Idyllwild Fire Protection District
54160 Marantha Drive
Idyllwild, CA 92549
Finance Committee
Minutes of the Meeting
June 26, 2014
Meeting was called to order at 2:10 pm in the conference room of the Idyllwild Fire Protection District conference/training room, 54160 Maranatha Drive, Idyllwild, CA by Committee Chairman, Nancy Layton. The meeting was recorded.
Roll Call:
Present: Commissioners: Layton and Stigall; Fire Chief Patrick Reitz and Community member, Calvin Gogerty who was standing in for Community Member Weisbart. Chairman Layton declared that the required number of voting Members were present for a quorum to conduct ordinary business of the Committee.
Absent: Community members Weisbart and Davis (both excused)
Pledge of Allegiance led by Calvin Gogerty
Approval of Agenda – Chairman Layton said she and Rob Dennis had not been able to get together as planned to work on adjustments to the 2014-2015 budget so she pulled that Action Item from the agenda. Motion by Gogerty to approve as amended, moved by Gogerty, second by Stigall, unanimous
Citizens’ Comments:
None to report
Chairman’s Comments:
Chairman Layton introduced the new District Auditor, Paul Kaymark, who gave the Committee a brief bio and spoke about how the audit would proceed. Rob Dennis, District Accountant said he has already provided the new auditors with several of the reports and documents they have requested for their preliminary review and would continue to do so in preparation for the audit, itself. Mr. Kaymark said he expects their audit work to begin sometime in August. Chairman Layton stated that she was glad to know that Mr. Kaymark and the audit firm have significant experience with Special Districts, including more than one Fire District.
Action Items
1. Approval of June 6th minutes. Stigall moved, Gogerty seconded, approved
Future Agenda Items
1. Fine tuning of 2014-2015 budget
2. Review semi-final June 30, 2014 postings in preparation for year-end close
3. Beginning discussion of additional / alternative sources of revenue for the District
4. Discussion of possible refinancing options for existing District debt
5. Establishment of regular meeting schedule for Finance Committee
Adjourned: 2:25 PM by Chairman Layton. Next committee meeting: Monday, July 7, 2014 2:00PM
Respectfully submitted,
Nancy Layton
IFPD Finance Committee Chairman