… come on, come on.
Student 4: Rawr! Who eat my apples?
Student 1 & 2: Who took the apples?Who took the apples?Who took the apples?
Student 4: Shall I eat them?
Off Stage: *No*
Student 4: I don’t care… I’m gonna eat them.
Student 1 & 2: No. Don’t eat us, wait for our big sister. She’s much tastier than we are… and she knows karate.
Student 4: That puny little thing, she won’t even hurt me.
Student 3: Puny little thing? Is that what you think I am? Well this little puny thing is gonna kick your butt.
Student 1 & 2: Lalalalalalala…..
Student 2: Roofus.
Student 3: Yes the pig… eat him!.
Student 4: Ughh!
© School Curriculum and Standards Authority, 2017
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