Information PackageTribunal Members
Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal
Role of Tribunal Members
A member of the Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal appointed for their legal expertise (appointed under Section 6(i) of the Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993, will be called upon to convene hearings of appeals and applications under the various pieces of legislation within the jurisdiction of the Tribunal.
Legal members may be called upon to also make determinations with respect to consent agreements filed with the Tribunal under Section 17 of the Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993. They may also be requested to make a range of interim determinations such as applications to join proceedings under Section 14 of the Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993, the issuance of summonses under Section 20(2) of the Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993 and a range of other powers vested with the Tribunal under its enabling legislation and other statutes.
Organisational Environment
The Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal is an independent statutory body set up under theResource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993.
The objectives of the Tribunal are to:
- promote the sustainable development of natural and physical resources and the maintenance of ecological processes and genetic diversity;
- provide for the fair, orderly and sustainable use and development of air, land and water;
- encourage public involvement in resource management and planning;
- facilitate economic development in accordance with these objectives; and
- promote the sharing of responsibility for resource management and planning between the different spheres of Government, the community and industry in Tasmania.
The Tribunal hears appeals under22 Tasmanian Acts, which state what decisions can be appealed and who may appeal.
More information about the Resource Management & Planning Appeal Tribunal can be found on the Tribunal website
Essential requirements
In accordance with Section 6 of the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993,candidates for this position must “possess expertise” in the relevant fields identified in the advertisement for Expressions of Interest.
In accordance with Section 277(1) of the Water Management Act 1999 candidates must have “wide practical knowledge of, and experience in, the use and management of water resources.”
In accordance with Section 87(1) of the Gas Pipeline Act 2000 candidates must have “wide practical knowledge of, and experience in, the maintenance and operation of pipelines.”
Selection Criteria for Legal Members
Suitable candidates will:
- Possess a sound and detailed knowledge of the legal framework and jurisdiction of the Tribunal as set out in its relevant legislation;
- Possess a sound understanding of the Tribunal’s obligation to ensure a fair hearing including the obligation to assist self-represented parties and is able to apply that understanding in practice.
- Have exceptional communication skills allowing them to communicate effectively with parties, other members and mediators and staff.
- Be able to conduct hearings in a manner that establishes and maintains the independence and authority of the Tribunal and enables proper participation by all involved. It also includes managing the hearing process to facilitate the fair and timely determination of the dispute ensuring that the hearing addresses all relevant issues.
- Be able to exercise sound judgment and the appropriate exercise of discretion.
- Use a structured decision making process to produced well structure, concise and clear reasons for decisions.
- Be able to maintain the independence, authority and reputation of the Tribunal.
- Maintain personal independence and integrity and promote high standards of behaviour.
Selection Criteria for Members
Suitable candidates will:
- Possess an in depth and up-to-date expert knowledge of the relevant subject matter of the Tribunal’s nominated fields of expertise.
- Have exceptional communication skills allowing them to communicate effectively with parties, other members and mediators and staff.
- Be able to exercise sound judgment and the appropriate exercise of discretion.
- Be able to maintain the independence, authority and reputation of the Tribunal.
- Maintain personal independence and integrity and promote high standards of behaviour.
Eligibility for Appointment
Appointments are made in accordance with sections 6 and 7, and Schedule 2 of the Resource Management and Planning Appeal Tribunal Act 1993.
Legal Members receive remuneration of $663 per session. Sittings occur on an ‘as required’ basis. Other members receive remuneration of $443 per session. A session is defined as each day or part thereof.
For further information contact
Mr J Bryan
Department of Justice
Tel: 03 6165 6794
Insert any specific requirements, e.g. number of referees etc.Responses must contain a curriculum vitae and the names of two (2) professional and confidential referees. Applicants may refer to the published selection criteria when completing their expression of interest. Assessments will be made against these criteria as a minimum. Expressions of Interest should be marked “PERSONAL & CONFIDENTIAL” and sent electronically to ; or
Human Resources
Recruitment and Establishment
GPO Box 825
Applications must be received by close of business Friday 7July 2017.
All applications will be acknowledged when received.
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Probity Statement
The Hon Peter Gutwein MP
Minister for Planning and Local Government
I declare that I have no business or personal interest, real or perceived, which might conflict with the interests of theResource Management and Planning Appeals Tribunal, other than any required as a prerequisite for the office which might appear to raise a material potential conflict with my public duty as a member of theResource Management and Planning Appeals Tribunal
Signed / DateName (Printed)