15 August 2012
The meeting opened at 7.38pm.
Lewina Schrale, Kerrin McKeown, Miranda Harman, Jennifer Poynter, Andrea Mounter, Amanda Roberts, Renae Michelin, Carina Luttmer, Michelle Cunningham, Robyn Withington, Monique Carter, Anita Holding, Ed Glover, Kristin Taylor
Kylie Bull, Alexandra King, Wendy Tilley.
Motion that the minutes from the previous meeting be accepted.
Moved: Kerrin McKeownSeconded:Michelle Cunningham
Monique presented her Principal Report. This report will be attached to minutes when Monique returns from leave.
Action / Status / CommentsGourlay St crossing. / Done / Tony and Gretel McMullen’s audit showed over the number of cars required for a crossing. Official (DIER or HCC?) was also in attendance this week. Jen Poynter suggested letter of thanks to Minister and will draft this. Welcome to new crossing guard Richard.
Dennis to be invited to assembly for farewell and gift presentation. Alexandra to purchase gift. / Done / Dennis will be first item at assembly 17/8. Thanks to Alexandra for purchasing gift.
Monique will look into signage preventing parking over school driveways. / Pending / Options discussed, but no decision at this stage.
Sustainability Session - facilitated by Tony Coleman (to be a recurring agenda item) / Pending / Lewina will speak with Tony re possibility of combining this with Night Market.
Kylie Bull or Robyn Withington will enquiry re Tasmanian Ballet Company school visits. / Pending / Robyn has sent an email, but as yet has not received a response; she will follow this up.
Risk Management Officer (formerly OH&S position) on SCA / Done / Jenny Nisette and Georgie Gallagher will share the role.
SPICE programme (Wendy Tilley & Wendy Irvine) / Pending
Supporting social skills of students at LCPS. / Ongoing / Kids Matter - Pamela Balon has attended training. Staff training day in October.
Previous meetings
Action / Status / Comments“Night Market” in the GP Room – Andrea Mounter. / Pending / Proposal from Andrea Mounter attached. Tentative date 11/10/12. Volunteers for team: Kristin Taylor (Lucky Door Prize organisation), Robyn Withington (Logistics - set up/clean up etc), Miranda Harman (Marketing), Bar position currently vacant.
Deb Smith and Monique Carter will meet with Greg Turner, Principal South Hobart Primary School, to discuss making the library tax deductable. / Pending – Term 3
Rachael Bain will speak with Jenny Dudgeon about entering the school’s Kitchen Garden and Market in a competition run by “Australian Country Style” magazine. Rachael Bain has talked to Jenny Dudgeon and they are looking in to it. / Pending – in progress
Robyn Withington and Lew will document details from Athletics Carnival and Meet the Teachers BBQ for us in future years – not urgent. Meg will write up the details of the cake stall at some stage. / Ongoing – not urgent
Outwards: Nil.
Inwards: Letter from Minister re Crossing Guard
Receipt for TSSPF membership
Bank statement
Fundraising promotions.
Moved:Kerrin McKeownSeconded:Lewina Schrale
Motion that the Treasurer’s Report be accepted.
Moved: Miranda Harman Seconded: Andrea Mounter
Fundraising: No report. No interest in membership of Quiz Night Committee has been received by Lewina or Kerrin following EOI in newsletter.
TSSP&F: No report.
Ongoing items
- Staffing for the school
- “Carbon Footprint” Grants - a grant application for $20 000 has been submitted, included are taps that automatically switch off in toilets, energy efficiencies in kitchen etc.
- ‘Walk Safely to School’ project - Miranda Harman attended meeting with project organiser, other interested parents, DIER and HCC. DIER provided data re safety of children in school zones (showing a comparatively high level of safety when compared to non-school-zone areas). Group are advocating for designated safe walking routes to schools, which are evidence-based and have appropriate infrastructure developed. Miranda will continue to attend meetings while they occur.
- Andrea Mounter - thank you to teaching staff for their work toward school reports and the information evening re reporting.
- Kristin Taylor - query re possibility of leveling netball court. Monique advised that a quote at the time of BER funding was in the order of $100-$300 000. There was a consensus that this (unfortunately) is unable to be considered at this time.
- Michelle Cunningham (on behalf of Andy Cunningham) - Andy and a few other fathers would like to organise a Dads & sons camping weekend to Rivers Edge (near Judbury) in October, and advertise this in the newsletter. Approval was given by Monique. Peter Marmion will be invited to attend.
- Ed Glover - Bron Wearne and Ed attended a PD session in Adelaide run by ASIC (Australian Securities and Investment Commission) re a financial literacy education package. LCPS and two other Tassie schools in attendance will be trial schools. A parent info session will be offered in Term 3. Information is available re content and package on the federally sponsored website ‘Money Smart”.
- Kerrin McKeown - A proposal for a change of use to Self-contained Visitor Accommodation at the development at 15 Lansdowne Crescent has been advertised. Kerrin and local residents share concerns re the risk to students walking to/from school on this section of Lansdowne Crescent from the development, particularly now that it will include visitors who may be unaware of the proximity of a primary school. Kerrin will draft a representation on behalf of the SCA for submission by Lewina.
- Lewina Schrale - Mt Stuart P/S SCA have approached the SCA and that of Goulburn St P/S re the possibility of running Saturday morning stalls on the oval during next year’s soccer season. Lewina advised MSPS SCA of the barriers that we have encountered in investigating this idea previously. MSPS SCA will consider these and follow-up any ideas with Lewina.
- Slow Food Quiz Night (22/8) – any interested parents to contact Jenny Dudgeon.
Night market
Welcome to crossing guard Richard
11. NEXT MEETING Wednesday, Oct 17, 2012