Program Objectives
The CIFProblem Gambling Prevention and Treatment Grant Program provides project grants to:
a)encourage and assist communities to develop and/or deliver prevention and education projects that reduce social harm associated with problem gambling;
b)assist health regions to develop and/or deliver treatment programs for clients assessed with a gambling problem, or family members of individuals with gambling problems;
c)support prevention initiatives to educate and support individuals and communities in making informed choices, reducing risks and promoting healthy lifestyles;and,
d)support effective prevention of gambling related problems that include a range of education and health promotion strategies to strengthen the capacity of individuals and communities to identify and respond to gambling problems.
Community Grants support public education and prevention initiatives of community groups, committees and non-profit organizations endorsed by their health region.
Health Region Grants support innovative treatment programming for problem gambling which expand on the continuum of treatment services available in the health region and promote skill development for coping with problem gambling effects.
Existing Problem Gambling Services
- All health regions across the province offer problem gambling counseling services for gamblers and their families on an outpatient basis. Treatment services are also available that include assessment for co-existing mental health and substance abuse problems, financial and budgeting assistance, and relapse prevention.
- A Problem Gambling Help Line offers free, 24-hour a day, seven-day-a-week service to all citizens of the province. Callers can receive professional counseling, referrals, and information relating to problem gambling. The Problem Gambling Help Line phone number is 1-800-306-6789.
- The Canadian Mental Health Association (CMHA) offers free community education workshops in communities across the province. The workshops are an opportunity to learn more about problem gambling and are available to community groups, service clubs, teachers, and parents. For more information, call 1-800-461-5483 or 306-525-5601.
- Upon request, CMHA offers assistance to communities interested in establishing community-based problem gambling committees and/or interested in developing education or informational programs related to problem gambling. For more information or assistance, call 306-525-5601 or 1-800-461-5483.
- The Ministry of Health offers to the public several publications related to prevention of problem gambling. Publications include a problem gambling teaching resource with video for grades 6-9 students; a youth activity booklet to help teachers inform young people about gambling and risk taking; a problem gambling Family Resource Guide to help familieies, friends and children better understand the impacts of problem gambling; and, an information booklet on problem gambling and the workplace.
- Upon request, the Ministry of Health offers assistance to communities interested in developing educational or informational programs related to problem gambling, especially related to youth 18 years of age and under. For more information or assistance, call 306-787-7239.
What is the Community Initiatives Fund?
The Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) was introduced by the provincial government in 1996 to ensure that Saskatchewan communities received benefits from casino profits. The CIF receives a portion of profits from the Regina and Moose Jaw casinos. The Fund is managed by an independent government-appointed Board.The Board has many years of experience as community volunteers.
The CIF Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment Grants are delivered with the assistance of the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health.
Eligible Applicants
Community groups, committees and non-profit organizations and health regions. Applicants must demonstrate that they:
- Are acting in co-operation with existing problem gambling programs;
- Are responsible for the project funding request; and
- Will be involved in the development, implementation and evaluation of the project.
Federal and provincialgovernmentorganizations and for-profit organizations are not eligible to apply for and receive CIF problem gambling prevention and treatment programs.
All applications should consult with the Ministry of Health or their local health region on project initiatives prior to making application to the CIF. Applications from community groups, committees and non-profit organizations require an endorsement from their health region..
Examples of Eligible Projects
Community groups, committees, non-profit organizations project examples:
Information seminars and education workshops relating to problem gambling and developing healthy lifestyles.
Targeted educational projects (i.e. teen gambling, seniors, VLT gamblers).
Creation of audio-visual initiatives, interactive display material, or print material.
The production and delivery of media campaigns.
Theatre productions that inform or educate about problem gambling.
Health regions project examples:
Group counseling projects and establishment of community self-help groups.
Day patient treatment programming.
Intensive therapy workshops.
Tele-therapy, or internet based treatment programming.
Information seminars and education workshops relating to problem gambling and developing healthy lifestyles.
Targeted treatment programs.
Eligible Expenses
- Direct project-related costs, such as materials, supplies, equipment rental, postage and printing costs.
- Costs associated with consultants, workshops, seminars and staff training related to project delivery.
- Reasonable rates of travel and accommodation costs that are directly related to project delivery.
- Facility rental specifically related to project delivery.
- Any other direct project costs deemed appropriate by the CIF Board.
Purchase of print and/or audio-visual resources.
Reasonable operational and administrative costs that are directly related to the project.
Additional eligible expenses for health regions include:
Direct project related costs, such as staffing (either health region staff or contract employees).
Purchase of equipment or office furniture.
Costs associated with staff remuneration related to project delivery.
Ineligible Expenses
Costs incurred prior to obtaining approval from the CIF Board.
Survey studies or pure research in any discipline.
Ongoing operational or administrative costs, except as incrementally required for the delivery of the project.
Projects with duration of more than two years.
Additional ineligible expenses for community groups, committees and nonprofit organizations include:
Purchase of equipment, office furniture or capital assets.
Direct provision of health, social, diagnostic, counseling or treatment services.
Salaries or expenses for any federal, provincial, or local government employee.
Federal or provincial government-delivered projects and services.
Additional ineligible expenses for health regions are the purchase of capital assets.
Grant Levels
There is no minimum or maximum amount established per grant. The grant amount is at the discretion of the CIF Board and is reflective of service area priorities, the level of interest in the grant program, the degree to which project proposals support existing problem gambling prevention and treatment programs, and the amount of funding available.
Assessment Criteria
Applicants will be assessed using the following criteria:
a)Coordination and integration: Indicate and demonstrate that there has been co-ordination and integration with other agencies and community groups to maximize outcomes and to avoid duplication of similar or existing programs and services within the geographical area that the program is to be offered.
b)Project effectiveness: Indication that the project will provide educational information (for community groups, committees and non-profit organization projects) or provide innovative treatment programming (for health region projects), be preventative in nature, benefit a significant number of individuals, and be based on community needs.
c)Community Support: Indication of community support, volunteerism and endorsement from the local health region for and participation in the project (for community groups, committees and non-profit organizations).
Funding Obligations
Successful applicants must submit a Follow-up formto the CIF Administratorwithin 60 days of the project completion. A Follow-up form will be provided to all successful grant recipients with their grant cheque. The CIF Administrator will confirm whether the funding obligations have been met and will inform the organization in writing that the follow-up form has been accepted or if there are outstanding issues to address. Follow-up forms will also be shared with the Ministry of Health.
All grant recipients are asked to acknowledge the Community Initiatives Fundas supporters of their activities.
All projects/initiatives must include the 1-800 Problem Gambling Help Line (1-800-306-6789) as a resource available to the public.
Organizations receiving grants must submit either a photocopy of actual receipts and payroll records or an audited financial statement that clearly outlines project expenditures including income and expenses.
Original documents and receipts must be kept by the grant recipient for seven years as per recognized accounting principles.
Unused CIF funds, or funds used for purposes other than what was approved, must be returned to the CIF.
Grants must be used within the fiscal year awarded. Extensions may be allowed by the CIF Board and require a written request to the attention of the CIF Administrator. The Board will inform the organization of the decision within six weeks of the request.
Failure to meet the above funding obligations to the satisfaction of the CIF Board is grounds to restrict access to future funding.
Application Deadlines
February 1, June 1, and November 1 annually
Application Process
Two complete copies of the application must be sent to the CIF Administrator at 1870 Lorne Street, Regina, SK S4P 2L7 and postmarked by the deadline date. Faxed or emailed copies will not be accepted.
Late or incomplete applications will not be considered.
Health regions applying for problem gambling prevention and treatment grants must consult with the Saskatchewan Ministry of Health prior to making application.
Community groups, committees and non-profit organizations must consult with their local health region regarding their proposed project before the application is submitted to the CIF Administrator. The local health region will review the application and indicate their endorsement (using the attached form) for the proposed initiative from a regional perspective in the context of the eligibility and evaluation criteria.
Grant Review Process
TheCIF Administrator will receive and review each application to confirm that basic eligibility requirements have been met and applications are complete.
Eligible applications will then be forwarded to the Ministry of Health to be reviewed.Recommendations from the Ministry of Health are then forwarded to the CIF Administrator and reviewed by the CIF Board. The CIF Board makes all final grant decisions.
Within six weeks of the application deadline, each organization will be notified, in writing, of the outcome of theirfunding request.
Appeal Process
Funding decisions may be reconsideredby submitting a written request to the CIF Board at the address of the CIF Administrator. The applicant must indicate the grounds for reconsideration of the grant application. The Board will respond in writing to the appeal.
Application Guidelines: application guidelines and forms are available by:
- Downloading a copy at ; or
- Contacting the CIF Administrator, Rhonda Newton at 306-780-9308.
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Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment GrantsApplication Form
Two complete copies of the application must be mailed to the CIF Administrator at 1870 Lorne Street, Regina, SK S4P 2C7, postmarked by the deadline date.
1.Applicant Information.
Organization Name:
Mailing Address: / Postal Code:
Contact Person: / Position: / Phone:
Email: / Fax:
Chairperson: / Phone:
Saskatchewan Justice, Corporations Branch, Non-Profit Number:
2. Project Overview
Project Title:
Start Date: / Completion Date:
Project Frequency: / Total Project Expense:
Amount of CIF funding being requested: $
3. Project Description
Please provide a brief summary of the project.
Describe the target group that the project is to be delivered to (eg. size of group, gender, age, aboriginal ancestry, etc.).
Project Objectives:
Geographical area and population based to be served:
4. Evaluation Criteria(include attachments if necessary)
Coordination and Integration: Indicate what co-ordination and integration with other agencies and community groups have occurred to maximize outcomes and avoid duplication of similar or existing programs and services within the geographical area to be served.
Project Effectiveness: For community groups, committees and nonprofit organizations indicate what type of educational information or services will be provided, how the project is preventative in nature, will benefit a significant number of individuals, and is based on community needs. For health regions indicate what type of innovative treatment programming will be provided, how it will meet identified needs in the community and expands the level of service delivery.
Community Support: For community groups, committees and non-profit organizations indicate the community support, level of volunteerism and partnerships for and participation in the project. Applicants are encouraged to attach letters of community support to the application form.
5. Project Results(project sponsors will share the results of your evaluation, experiences, and any resources or models developed.)
Explain how you will measure and report the results of your project.
- Contributions of Goods and Services: Please list other contributions to the project (eg. donation of supplies or materials) and their approximate value.
Name of Contributor / Description of Contribution / Approximate Value
- Volunteer Contributions: Please provide an estimated value of the total number of volunteers and volunteer hours that will be contributed to the project.
# Volunteers / Average # Hours Per Volunteer / Estimated Value
# hours x $10.00 = / $
8.Other Funding Sources: Please list other funding sources to which you have applied for this project.
Name of Organization/Fund / Amount requested / Amount received
- Budget: Use the budget form (below), or attach a separate sheet to show your planned revenue and expenses. If using a separate sheet, please comply with the budget format below. Reference Eligible and Ineligible Expenses from the Application Guidelines when preparing your budget. Include allprojected cash expenses and revenues.
Cash donations & fundraising* / $ / $
Other funding sources (please listand detail in #8.
Other FundingSources)** / $ / $
Ministry of Health Funding***
Health Region Funding***
Total Income / $ / $
Direct project-related materials (please list) / $ / $
Staff remuneration and/or consultant costs / $ / $
Travel and accommodation costs / $ / $
Facility rental (portion related to project / $ / $
Workshop or seminar costs / $ / $
Utilities (portion related to project) / $ / $
Other direct project-related expenditures (please list) / $ / $
Total project expenditures / $ / $
Community Initiatives Fund (amount requested) / $
*Community groups, committees, non-profit organizations to complete.
**All applicants to complete.
***Health regions to complete.
10. Additional Comments or Information
11. Health Region Endorsement(For community groups, committees and non-profit organizations,
please fill out the attached endorsement form.)
12.Applicant Agreement
- The information contained in this application and supporting documents is true and accurate and endorsed by the applicant organization.
- A follow-up form will be submitted to the Community Initiatives Fund (CIF) Administrator within 60 days of the project completion and will includeeither a photocopy of actual receipts and payroll records or an audited financial statement that has been prepared by a recognized audit firm. The audited financial statement must clearly outline the CIF grant received as well as specific expenses related to the project. Original documents and receipts must be kept by the grant recipient for seven years as per recognized accounting principles.
- Any grant awarded shall be used solely for the purposes stated within this application unless otherwise agreed to by the CIF Board.
- The Community Initiatives Fund will be acknowledged as supporters of Applicant initiatives that successfully receive CIF funding.
- All responsibilities and liabilities in connection with the initiative, and the carrying out of the work detailed within the application shall be those of the Applicant and, where applicable, of the Endorsing Partner. The Applicant indemnifies the CIF and all its Board members, employees and agents from any and all liabilities arising in connection with this initiative.
Organization Name
Title (being a duly authorized representative of the Applicant)
Dated (Year/Month/Date)
Mr. / Mrs. / Ms. ______
(Print Name)First NameSurname
Please mail two (2) copies of the completed application form with attachments to: Rhonda Newton, Community Initiatives Fund Administrator, 1870 Lorne Street, Regina, SK S4P 2L7.
Endorsement of the Proposed Problem Gambling Prevention and Treatment Grant Proposal
To be completed by community groups, committees, non-profit organizations.
Please attach this completed endorsement form to the application before it is forwarded to the CIF Administrator.
- Applicant Information
Name of Organization: ______
Project Title: ______
- Regional Health Authority Information
Regional Health Authority: ______
Address: ______
City: ______Postal Code: ______
- Regional Health Authority Representative
Indicate the position of the representative endorsing the application:
Director of Mental Health and Additions
Problem Gambling Counsellor
Other ______
Name: ______
Phone: ______Fax: ______
E-mail Address: ______
- Endorsement of Application
From the Regional Health Authority’s perspective, does the proposed project meet the local community needs? Please explain.
From the Regional Health Authority’s perspective, will there be sufficient integration and co-ordination with Regional Health Authority services or will the proposed project result in duplication of services? Please explain.
From the Regional Health Authority’s perspective, will the proposed project be effective? Please explain.
Additional comments.
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