Ms Valerie King
History Long-Term Plan
Term OneSeptember- December / Class Level:
Fifth Class- Sixth Class / Subject:
- Aims; to develop an interest in and curiosity about the past
- to make the child aware of the lives of women, men and children in the past and how people and events have had an impact upon each other
- to develop an understanding of the concepts of change and continuity
- to provide for the acquisition of concepts and skills associated with sequence, time and chronology, appropriate to the developmental stages of the child
- to allow the child to encounter and use a range of historical evidence systematically and critically
- to provide opportunities for the child to communicate historical findings and interpretations in a variety of ways
- to foster sensitivity to the impact of conservation and change within local and wider environments
- to help the child recognise and examine the influences of the past on the attitudes and behaviour of people today
- to foster a willingness to explore personal attitudes and values and to promote an openness to the possibility of changing one’s own point of view
- to encourage the child to recognise how past and present actions, events and materials may become historically significant
- To enable the child to acquire a balanced appreciation of cultural and historical inheritances from local, national and global contexts.
Working as an historian
- Time and chronology
- Change and continuity
- Cause and effect
- Using evidence
- Synthesis and communication
- Empathy
Content; The child should be enabled to;
September / Strand: Early People and Ancient Societies
Strand Unit: The Vikings
Theme: The Vikings
The children will work in groups on a project based on The Vikings.
The children should be enabled to become familiar with some aspects of the lives of these peoples, origins, homelands and migrations, homes, settlements and urban developments, food and farming, clothes, work and technologies, tools and weapons cultural or artistic achievements, language(s), myths and stories, leisure and pastimes, faith, beliefs and religious practices.
E.g. who were the Vikings? Timeline, taking charge, Viking women, slaves, Viking homes, crafts, Ireland and the Vikings, Trade.
The children will answer recall questions on what we have studies,
The children will pretend to be a Viking who has just arrived in Ireland- they will write a letter telling family what life is like here.
The children will complete a timeline based on the Vikings.
The class will read extracts from ‘Brian Boru’.
October / Strand: Story
Strand Unit:Stories from the lives of people in the past.
become aware of the lives of women, menand children from different social, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds,
Including the lives of ‘ordinary’ as well as‘more famous’ people.
Express or record stories through oral andwritten forms, art work, music, drama, mime, movement, information and
communication technologies
•use appropriate timelines.
Feasts and Festivals in Ireland:
Strand : Local Studies
Strand Unit: Stories from the lives of people in the past.
Children will become familiar with the origins andtraditions associated with Halloween in Ireland and other countries.
Activities: (Lesson One)
The children will explore the story of Granuaile. They will explore the O’Malley family, her childhood, character, timeline, pirating days, and meeting with Queen Elizabeth.
- The children will answer recall questions based on the text.
- The children will draw a family tree based on Granuaile’s family.
- The children will draw a list of supplies she would need on her voyage during a trade journey to Spain.
- The children will complete a construction of Granuaile’s castle.
- The children will complete a drama activity based on the witch trials.
- The children will watch a short video clip based on the trials.
- The children will complete a class project based on the Salem Witch Trials.
- The children will study the origins and traditions of Halloween in Ireland.
- The children the children will study the origins and traditions of Halloween around the world.
- The children will compare and contrast Halloween traditions.
- The children will play a number of Halloween games from all different parts of the world.
- The children will explore food which is consumed at Halloween around the world.
November / Strand: Eras of Change and Conflict
Strand Unit :Life during World War One
- The child should be enabled to become familiar with aspects of these periods
- ways in which the everyday lives of people changed changes and conflicts in people’s thoughts and beliefs
- reasons for these changes and conflicts
- people, organisations and events involved in bringing about change or adapting to change
- local evidence of changes and conflicts
- the reactions of people to changes and issue which they experienced the long-term effect of changes and conflict
The children will work in groups to create a project based on World War One.
The children will study topics such as the allies, the leaders, the soldiers, the families at home, and the countries involved.
The children will complete written activities in English based on WW1 which will integrate with history.
Strand: Eras of change and conflict:
Strand Unit: The industrial revolution
The children will explore the factors involved in the industrial revolution. They will explore the population increase, textile industry, textile mills, textile factories, textile chemicals, canals and roads, railways and steamships, industrial revolution in Ireland, Harland and Wolff, life during the industrial revolution and trade unions.
- Children will answer recall questions based on reading.
- Children will write a letter from a child working in a factory in the eighteenth century.
- The children will make a poster advertising jobs at the Harland and Wolff shipyard,
- The children will write the dialogue between two workers in a cotton mill as they complain about their job,
December / Strand: Story
Strand Unit: stories from the lives of people in the past
The children will become aware of the lives of women, menand children from different social, cultural, ethnic and religious backgrounds,
Including the lives of ‘ordinary’ as well as ‘more famous’ people.
Express or record stories through oral andwritten forms, art work, music, drama, mime, movement, information and
communication technologies
Use appropriate timelines.
The children will explore the life of Amelia Earhart.
They will create a timeline of Amelia Earhart’s life.
They will study her early life, her first career, becoming a pilot, crossing the Atlantic ocean, setting new records, and her final goal.
- The children will answer recall questions based on the text.
- The children will act out the interview which took place between Amelia and her husband when he reported on her first transatlantic crossing.
- Write a comic strip depicting what happened to Fred and Amelia when they disappeared.
Strand : Local Studies
Strand Unit: Stories from the lives of people in the past.
Children will become familiar with the origins andtraditions associated with Christmas in Ireland and other countries.
- The children will explore Christmas traditions around the world.
- The children will discuss Irish Christmas traditions.
- The children will take part in a drama activity based on Christmas in Ireland long ago.
Approaches and Methodologies
Talk and discussion
Talk and discussion will be used extensively throughout the History lessons, to ascertain the children’s previous learning through the use of KWL charts, to explain tasks and objectives through the use of WALT and WILF, oral evidence and stories, questioning throughout the lessons as well as discussion to allow the children to offer thoughts, opinions and ideas about the lives of people in the past.
Collaborative/Co-operative learning
I will use group work to allow the children to research topics within a subject that are of particular interest to them to deepen their understanding. For example, small groups may wish to research the origins of the Vikings and will be placed in a group together.
Use of ICT
The interactive whiteboard will be used extensively to allow the children to look at photographs, video clips, play interactive games and activities that are relevant to the lesson content as well as develop understanding of story through the use of PowerPoint.
Direct teaching
I will directly teach the children the appropriate vocabulary, names, meanings, origins and sequence of stories and any other topics that may arise throughout the lessons.
Story will be used as a main methodology, to allow the children to learn about the World War one,Amelia Earhart, Granuaileetc. Story will allow the children to enjoy learning, as well as to sequence the events, as well as to develop empathy and people in the stories.
Use of documentary evidence
Evidence and accounts of people who from the past may to used as first hand evidence, to allow the children to deepen their understanding, and to develop empathy with the people in that time.
Use of pictures and photographs
The use of picture and photographs will be very important to allow the children to access the lesson content, and deepen their understanding. It will allow the children to access first hand evidence, and to consolidate their learning.
Drama and role play
Teacher in role, hot seating, still image and conscience alley will be used to allow the children to explore the lives of people in the past, and to develop a sense of empathy. It will also act as a means to build a bridge between their lives, and the lives of people in the past.
Concept maps and brainstorming
Concept maps will allow the children to express through picture and text what they have learned in the lessons, and to consolidate their learning.
Photographs, pictures, worksheets, maps, PowerPoint presentations, group photographs, SESE copies, Window on the World workbooks, interviews from members of the local community.
Strategy / Implementation / ExampleSequence / The child will be introduced to different elements of the learning content in accordance with their stage of readiness. / All children will be introduced to the topic. Sixth Class children’s learning will be later extended.
Teaching style / A variety of methodologies will be used. / As outlined in methodologies section to allow all children access to the lesson.
Task / A variety of tasks are set relating to the same learning activity. / 5th will complete a fact file. 6th class will complete a more detailed and in depth fact file.
Pace / I will vary the rate at which teaching takes place and the rate at which children are required to work and produce outcomes. / JF will be allowed additional time to complete tasks.
Support / The teacher varies the nature of the support in accordance with the children’s individual needs / Peer modelling, one to one teacher support.
Response / The children have opportunities to provide different outcomes while working on the same task. / Cloze exercises, sequencing based on the same topic according to the child’s ability, whole class/group based projects, fact files.
Method of assessment / How I plan to use this for the assessment of History:Self assessment /
- Questions
- KWL grids
- Thumbs up/thumbs down
Questioning / I plan on using a variety of questioning levels to ascertain the children previous knowledge, as well as what they have learned in the lesson.
Teacher observation / As the children discuss, interact and work during the History classes, I will circulate the classroom taking brief notes as I circulate. I plan to choose 1-2 skills per History lesson to observe and assess the children on, depending on the lesson content.
Teacher designed tasks and tests / I will frequently set tasks in the History class. These will allow for review of previous skills taught, as well as assessing what needs to be taught before the lesson continues. They will also ascertain what the children have learned in this lesson; if they understood the concept, if they mastered the concept etc.These tasks may be oral or written. The children will also be tested on what they have learned in their History class on a regular basis.