Each applicant must be of good character.
2. AGE
Each applicant must be at least 18 years of age and not more than 55 years on the closing date for receipt of application forms.
Any candidate who reaches the age of 55 years prior to appointment will cease to be eligible for appointment on the result of this competition.
Each applicant must have obtained a good standard of general education.
Each candidate must hold and submit a Full Class B Driving Licence and have satisfactory experience of driving.
Each candidate shall be in a state of health such as would indicate a reasonable prospect of ability to render regular and efficient service.
For the purpose of satisfying the requirement as to health, it will be necessary for each successful candidate, before he/she is appointed, to undergo a medical examination and fitness test. Successful candidates will comply with the Occupational Health Scheme for Firefighters which will incorporate a medical and ongoing fitness tests for the duration of their employment and will require personnel to maintain their fitness.
Candidates must note that this employment is part-time only and may affect your Social Welfare entitlement(s).
The following particulars of office will apply:
1. Retained firefighters will be subject to a probationary period of nine months, consisting of three monthly reviews, following appointment.
2. Retained firefighters are required to comply with the Retained Firefighters National Agreement, 1999, as implemented in Louth County Council Fire & Rescue, including completing age related fitness tests.
3. The recruitment selection process may include the completion of an application form, psychometric/aptitude assessment, work related tests, an interview and a medical.
4. A retained firefighter is required to retire from the service on reaching 55 years of age unless he/she passes an annual occupational health test, where he/she will have an option to work until reaching age of 58.
5. A retained firefighter who is offered employment on probation will be sent on a Recruit Induction Course of 2-3 weeks duration, which will be followed by a 2 week Breathing Apparatus Wearer Course and a variety of shorter courses. This training will be completed during the probationary period.
6. The recruit fire fighter must make continuous progress to pass the written, oral and practical tests set during these courses. Recruits who do not pass the Recruits Induction Course or the Breathing Apparatus Wearer Course will have their employment terminated.
7. A Firefighter must reside and work within a five minute mobilisation time of the Fire Station of his/her fire service to enable him/her to respond promptly to all calls. If, at any time, his/her availability is affected by change of work or for any other reason, he/she will be required to resign.
8. Absence from training or fire calls without good reason will lead to investigation and possible disciplinary proceedings which may include suspension without pay and dismissal from the Fire Service.
9. Firefighters are required to attend Fire Service Training Programmes which will include:
· Regular or weekly training sessions
· The training described at 5 above
· Block release courses or major emergency exercises
· Other Fire Service training including training courses outside County Louth
· Firefighters may be required to complete Emergency Fire Appliance Driving (EFAD) instruction to a standard appropriate to drive Fire Service vehicles.
· Firefighters must keep training records, as required.
10. A Firefighter shall be available at all times when on-call for attendance at fires or other incidents.
11. (a) Firefighters will be called to attend fires in a manner to be decided by the Fire Service.
(b) Firefighters will co-operate with reasonable measures designed to facilitate call out. In particular, each firefighter shall carry a Fire Service pocket alerter at all times while on call and it shall be his/her responsibility to ensure that it is kept in proper working order.
12. When required, a Firefighter will substitute for any other Firefighter absent through sickness, annual leave or any other reason.
13. A Firefighter shall be responsible for items of personal equipment issued to him in connection with his employment.
14. A Firefighter shall carry out all instructions issued to him in connection with his employment.
15. Firefighters are under the immediate control of the Station Officer or Sub Officer of the Brigade to which they are attached and must receive the approval of this officer for any absence from their turnout area.
16. When required, a Firefighter shall assist in or carry out the cleaning, testing or repair of equipment. Cleaning of station premises and environs is included in this requirement.
17. A Firefighter shall carry out any further duties which may be assigned to him from time to time by the Local Authority. These duties may include driving duties (when the firefighter is suitably qualified), training duties or deputising for the Station Officer or Sub Station Officer, where necessary.
18. Firefighters will be bound by agreements entered into on their behalf by their Trade Unions, if they chose to become a trade union member
19. Remuneration will be as follows:-
(i) An annual retaining fee, paid in installments.
(ii) Fees for attendance at fires, training and other incidents.
(iii) Annual clothing allowance
Payments to firefighters will be made fortnightly for fire fees and retaining fees, when this is decided upon by Management.
20. A uniform is supplied which will be worn according to the dress code of the service.
21. Louth County Council as an employer is obliged to ensure, so far as it is reasonably practicable, the safety, health and welfare at work of all employees. Under the Safety, Health and Welfare at Work Act 2005, the Council has a legal duty to exercise all due care and take all protective and preventive measures to protect the safety, health and welfare of staff. All employees also have a legal obligation under health and safety legislation to co-operate with management and not engage in any improper conduct or behavior which would place themselves or others at risk. Employees must comply with all health and safety rules and regulations and attend all relevant health and safety training. Employees must not be under the influence of an intoxicant at the place of work.
I hereby agree to the qualifications and conditions of employment as outlined above.
Signed: ______
Date: ______
Retaining Fee : 0- 5 Years €7,562
5-10 Years €8,495
10 Years Plus €9,344
HOURLY RATE OF ATTENDANCE: Attendance at Fire Practices and Drills
Drill Rate Per Hour €17.87 (approx. 100 hours per annum)
Fire Hourly Rate of Attendance
1st Hour / €35.74 / 1st Hour / €71.48Subsequent Hour / €17.87 / Subsequent Hour / €35.74
Recruitment Process
Candidates will be required to undergo the following recruitment process, and will be required to successfully pass every recruitment element, before being offered a position as Retained Firefighter with Louth County Council:
Completion of Application Form
§ Application form is attached and can also be accessed on the Louth County Council website www.louthcoco.ie/vacancies
Psychometric Testing procedure – Online testing
Psychometric testing refers to the process of measuring a candidate's cognitive abilities and/or personality/behavioural style. We use these tests/questionnaires to assess employment suitability, including company-candidate fit as they provide a fair and objective measure of your skills in relation to those required for the role and we have found in the past that high performance in them relates to high performance in the role.
The specific tests/questionnaires that you may complete as part of this process are as follows:
§ Calculation Ability Test: This test is designed to measure a candidate’s ability to add, subtract, divide and manipulate numbers quickly and accurately, which is critical to many workplace tasks involving calculations and estimation, as well as auditing and checking the numerical work of others
§ Checking Ability Test: This test is designed to measure a candidate’s ability to compare information quickly and accurately which is critical to ensuring the quality of work.
§ Verbal Reasoning Ability Test: This test measures a candidate’s ability to evaluate the logic of various kinds of statements presented in written form. The test measures the ability to determine the support for conclusions drawn, using content that typifies a variety of work settings.
§ Dependability and Safety Instrument: This test is designed to identify applicants who are more likely to be reliable, be effective and positive team members, and be more safety conscious.
§ Talent Screener: Talent Screeners are assessments designed to measure judgments in work settings. The test present candidates with a series of scenario based questions and a list of possible responses to the situation. Questions are created based on job analysis of the role, and designed around key competencies or criteria relevant to the role.
Equipment Assembly testing
§ This is a test designed to assess manual dexterity. Applicants will be given a demonstration of the test before having to assemble and disassemble a number of components to make an item of equipment. This test will be timed and recorded.
Ladder Climb Testing
§ This test is designed to assess confidence at heights. Applicants in full Personal Protective Equipment must wear a safety harness and practice a leg-lock at ground level. The applicant then has to ascend two thirds of the way up the ladder, then take a leg-lock. You will then be asked to lean backwards and outstretch their arms to the sides, and then whilst looking over your shoulder, you should say out loud what symbol is being shown by the assessor on the ground.
Enclosed Space Testing
§ This is a test designed to assess confidence, agility and stamina. Applicants in full Personal Protective Equipment are to put on a facemask and with un-obscured vision, make their way through a crawl and walkway
Strength & Grip Testing
§ Depending on the number of applicants, Louth County Council may utilize the strength & grip testing procedure in conjunction with the ladder climb testing and enclosed space testing procedures. This is provided for under the Occupational Health Scheme (attached).
§ Candidates who have successfully passed all of the above testing procedures, will be asked to attend for interview in Louth County Council.
Occupational Health Scheme Testing
§ Candidates will be required to undertake an Occupational Health Scheme (OHS) test with a medical practitioner, nominated by the Council. Details of the OHS are attached for reference, or can be accessed by contacting the Human Resources Office, Louth County Council on 042 9324218 or .
Initial Fire & Rescue Training Courses
§ Successful candidates, will be asked to attend Recruit training programmes, at venues to be decided by the Council.
Management reserve the right to alter the sequence of the recruitment process, outlined above.
July 2005
The fire service is a front-line emergency service. It is made up of staff, trained, equipped and available to respond to a variety of emergency situations that arise. To ensure that fire fighters are capable of safely and efficiently undertaking the tasks that they are required to perform, it is necessary to specify standards, which should be achieved by all entrants to the service. This is in the interest of the staff themselves and their colleagues, the authorities who employ them, and the public whom they serve.
The scope of this document is –
General criteria such as age, physical attributes, and education, and
Specific medical standards
Medical report forms
Essential Requirements
Current Medical Advisers should:
* be a fully registered Medical Practitioner with the Medical Council of Ireland.
* have a least three years experience as a fully registered medical practitioner.
Desirable Attributes
It is desirable that the Medical adviser should:
* be a member of an academic college.
* have a post graduate qualification in occupational health.
* familiarise themselves with the Fire Services and develop a knowledge of the Fire Services
The Medical Adviser should be aware of the tasks required in accordance with this document on standards for recruitment to the Fire Service and the document for the Occupational Health Service in the Retained Fire Service.
Future Appointments
For any future appointments to the position of medical advisor it is essential that the Medical Adviser should:
· have a Diploma in Occupational Medicine.
1.2 General conditions for recruitment
The following entry standards should apply to all recruits to the fire service.
1.2.1 Age
Applicants should be over the age of 18.
1.2.2 Strength
The strength of applicants should be assessed by undertaking tests of handgrip and leg/back pull strength, on a load cell dynamometer. The recruit on entry should have handgrip strength of;
Dominant hand 35 kg or above
Subordinate hand 33 kg or above
And a leg/back pull strength of 117 kg or above
1.2.3 Practical Aptitude Tests
It is recommended that brigades continue to apply existing aptitudes tests in the areas of ladder work, working in confined spaces and hose drills.
When checking for height or confined space phobias, particular care should be taken to avoid the exclusion of candidates because of natural hesitation when confronted with an unfamiliar situation, or self-elimination because they are initially frightened by a test which to complete would require the self-confidence developed either by previous experience or proper training. Care should be taken to avoid danger to candidates in carrying out such tests.
1.2.4 Educational Requirements
Retained brigades should ensure recruits have a standard of numeracy and literacy, which will enable them to benefit from training provided.