Dr Abdul-Latif Tibawi left a gift in his will to establish a Trust for a postgraduate awards. Tibawi awardsassistPalestinian postgraduate studentsenrolled at SOAS. There are 2awards of up to £1300 eachwhich may be used towards conference visitsand/ or fieldwork in the UK or overseas.
The Closing date for receipt of application forms is 16:00 (UK time) 5 June 2019. Late applications will not be considered.
SURNAME:Address for Correspondence:
(Block letters please)
FIRST NAMES (in full)Student Reference Number:
For all students, name of department
For Taught Masters students, name of programme
For research students, title of thesis and name of supervisor
The award is for postgraduate Palestinian students enrolled at SOAS; please confirm that you are Palestinian YES/NO
Please give your reasons for applying to the Tibawi Trust and provide a full description of the proposed fieldwork/conference,and a breakdown of your estimated costs, below.
i) Please state your reasons for your proposed fieldwork and indicate how it is relevant to your research (Do not exceed one page). Applications will be considered only in cases where your supervisor certifies that the proposed fieldworkis essential to your research and demonstrates why
Fieldwork Dates (Day, month and year)FROM TO / Fieldwork Location
Estimated expenditure (please specify) / Costs
£ p
(a)International travel (specify type and cheapest rate)
(b)Local Travel (specify type)
(c)Maintenance (food, accommodation, clothing)
(d)Medical insurance and Visas
(e)Research Expenses (excluding purchase of equipment)
(f)Other expenses
Total cost: / £ p
i) Please state your reasons for attending the conference and indicate how it is relevant to your research (Do not exceed one page).
ii) Conference Details
Priority will be given to applicants who have been invited to give a paper or equivalent (evidence must be enclosed). Applications will be considered only in cases where your supervisor certifies that the conference is relevant to your research. Give the conference dates, the location and the EXACT travel dates and costs.
Conference Dates (Day, month and year)FROM TO / Conference Location
Travel Dates (Day, month and year)
FROM TO / Travel Costs
£ p
Other costs (please specify) / Costs £ p
Total cost (including travel costs & Other costs): / £ p
I give my consent for the application form to be viewed by RayaTibawi, Dr Tibawi’s daughter.
If awarded a Tibawiaward, I, the undersigned, agree to take necessary medical and other precautions as required by the School.
Student’s Signature:Date:
This form should now be handed to your supervisor who must complete the remaining section and return the application as soon as possible but no later than 16:00 (UK time) 5 June 2019 to
Please complete the section below:
Your views on the following points would be appreciated before the application is considered by the Advisory Panel
(a)Your assessment of the general quality of the student’s work to date, and, more specifically, the quality and relevance of this application. Please indicate strengths and weaknesses: short, unqualified statements are not helpful.
(b)What would be the likely value of the proposed visit from the point of view of the student’s work? Applications will be considered only in cases where the student’s supervisor certifies that the proposed fieldwork or conferenceis essential to the student’s research and demonstrates why
(c)Do you support the application?
Name of student:Degree course:
Notes for Supervisors
1.(i)Please comment on the timing of any overseas fieldwork.
(ii)Please certify that the student is aware of their responsibility for assessing anyrisk associated with their project, and especially of overseas fieldwork, and that the School’s guidelines on ethics have been observed.
(iii)Please comment on the student’s linguistic ability for the area to be visited.
(iv)Applications will be considered only in cases where the student’s supervisor certifies that the proposed fieldwork or conferenceis essential to the student’s research and demonstrates why
Notes for Supervisors & Applicants
1.(i)The Advisory Panel cannot hold an award over into the next academic year if a candidatefails to make the trip when intended: a re-application has to be made.
(ii)Successful candidates must complete the required paperwork and claim the Award by the end of the financial year in which it is offered.
2.Any student accepting an Award must be enrolled (i.e. full-time, part-time or study leave status) for the academic year in which he/she applies and for the academic year in which his/her Award is taken.
3.The Advisory Panel does not normally consider retrospective applications.
4.On completion of the visit, the student must submit a 1000-word report, signed by the supervisor, to the Scholarships Officer. The report will be forwarded to RayaTibawi.