We are looking forward to seeing you all at Parents’ Night on Thursday 6th and 13th November 3.30pm – 6.30pm. Appointments will be out this week. Jotters will be sent home prior to the evening when you will be able to read and place a written comment on the stickers placed inside the jotters to give our young people encouraging feedback. Please take time to view the displays which tell the story of the learning journey.


When pupils in the school achieve a target in their work, a ‘Star’ stamp or ‘Target Achieved’ stamp will be visible in their jotter or workbook or area of evidence to celebrate their success.

Pupils may write about this in their ‘Learning Journal’ and will have an opportunity to discuss their targets achieved with their peers, staff and the Senior Management Team.

Before Parents’ night, jotters and work will be sent home for you to look through. Please take time to ‘chat’ about your child’s achievements and write some feedback in the stickers provided.

Your comments and time are very important in this matter.

Remember to return the work the next day.

Thank you for your support in this matter.


We will be working towards these recommendations to further improve the quality of the Learning and Teaching and provisions in our School and Nurseries.

Priority 1 – Year 1

To develop the learners’ knowledge and skills in Technologies at early, first and second stages, consistent with the principles and practice document, building confidence in its use and application to enhance learning across the curriculum.

Priority 2 - Year 1

To implement ‘God’s Loving Plan’ as part of the Catholic schools programme of study in addition to ‘This is our Faith’ in the Primary school at early, first and second stages, consistent with the principles and practice document.

Priority 3 - Year 1

To raise the attainment and achievement of all learners by effective monitoring, planning, tracking of assessment and reporting of these.

Priority 4 – Music Year 1, Art Year 2

To develop the learners’ knowledge and skills in the Aesthetic subjects, introducing Music and further developing Art and Design.


Term 1 Priority 2 – Assessment

Priority 4 – Music and Art

Term 2 Priority 1 – Technology

Priority 2 – Assessment

Priority 3 – ‘God’s Loving Plan’

Priority 4 – Music and Art

Purposeful Play

Term 3 Priority 1 – Technology

Priority 2 – Assessment

Priority 3 – ‘God’s Loving Plan’

Priority 4 – Music and Art

Term 4 Policy Updates and Parental Leaflets

Priority 1 - 4


Mrs Creaney and Mrs Bradley will share a 0.5 FTE Acting Principal Teacher post until March 2015. We wish them well in their additional responsibilities and duties.

MALAWI – Supporting Nanjala Primary School

We welcome back Mrs Creaney from her visit to Malawi. Presentations of her work will be scheduled for Pupils and Staff in the next coming term. Mrs Creaney will also present to Parents in the school and Parish community.

We will have a collection bottle available in every class to gather any loose change that pupils have to give for Nanjala Primary School in Malawi throughout the year. If you are able to support this, all donations would be very welcome.


The Primary school and Nurseries are continuing their Committee work.

Gardening Gang… and we intend to:

•  Tidy and maintain the garden

•  Harvest veg / fruits / flowers

•  Prepare savoury snacks such as vegetable soup from ‘Plot to Plate’

•  Create ideas for painting on walls around yard

•  Liaise with Restorative justice installing ‘Leaning benches’ around the playgrounds and erecting artwork.

ICT… and we intend to:

·  Increase the use and variety of ICT to support learning

·  Further develop the use of Glow within the school

·  Update the school website and ICT resources

·  http://www.sacredheart-bellshill.n-lanark.sch

·  Use ICT to celebrate and record success

Health…and we intend to:

·  Promote Health within our school

·  Get involved in activities such as; Dental Health, Cooking, Sport, Bilateral Integration and Dance

·  Speak at assemblies to spread the news of Healthy options

·  Remember we are a NUT free Zone

ECO Committee… and we intend to:

·  Develop our school grounds

·  Reduce waste

·  Recycle plastic bottles in our blue bins

·  Recycle old clothing and textiles in our collection bin

·  Speak at assemblies to spread the news of Eco options…Reduce, Reuse and Recycle

GLOBAL Citizenship… and we intend to:

·  Develop links with our partner school in Malawi

·  Continue our great efforts in Fairtrade awareness

·  Go for Fairtrade status

·  Speak at assemblies to spread the news about Fairtrade

·  Raise awareness of the ‘Rights of the Child’

·  Raise awareness of the GIRFEC agenda…’Getting it Right for Every Child’


This year we will be supporting;

·  The Christmas Nativity in Sacred Heart Church

·  The Sacraments of First Holy Communion and Confirmation

·  Class Assemblies

·  The Easter Passion

·  The Summer Show

MORRISONS ‘Let’s Grow’ Vouchers – WOW!

Thank you so much for sending in your Morrisons’ vouchers to the school and the Nurseries. We have collected over 8500 tokens so far. Just a few days left to count the totals and send our orders away. This will help us obtain many more resources for our Gardening Gang.

PRIMARY MENU Autumn – Winter 2014 / 2015

20th October 2014 – 30th March 2015

The new Menus were distributed to all families after the

October break. Please take time to look at the menus so

your little one is well prepared for the variety of choices

each day.

Please keep the ‘swipe cards’ topped up!

For more information visit

OOSH – Out of School Hours Classes P5-7

Tuesdays – Basketball

Wednesdays – Dance

Thursdays – Football


Room 9 and 10 have participated in a 6 week block of

coaching from the SFA in Football skills. Staff and

pupils thoroughly enjoyed the experience.


Room 6 will participate in ‘Roots of Empathy’

throughout the year. This project invites a Mum and her baby into the class on a weekly basis and the children discuss the care and nurturing of the baby. The project has proven to be very successful within the authority and we look forward to this project developing in our school.


Some classes will be visiting Bellshill Cultural centre over the next few weeks to hear and be inspired by authors.


We were delighted to receive £5000 from Education Scotland to develop and promote our Health and Well Being subjects but in particular a Focus on Food. We have a great pride and tradition in this area where pupils are instructed by Mrs Hill on a daily basis to prepare, cook and value fresh nutritional food. With the award we upgraded the kitchen and facilities. With the support of the Garden Gang led by Mrs Fagan and Mrs Hinchelwood we cultivated fresh produce from the garden and developed a recipe book celebrating food around the Commonwealth Games. The topic has inspired our pupils to value meals from ‘Plot to Plate’. I’m glad to say this resource has become a fundamental part of our Health and Wellbeing studies.

PFA – AGM – 24/9/14

Staff met recently with the Parent and Friends Association ie PFA to organise and plan for many fundraising events throughout the year. In advance of the years’ activities may I express my admiration for the small core group of people who give their time and dedication to supporting the PFA. We are always looking for more members and would be delighted if you could support the fundraising events in any way possible. Please contact a member or the school office for more information in joining the PFA. Here are some proposed dates


Thursday 9th October 2014

Thursday 26th March 2015

Thursday 11th June 2015


Saturday 29th November 2014 10am – 12noon

If you wish to help on the day, please contact the school office.

‘DRESS DOWN DAYS’ to support the donation of items for the Fayre

Friday 10th October – bring a book or toy or £1.00

Friday 31st October – non – perishable groceries or £1.00

Friday 14th November – bring a bottle (if alcohol, parent to deliver to school office) or £1.00

Friday 28th November – Shop bought cakes or biscuits or £1.00


The Community Police have visited local schools in Bellshill to monitor parking in the area. Once again may I remind all adults (Parents / Carers and Grandparents of the Primary and Nursery) to avoid using the CAR PARK to drop off / pick up children and please discourage children from walking through the Car Park.

The Car Park is for Staff Use only and is very busy

receiving deliveries at any time from large vehicles

throughout the day.


Primary 7 are working with CNHS on Wednesdays at PE and Fridays with the Maths department. We were delighted to meet Mr Kenny Ross HT of CNHS on Tuesday 28th October at 6pm in SHP school hall where Ms McCrone DHT and Mr Malarvey presented information about the Secondary Curriculum and activities. On Monday 3rd November all Parents and pupils of P7 from all the feeder Primary schools will be invited to CNHS for an Open Evening.


The Parent Council met on Tuesday 7th October at 7pm to endorse the School Improvement Plan 2014 / 2015 and the School Report 2014. We also looked at the current Maintenance Programme for the school and heard the Head Teacher’s Report updating members on the achievements of the school and Nurseries. As not all member were able to attend the AGM has been postponed in order to instate new members to the Parent Council. Invitations were distributed to the Parent Forum for consideration and two Parents came forward. We are still looking for a further two Parents to fill the last two places. A further letter of invitation will be distributed for volunteers and an opportunity to discuss the role of the Parent Council with a member or the DHT / HT or Parent Council member will be available at Parents’ Nights.

Please consider volunteering.


There will be an In-service day on Monday 17th November. Children should not attend school that day. The school will re-open on Tuesday 18th November for the Breakfast Club at 8.30am, with a school start at 9am.


The flu vaccine will be administered on Friday 12th December 2014 in Sacred Heart Primary. North and South Lanarkshire NHS are hoping to vaccinate 51, 000 school children in this two to three month period. Immunisation will be offered annually in the form of a nasal spray.

More info at:


CHRISTMAS PANTO Wednesday 26th November 2014

CHRISTMAS Fayre – Saturday 29th Nov 10am – 12 noon


Rooms 6, 9 and 10 Monday 15th December 2014

Rooms 11 and 12 Tuesday 16th December 2014

Rooms 13 and 14 Wednesday 17th December 2014

Rooms 1 and 2 Thursday 18th December 2014

Rooms 15 and 16 Monday 22nd December 2014

CAROL SERVICE 11am Sacred Heart Church

Tuesday 23rd December 2014

School finishes on Tuesday the 23rd of December at 2.30pm for our Christmas holidays.

School will re-open on Monday 5th January 2015 at 9am.

On behalf of the staff of Sacred Heart Primary School and Nurseries may I take this opportunity to wish you all a Happy and Peaceful Christmas.

Thank you for your support in 2014 and we look forward to working with you throughout 2015.

Mrs K Somerville, Head Teacher


Sacrament news and Masses at Sacred Heart Parish


In Sacred Heart Church on Monday 3rd February 2015 at 6pm for P3 FIRST RECONCILIATION and P4


ENROLMENT MASS – Sunday 15th February 2015

In Sacred Heart Church at 11.30am for all children in P3 and P4 making their Sacrament


P3 FIRST RECONCILIATION Monday 2nd March 2015 at 2pm in Sacred Heart Church (pupils and Staff only)

P4 FIRST HOLY COMMUNION Tuesday 3rd March 2015 in Newmains Pastoral Centre (pupils and Staff only)

SACRAMENTS in Sacred Heart Church 2015

P3 First Reconciliation Monday 9th March at 7pm

P4 First Holy Communion Saturday 16th May at 11am


August 2014

Inservice day (all areas):Thursday 14 August 2014
Inservice day (all areas):Friday 15 August 2014

Pupils return to school:Monday 18 August 2013

September 2014

September weekend holidays: Friday 26 and Monday 29 September 2014

October 2014

October break: Monday 13 to Friday 17 October 2014 (inclusive)

November 2014

Inservice day (all areas): Monday 17 November 2014

December 2014 - January 2015

Christmas and New Year holidays: Wednesday 24 December 2014 to Friday 2 January 2015 (inclusive)

February 2015

Mid term break: Monday9and Tuesday 10 February 2015
Inservice day (all areas): Wednesday 11 February 2015

April 2015

Easter break: Friday 3 April to Friday 17 April 2015 (inclusive)*

*Please note that Good Friday is3 April 2015 and Easter Monday is6 April 2015.

May 2015

May Day holiday: Monday4 May 2015
Inservice day (all areas): Tuesday5 May 2015
Holiday weekend: Friday 22 and Monday 25 May 2015

June 2015

Schools close:Thursday 25 June 2015

August 2015

Inservice day (all areas):Friday 14 August 2015
Inservice day (all areas):Monday 17 August 2015

Pupils return to school: Tuesday 18 August 2015