Document Template
This template is meant for documents prepared by those affiliated with the UCLA Luskin School of Public Affairs and the Department of Public Policy. This text should be replaced by the person using the template.
This template has a first page, with a full-color image embedded in the header, and a second page with a page number in the footer. The following items are filler text meant to fill up the first page; they should be deleted from the final document.
Health Policy courses Offered by Public Policy Faculty:
PUB PLC M269. Health Care Policy and Finance
PUB PLC M267. Medicare Reform
Health Policy Cross-Listed Courses Offered by Faculty in Other Departments:
PUB PLC M215. Health Policy
PUB PLC M266. Health Policy Seminar
PUB PLC M213. Mental Health Policy
PUB PLC M268. Microeconomic Theory of the Health Sector
The Health Policy courses are taught by Public Policy Department Faculty or are cross-listed courses with the Department's of Social Welfare and Department of Health Services. The courses listed under this concentration are offered periodically, and not necessarily on a quarterly or annual basis.
PUB PLCY M267. Medicare Reform. (4)
(Same as Health Services M252.) Lecture, three hours; outside study, nine hours. Designed for graduate students. Analytical and managerial skills learned earlier to be used to analyze problems with existing medicare program and to develop specific options for reforming features of program to accommodate coming pressures generated by retirement of baby-boom generation. Letter grading. Prof. Mark A. Peterson
PUB PLCY M269. Health Care Policy and Finance. (4)
(Formerly numbered 269.) (Same as Health Services M269.) Seminar, three hours; outside study, nine hours. Exploration of demand for health insurance, policies for public insurance (Medicaid and Medicare), the uninsured, and health insurance reform. Examination of effects of managed care on health and costs, consumer protection movement, and rise of competitive health care markets. Letter grading. Prof. Arleen Leibowitz
PUB PLCY M213. Mental Health Policy. (4)
(Same as Social Welfare M290K.) Lecture, three hours. Examination of evolution of social policy and services for the mentally ill, with emphasis on political, economic, ideological, and sociological factors that affect views of the mentally ill and services they are provided. S/U or letter grading. Prof. James McGuire
PUB PLCY M215.Health Policy. (4)
(Same as Social Welfare M290M.) Lecture, three hours. Introduction to contemporary issues in health care financing and delivery, providing historical perspective on emergence of these issues. Examination of major public programs and their relationship to issues of access and cost. S/U or letter grading. Prof. A.E. Benjamin
PUB PLCY M213. Mental Health Policy. (4)
(Same as Social Welfare M290K.) Lecture, three hours. Examination of evolution of social policy and services for the mentally ill, with emphasis on political, economic, ideological, and sociological factors that affect views of the mentally ill and services they are provided. S/U or letter grading. Prof. James McGuire
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