Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Area Team

St Chad’s Court 213 Hagley Road Edgbaston Birmingham B16 9RG

To: All GP Practices in Birmingham,

Solihull and the Black Country

08 October 2013

Dear Colleague

GP Opening Hours - Christmas and New Year Period

Following a number of enquiries from local practices, and after consultation with representatives from the Local Medical Council and local CCGs, Birmingham, Solihull and Black Country Area Team (AT) now writes to remind practices of its position in relation to GP practice opening over the forthcoming Christmas and New Year period.

Under the terms of the GP Contract, practices are allowed to close on those days that are classified as official designated bank holidays in England. However, practices are expected to provide a “normal service” on all other days. The AT would expect that practices should be open/available during the core period (8am to 6:30pm weekdays) for patients to access “essential services” that are deemed appropriate and reasonable as per the standard GMS Contract (there is an equivalent clause for PMS Agreements):

“The Contractor must provide the services described in clauses 47 to 52 (essential services) at such times, within core hours, as are appropriate to meet the reasonable needs of its patients, and to have in place arrangements for its patients to access such services throughout the core hours in case of emergency”

We understand that some practices may take the opportunity to close early on Christmas Eve and New Year Eve. Given that these days are not classified as bank holidays, the same advice applies, expecting that GP practices to be open and operating a primary medical service during this period.

However, if your practice is planning to close for any reason over the forthcoming Christmas and New Year period, then you should ensure that you have made alternative arrangements for your patients to access primary medical services during its planned closure. To assist you, you may wish to refer to the attached suggested checklist. In addition, as your local CCG is responsible for commissioning urgent care services, you are advised to liaise with your local CCG so that they can take into consideration your potential closure in order to minimize the impact on urgent care services.

Yours Sincerely

Gill Shelley

Contract Manager (Primary Care)



1) Will or has the practice liaised with its local CCG regarding any planned surgery closure?

2) Who will provide your medical cover?

3) What type of cover will you be arranging?

4) For example, will this cover include access to essential services including routine matters such as telephone advice, home visits, ability for patients to receive a face to face consultation with a doctor/health care professional, issue repeat prescriptions, etc?

5) How will the Practice communicate its planned closure to its registered list? For example poster, reminder on back of repeat prescriptions, etc.

6) How will the practice mitigate risk in the event of any patient complaint(s) regarding early practice closure?

7) Will the Practice answerphone message be updated?

8) Will the Practice re-provide any extended hour sessions?

9) Will the Practice NHS Choices website be updated?

10) Will the Practice website be updated?

Please note that the above checklist has been produced as a guide only and as such should be used alongside any other practice internal protocol(s) when considering practice closure.