1. Learn Lessons (1 to 11) for Half Yearly Exam.
  2. Make a poster on SAVE FUEL and write slogans. (A4 paper)
  3. Collect information and pictures about TRIBES in LEH and LADAKH. (A4 paper)
  4. Collect pictures and information about Natural Calamities and paste in A4 paper.


  1. अर्ध वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए पाठ 1 से 10 तक पढो |
  2. अर्ध वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए दिए गए पुनरावृति को अच्छे से पढो |
  3. वाचन (READING) – चावल की रोटियाँ |
  4. चावल से बनाई जाने वाली चीज़ों की सूची बनाओ और चित्र चिपकाना |(A4 paper)


  1. Write a letter to your uncle thanking him for the Birthday Gift. Use the words Wonderful, useful, happy, liked etc.
  2. Read the picture (page-145 A Park Scene) Write 6 sentences describing what is happening- use the clues (swing, sit, climb, lick, slid)
  3. Write 10 words and make their opposites by prefixing in/im/dis/un .
  4. Answer in one/two words for the following.
  1. Wasted time doing nothing ………………….
  2. Someone who talks a lot ……………………..
  3. Look fixedly with eyes wide open ………………
  4. Bath in which water is sprayed ………………….
  5. Talking together in a group on a single topic ……………….
  1. Write any 5 compound adjectives and make sentences of your own using them.
  1. Good-natured-
  2. Part-Time-
  3. Well-dressed-
  4. Odd looking
  5. High-heeled-


  1. Write the numerals of the following:
  1. Thirteen thousand fifty six
  2. Four lakhs eight thousand nineteen
  3. Twenty lakhs five thousand five
  4. Three crores three lakhs forty five thousand
  1. Find LCM of the following
  1. 4 and 6b. 8 and 12
  1. Find the HCF of the following
  1. 24 and 36b. 12 and 30
  1. Draw Factor Tree for – 24, 36, 18, 54.
  2. Complete the Magic Squrae using No. 56 to 64. Rule: each line adds upto 180.

56 / 60
  1. Word Problems:
  1. A cinema hall had 350 seats 1/5 seats are empty. Find how many seats are empty?
  2. Two ropes are of 25m and 45m in length to be cut into equal pieces. Find the maximum length of rope.
  3. Learn and write tables 2 to 20.



  1. अर्ध वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए पाठ 1 से 7 तक पढो |
  2. पुनरावृति पढो |
  3. जो जीव कुतर-कुतर कर खाते है, उनके नाम लिखकर चित्र चिपकाइए |
  4. जो जीव घर में घुस जाते है, उनकी सूची बनाकर चित्र चिपकाइए |
  5. “कौन” कविता याद करो |


  1. Write a paragraph on Hellen Keller.
  2. Write about your favourite Pet Animal.
  3. Read the lessons- Milkman’s Cow and The Donkey.
  4. Learn for the Half Yearly Examination.


  1. Draw a circle and mark- i)Centre ii) Radius iii) Diameter iv) Arc.
  2. Draw a Design using Compass and colour it.
  3. Represent the following by shaded figure (parts)

i)1/2 ii) 1/4 iii) 3/4iv) 2/5 v) 2/3

  1. Find the product of:

i)246 × 35ii) 40 × 204iii) 15 × 800

  1. Write the largest and smallest number of 4-digits using 3, 8, 2 and 7.


  1. Mark these States on the Political Map of India- Karnataka, Uttranchal, Telangana, Kerala, Rajasthan, Assam, Gujarat.
  2. Learn the given revision for half yearly exam.
  3. Write and paste FRUITS of Winter and Summer Season.(A4 paper)
  4. Make a design using vegetables cutting.
  5. Paste pictures of 5 birds and their nests.



  1. Learn Lessons ( 1 to13) for Half Yearly Exam.
  2. Write recipe of any food item and paste pictures. (A4 paper)
  3. Paste pictures of 5 Animals & 5 Plant product you use as food. (Activity Book)
  4. Paste pictures of 5 INDOOR and OUTDOOR Games in Activity Book.
  5. Make 2 POTS of any shape, colour and decorate it.
  6. Write Braille Alphabets add message for – HEALTH, GOD, OLD, SAFE, LOVE.
  7. Collect and stick pictures showing different professions.
  8. Write about means of transport in five to eight lines.


  1. Learn Unit( 1 to5) for Half Yearly Exam.
  2. Read and Learn spellings of Unit 7
  3. Paste and write 5 lines about TIGER-OUR National Animal. (A4 paper)
  4. Paste 5 pictures of animals and their young ones. (A4 paper)


  1. Make 5 different shapes with match sticks and stick on A4 Paper.
  2. Write all the even numbers from 10 to 50 on A4 Paper.
  3. Write all the Odd numbers from 300 to 350 on A4 Paper.
  4. Write tables from 2 to 20 on A4 Paper.


  1. अर्ध वार्षिक परीक्षा के लिए पाठ 1 से 8 और अक्कल बड़ी या भैंस तक पढो |
  2. पुनरावृति पढो |
  3. रंगों के नाम लिखिए और पढ़िए|(A4 paper)
  4. सप्ताह के दिनों के नाम लिखो|(A4 paper)
  5. पाठ कब आऊँ और पाठ – 10 पढो |
  6. वर्णमाला और मात्राएँ एक बार लिखिए और पढ़िए |



  1. Picture composition: Paste any picture and write 5 sentences about it.
  2. Learn a small story in English with a moral.
  3. Complete your cursive handwriting book.
  4. Prepare for the CCE-4.
  5. Learn Revision from Class Work in all the subjects for exams.


  1. Write numbers from 1 to 1000 daily 100 numbers in A4 paper.
  2. Write any 25 numbers and their names from 1 to 1000. Eg: 255- Two hundred and fifty five.
  3. Learn tables from 1 to 12.
  4. Learn revision for exam.


  1. Learn revision.
  2. Paste the pictures of “Our Festivals”.
  3. Draw and name the things which are used to clean our body and surroundings.


  1. सुलेख – 5 पेज |
  2. काले मेघा पानी दे, तितली और कली पाठ पढो |
  3. बारहखड़ी और वर्णमाला पढना और लिखना |



  1. Write 6 pages of cursive handwriting.
  2. Learn for CCE test.
  3. Learn Spellings and practice reading.


  1. वर्णमाला तीन बार लिखो |
  2. बंदर और गिलहरी- पाठ पढो |


  1. Write numbers and number names from 1 to 9.
  2. Add:
  1. 3 + 6= _____b. 2 + 5 = ______

c. 1 + 6 = ______d. 4 + 2 = ______

3. Subtract:

a. 6 -3 = ______b. 4 -3 = ______

c. 5 -2 = ______d. 2 – 0 = ______


  1. Learn for test - SEASONS (CCE- oct)
  2. Paste pictures of our helpers. ( any 6)