Final version 12.2002VVFS 2003:xx

1. ------IND- 2003 0054 S-- EN- ------20030303 ------PROJET

National Road Administration Statute Book /
The Swedish National Road Administration’s administrative provisions on technical functional requirements for roads and streets (road regulations) / VVFS 2003:xx
Published ….2003
General recommendations are signified by indented text and the word Recommendation


Pursuant to Section 18 of the Decree on Technical Requirements for Construction Works etc. (1994:1215) the Swedish National Road Administration lays down[1] the following

1General provisions


These administrative provisions contain provisions concerning technical functional requirements for the construction of roads and streets, excluding road tunnels, as well as installations belonging to the road or street. However, the provisions shall not apply to

special winter roads across ground covered by snow or ice or across water covered by ice,

roads primarily intended for forestry use where the transportation of timber can be carried out by truck (forestry vehicle tracks),

roads within fenced-in airport areas, and

other roads used by less than 125 vehicles per annual daily mean in the year of opening.

The requirements in the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning’s Building Regulations (mandatory provisions and general recommendations) (BFS 1993:57, BBR) (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning) shall apply to control buildings for opening bridges.


The following definitions are used in these provisions with the meanings given below. Definitions that are specific to a section are detailed in the section concerned.

Construction / Building of new road and rebuilding of new section of road
Structure / Permanent construction which is built or the result of building work and which is fixed to the ground. Examples of structures include buildings, bridges and road constructions
Landing-stage / Bridge-like structure standing in water intended as a mooring place for boats and connected to land at one end only
Ferry berth / Bridge-like structure standing in water intended as a landing place for ferries and connected to land at one end only
Support structure / Structure primarily intended to bear horizontal loads
Traffic management installation / Road installation for management, control and information, e.g. road signs, road markings, lighting systems and information panels
Road / A /
  1. Road, street, square or other thoroughfare or place built for motor traffic,
  2. Thoroughfare built for cycle traffic
  3. Footpath or bridleway alongside thoroughfare or place as described in 1 or 2.

B / In this instance, also the collective designation for all structures
Road construction / Road body with substructure, ditch, drainage arrangements, embankments and other road installations
Road restraint system / Road installation providing protection, e.g. protection from coming off the road, animal fencing and protection from dazzle

1.3European standards

As an alternative to the methods and design solutions stated in these administrative provisions, those in European standards adopted as Swedish standards (SS-EN) and European provisional standards (SS-ENV) will be approved, with the restrictions that may be stated in the National Road Administration’s provisions on the standard. Where these provisions refer to such standards the specific provisions on the standard shall also apply.


The standards and documents to which reference is made in the provisions and general recommendations are listed in section 8. The list also states the intended edition of the standard or document.


Recommendation:When designing roads consideration should be given to persons with reduced mobility or orientation capacity.

Recommendation:Recommendations on space requirements for persons with disabilities may be found in 'Bygg ikapp handikapp: att bygga för ökad tillgänglighet för personer med funktionshinder: kommentarer till Boverkets Byggregler [Building for the Disabled: building for greater accessibility for persons with disabilities: comments on the National Board of Housing, Building and Planning’s Building Regulations], BBR (Svensk Byggtjänst).

Further recommendations may be found in VU 94, section 10 (National Road Administration).

3Mechanical resistance and stability

Recommendation:The requirements in respect of mechanical resistance and stability are stated in the Act on Technical Requirements for Construction Works etc. (1994:847) and in section 3 of the Order on Technical Requirements for Construction Works etc. (1994:1215).

4Safety in case of fire

4.1General remarks

An investigation shall be carried out to demonstrate whether fire protection is required for bridges with suspension cables that are not directly surrounded by concrete, box-design bridges and bridges located such that fire from neighbouring buildings, car parks, etc. could affect the safety of road-users. The investigation shall also include an assessment of evacuation requirements and the number of escape routes.

Recommendation:An investigation should be carried out for road constructions with bank filling of foamed plastic etc. and for roads in deep cuttings.

If the above investigation shows that fire protection is needed, the requirements in this section shall also apply.


Fire protection documentation is to be drawn up. This shall state the conditions for execution as well as the design of the fire protection.

4.1.2Verification by calculation

If the fire protection is verified by calculation this shall be based on a fire of a carefully chosen dimension. The calculation shall be carried out in accordance with a calculation model which adequately describes the case in question. The calculation model chosen shall be stated.

Recommendation:The uncertainty of the input data selected should be reported via a sensitivity analysis.

4.2Evacuation in the event of fire

4.2.1Escape navigability

Escape routes shall be sufficiently spacious and navigable as to be capable of serving the number of people for which they are designed.

Doors to or in an escape route shall be easy to open and shall be self-closing.

Recommendation:Doors in an escape route should be able to be opened in the direction of escape.

4.2.2Guide markings

Guide markings for escape shall be provided to such extent and shall be positioned such that escape is not hindered by difficulty in orientating oneself in the construction.

4.2.3Escape routes

In box-type bridges there shall be at least two mutually independent escape routes.

4.3Development and spread of fire and smoke

4.3.1General remarks

In structures or parts of structures where fire presents a great risk of personal injury material of at least class A2-s1,d0 (non-combustible) shall be used in load-bearing and dividing structures. Where there is moderate risk of personal injury material of at least class D-s2,d0 (class III) may be used.

Recommendation:Material and surface characteristics are stated in SS-EN13501-1.

4.3.2Fire prevention

Wiring, electrical cables, etc. shall be arranged such that they cannot cause nearby structural parts and fittings to catch light.

4.4Load-bearing capacity of the structure in the event of fire

4.4.1General remarks

Load-bearing structures shall be designed and dimensioned such that their safety against material breakage and instability in the form of cracking, rocking, buckling, etc. at the rated load is secure in the event of fire. The parts of the bearing structure, including the bearing surface, joints, bonds, etc., shall be designed such that no collapse occurs during a given period of fire as set out in 4.4.2.

4.4.2Verification by testing and calculation

The characteristic load-bearing capacity of a load-bearing structural part may be determined by

-testing in accordance with the hydrocarbon curve (SS-EN 1363-2),

-calculation using the hydrocarbon curve (SS-EN 1363-2), or

-a combination of testing and calculation as described above.

5The environment

Recommendation:Provisions concerning environmental aspects can be found inter alia in the Roads Act (1971:948), the Roads Decree (1971:954), the Planning and Building Act (1987:10), the Environmental Code (1998:808) and orders issued pursuant to the Environmental Code.

6Safety in use

6.1General remarks

Roads shall be designed and executed such that there is little likelihood of accidents occurring, that accidents which occur will have limited consequences and that where persons are injured the consequences of the accidents can be reduced by the injured person being taken care of safely.

Recommendation:Regulations on the design and positioning of road signs, traffic signals and road markings may be found in the Road Sign and Signal Ordinance (1978:1001) and in associated administrative provisions.


Clear space / The minimum space required for safe and efficient utilisation of the roadway
Clearance width / Minimum distance to obstacles outside the edge of the roadway in order that the individual road-users’ choice of lateral position is not affected
Clearance height / Height required in order to allow road-users safely to pass obstacles restricting height
Unyielding object / Object that is not significantly deformed on impact with a car and which on high-speed impact results in travellers being exposed to unacceptably high acceleration forces
Reference speed / The speed for which a road is planned
Restraint system / Road restraint system intended to prevent vehicles from coming off the road or from driving across to the opposite-bound carriageway, driving into fixed objects, falling where there is a difference in level, driving into unprotected road-users or driving into road works or intended to protect unprotected road-users. Restraint systems include barriers and crash cushions with associated installations
Stopping sight distance / The distance required for a vehicle driver to be able to stop his vehicle before a low obstacle
Safety zone / Zone nearest to the roadway designed to reduce damage in the event that a vehicle should come off the road

6.3Accident prevention measures

6.3.1Sight sight distance

Roads shall be designed such that stopping sight distance is obtained.

Recommendation:The stopping sight distance should not be less than the values stated in Vägutformning 94 [Road Design 94] (VU94), section6.3.1, low standard (National Road Administration).

Roads on which vehicles cannot meet except at specially arranged meeting places shall be designed with double the stopping sight distance as set out in VU 94, section 6.3.2 (National Road Administration). at intersections

Intersections shall be designed such that road-users are able to discover them in time and adjust their speed, orientate themselves, choose their route and pass through the intersection safely.

Recommendation:Sight at intersections should as a minimum comply with the values stated in VU 94, section 7.6, low standard (National Road Administration).

6.3.2Lighting remarks

Recommendation:The lighting class should be selected in accordance with VU 94 (National Road Administration), section 14.3. in road underpasses, pedestrian subways and cycle underpasses

Road underpasses, pedestrian subways and cycle underpasses shall be designed to at least the same lighting standard as the road passing through the underpass, pedestrian subway or cycle underpass.

Road underpasses extending for more than 50 m in the longitudinal direction of the underlying road and pedestrian subways and cycle underpasses extending for more than 25 m in the longitudinal direction of the underlying road shall however always be provided with lighting.

Recommendation:The design should be in accordance with VU94, sections14.6 and 14.7 (National Road Administration).

6.3.3Clear space and intersections height

Roads shall be designed with sufficient clearance height that the likelihood of striking fixed obstacles is limited.

Trunk roads shall be designed such that a vehicle with a height of 4.5 m can be driven along them without striking fixed obstacles.

Recommendation:This requirement may be deemed met if the clearance height is determined in accordance with VU94, section5.2.2 (National Road Administration).

Other roads, including footpaths and cycle paths, bridleways and pavements, should be designed with a clearance height in accordance with VU94, section5.2.2 (National Road Administration). width

Roads shall have a clearance width such that the road-users’ choice of lateral positioning is not affected by obstacles alongside the road.

Recommendation:The clearance width should be determined in accordance with VU94, section5.2.3 (National Road Administration).

An intersection between a motorway or expressway and another road shall take place at different levels. An intersection between a road and a railway shall be designed such that the likelihood of road-users being injured is limited.

Recommendation:Intersections may be designed in accordance with VU94, Chapter7 (National Road Administration). Junctions may be designed in accordance with VU94, Chapter8 (National Road Administration).

6.3.4Requirements of friction and evenness of friction

Roads shall be designed and executed so as to have satisfactory friction. Continuous friction characteristics of surface materials shall be aimed at.

Recommendation:Roads with a bound surface layer should meet the friction values in ATBVÄG, sectionA4.1.1 (National Road Administration).

Both the material and the execution of roads with an unbound surface layer should comply with the values in ATBVÄG, sectionsE12.1 and E3.1.3 (National Road Administration).

To reduce sensitivity to ice skidding the material of a surfaced road construction’s superstructure should comply with the values in ATBVÄG, sectionA6.1 (National Road Administration). of evenness and camber

Roads shall be designed and executed with such camber that

the risk of skidding on a slippery road surface is limited,

surface water is drained from the roadway,

standing water on the roadway is avoided, and

the depth of water during rain is limited.

Recommendation:The roadway should be designed with a camber in accordance with VU94, section6.6 (National Road Administration) and executed such that the camber complies with the values stated in ATBVÄG, sectionA10.2 (National Road Administration).

Road markings should be executed no thicker than 4 mm.

6.3.5Protection from falling etc.

Surfaces intended for pedestrians and cyclists shall be designed without changes in level, unevenness or low obstacles that are difficult to see. They shall also be executed in such a way and in such a material that the likelihood of stumbling is limited.

Recommendation:Footpaths and cycle paths should be designed in accordance with VU94, section10 (National Road Administration).

Roads should meet the requirements of both longitudinal and transverse evenness stated in ATBVÄG, section A10.1 (National Road Administration).

Road markings on surfaces intended to be travelled over should not be executed thicker than 4 mm.

In the case of level crossings the requirements refer to the principal road. differences in level

Roads shall be designed and executed such that the likelihood of being injured by falling down a precipice, steep slope, high embankment or other major difference in level is limited.

Bridges shall be provided with parapets.

Recommendation:The values for distance, embankment height, drop and gradient of slope in VU94, sections5.8.5.3 and (National Road Administration) may be used to determine whether a barrier is required.

The appropriate positioning and extent of road barriers is given in VU94, sections5.7.4 and (National Road Administration). Road barriers may be selected in accordance with VU94, Chapter15.3 (National Road Administration).

Parapets on bridges should be positioned and their extent determined in accordance with Bro2002, sections74.1 and 91.7 (National Road Administration).

Requirements concerning the erection of jib installations by opening bridges are given in the Traffic Safety Department’s administrative provisions on signal installations for moving bridges (TSVFS 1989:64) (National Road Administration).

6.3.6Protection from drowning

Roads shall be designed and executed such that the likelihood of drowning where the road runs alongside water is limited.

Wells shall be provided with a well cover of adequate durability and shall be given a design that limits the likelihood of accidents involving children.

Recommendation:The values for distance set out in VU94, section5.8.5.5 (National Road Administration) may be used to determine whether barriers are required.

The appropriate positioning and extent of road barriers is given in VU94, sections5.7.4 and (National Road Administration). Road barriers may be selected in accordance with VU94, Chapter15.3 (National Road Administration).

6.3.7Accident prevention measures in respect of wild animals

Recommendation:Roads in areas with substantial numbers of wild animals should be designed such that the likelihood of collision with cloven-hoofed wild animals is limited.

Animal fencing can be positioned and the extent determined in accordance with VU94, section15.1.2 (National Road Administration).

6.3.8Protection from shutting in

Roads shall be designed such that the likelihood of a person becoming stuck or shut in is limited.

Recommendation:At the inlets and outlets of surface water pipes within a road area, e.g. in ditches, pipes with a dimension of 200 mm or more should be provided with gratings. In areas that children may visit the maximum clear opening of the grating should be no more than 100 mm.

Lockable or heavy well covers should be used in areas that may be frequented by children.

Further guidance is given in ‘Barnsäkerhet i byggnader’ [Child Safety in Buildings] (National Board of Housing, Building and Planning).

Doors to emergency and service spaces and to the inside of box-beam bridges shall be capable of being opened from the inside.


Structures and their parts shall be designed such that the likelihood of accidents involving burns to persons in or near the structure is limited.

6.3.10Protection from electrocution and electric shocks

Structures shall be designed such that the likelihood of personal injury as a result of electrocution and electric shocks is limited.

Recommendation:Provisions on electrical safety are issued by the National Electrical Safety Board.

Where animal fencing passes under or runs parallel to a power line the fencing should be earthed and isolation arranged – refer to ‘Viltstängsel’ [Animal Fencing] (Swedish Association of Electricity Suppliers).


Recommendation:The handling and transportation of fire hazard and explosive goods is regulated in provisions issued by the Swedish Rescue Services Agency.

6.4Damage limitation measures

6.4.1Damage limitation in the event of collision

Roads with two-way traffic, a reference speed of 90 km/h or above and annual daily mean traffic in excess of 4000 vehicles shall be designed such that particularly consideration is given to the consequences of a frontal collision.

Recommendation:Guidance on the positioning of barriers and choice of barriers characteristics may be found in VU94 Chapters5.7.4 and 15.3 respectively (National Road Administration).

6.4.2Damage limitation in the event of coming off the road etc. remarks

Trunk roads shall have shoulder areas designed to limit personal injury in the event of coming off the road.

Roads that are not trunk roads but have a reference speed of 70 km/h or above shall have shoulder areas designed giving particular consideration to road safety in the event of coming off the road.