Project Title: CSE 3310/Fall 2012/STS Form Type: Requirement
Requirement Title: / TradeSequence No: / 001
Short description: / Buy Stocks
Description: / User will proceed to purchase a stock by providing the following fields:
- Stock symbol (In case they do not know the stock symbol, a link to symbol look up should be provided via Search Functionality)
- Action: {Drop down: Buy or sell}
- Order Type: {Dropped down: Market or good-till-cancel}
- Price {Applicable for good-till-cancel orders only}
The latest price of the stock (i.e. using “Quotes”) should be displayed.
Above information together with today’s date and customer’s account number is packaged and sent to the server upon pressing the “Submit” button.
An order confirmation number should be automatically generated and displayed on the screen. Customer should be encouraged to print or write down this screen.
Customers should be informed to check the status of their order by going to the appropriate “OrderStatus” page. Provide a link to the OrderStatus page.
User can press cancel to ignore this trade. A cancel confirmation message should be displayed
A Confirmation e-mail must be sent to customer
Pre-Conditions: / - User must logon before performing this function
- A stock Quote must be automatically popped up to display the latest stock price
Post Conditions: / - An order confirmation number should be issued or an error message in case order did not take place
- User should be informed with a message to select order status to see the status of this order (i.e. order pending or completed)
- Market orders will be canceled at the end of the trading day if they are not filled
Other attributes: / - Make sure multiple click does not yield to multiple purchases
- US stocks only
- Must verify to see if sufficient funds exist to proceed with this purchase
- A print functionality should be provided (to print order confirmation)
- A link to symbol look up should be provide in case the user does not know the stock symbol
- A link to “News” functionality should be provided in case customer wishes to check the news on a particular stock