Arena/Virtual School Site Council Minutes
December 10, 2010
The meeting was called to order by Janice Hickey at 11:30 a.m.
In Attendance
Ron Roebuck, Cindy Pfister Williman, Jazmin Amelia Nunez, Janice Hickey, Gene Williams, Michaelle Obear, Elizabeth Diaz, Alice Johnson & Jeremy Alsop (alternate for Krystal Chavarria).
Approval of Minutes
A motion to elect Ron Roebuck as Chairperson was made by Gene Williams and seconded by Cindy Pfister Williman. A motion to elect Gene Williams as Vice-Chair was made by Ron Roebuck and seconded by Elizabeth Diaz. A motion to elect Michaelle Obear as Secretary was made by Gene Williams and seconded by Ron Roebuck. All present voted in favor, and all positions were confirmed.
Norms Review
The operating Norms for Advisory Committees and School Site Council were reviewed by all attendees, and the signed copies were submitted to the secretary.
Arena Mural
Discussion regarding two potential murals for Arena/Virtual was held. Artists Dawn Von Flue and Heather Ostby’s submissions each had components which attendees agreed could be included in a final submission. Discussion was also held regarding placement of either one or two murals. The placement of the school name only on the south side and the mural on the east side was considered. Cost was a factor. A motion to have Janice Hickey discuss possibilities with artist Dawn Von Flue was made by Gene Williams and seconded by Elizabeth Diaz.
Garden Status
Discussion regarding garden expansion was held. A generous donation from the Kiwanis Club would allow the addition of plots separated by railroad ties. Cindy Pfister Williman volunteered to contact potential construction contractors to start the process. A motion was made to consider payment to Kirk Forster in hourly wages, not to exceed $500.00, and to implement a curriculum. The motion was carried.
A general discussion was held to outline the requirements for Arena Continuation and Virtual Academy to get the WASC (Western Association of Schools and Colleges) accreditation. A general timeline was discussed, along with the steps necessary for completion. Plans included the garden and yoga classes. The general thought was organizing and presenting the components for the review process.
New Business
· Basketball court relocation
· Foreign Language Program/Rosetta Stone
· General Agenda Items
Announcements (none)
Next Meeting
January 7, 2011 at 11:30 at Arena High School.
Motion to adjourn was made at 12:33 p.m. and was passed unanimously.